function bean_usage_output in Bean (for Drupal 7) 7
Displays a table of Beans and their usage
Return value
string - the HTML for the table
1 string reference to 'bean_usage_output'
- bean_usage_menu in bean_usage/
bean_usage.module - Implements hook_menu()
- bean_usage/
bean_usage.module, line 91 - Bean Admin Functions and Display
function bean_usage_output($bean = NULL) {
module_load_include('inc', 'bean_usage', 'includes/bean_usage.forms');
$output = '';
$bean_delta = NULL;
$delta_specific = $delta_found = FALSE;
$bean_usage_form = drupal_get_form('bean_usage_filters');
if (!empty($bean) && is_object($bean)) {
$delta_specific = TRUE;
else {
if (is_numeric($bean)) {
$delta_specific = TRUE;
$bean = bean_load($bean);
if (is_object($bean)) {
drupal_set_title($bean->label . ' Usage');
$bean_delta = $bean->delta;
// Get all fields that are of type blockreference and not deleted
$fields = bean_usage_blockreference_fields();
// If we have something to work with
if (!empty($fields)) {
$filters = drupal_get_query_parameters();
if ($delta_specific) {
$delta_found = FALSE;
$entity_types = bean_usage_blockrefence_entity_types();
$bundles = bean_usage_blockreference_bundles();
$query = '';
foreach ($fields as $i => $field) {
if (!$delta_found) {
$field_name = $field->name;
$data_table = 'field_data_' . $field_name;
if ($i == 0) {
$query = _bean_usage_field_data($data_table, $i, $field_name, $entity_types, $bundles, $filters, $delta_specific, $bean);
else {
->union(_bean_usage_field_data($data_table, $i, $field_name, $entity_types, $bundles, $filters, $delta_specific, $bean));
// Get the data
$data = $query
if (!empty($data)) {
// Sort the data - default sort is by label
usort($data, 'bean_usage_sort_by_label');
if (!empty($_GET['order'])) {
$sort_by = empty($_GET['order']) ? '' : str_replace('bean ', '', strtolower($_GET['order']));
switch ($sort_by) {
case 'label':
usort($data, 'bean_usage_sort_by_label');
case 'title':
usort($data, 'bean_usage_sort_by_title');
case 'type':
usort($data, 'bean_usage_sort_by_type');
if (!empty($_GET['sort']) && $_GET['sort'] == 'desc') {
$data = array_reverse($data);
$content = array();
foreach ($data as $bean_data) {
// We want to link to display the entity type title/name
$entity_title = '';
switch ($bean_data->entity_type) {
// If its a node, get the node title
case 'node':
$entity_title = _bean_usage_entity_display('node', $bean_data->entity_id, 'nid', 'title');
// If its a user, get the user name
case 'user':
$entity_title = _bean_usage_entity_display('user', $bean_data->entity_id, 'uid', 'name');
$content[$bean_data->label][$bean_data->entity_type][$bean_data->entity_id]['bean_title'] = $bean_data->title;
$content[$bean_data->label][$bean_data->entity_type][$bean_data->entity_id]['bean_type'] = $bean_data->type;
$content[$bean_data->label][$bean_data->entity_type][$bean_data->entity_id]['entity_id'] = $bean_data->entity_id;
$content[$bean_data->label][$bean_data->entity_type][$bean_data->entity_id]['entity_title'] = $entity_title;
if ($delta_specific) {
$delta_found = TRUE;
// If we have any usage data create and display the table of data
if (!empty($content)) {
$rows = count($content);
$results_per_page = variable_get('bean_usage_results_per_page', 30);
// set up pager variables
pager_default_initialize($rows, $results_per_page, $element = 0);
// Set up output table
$bean_table_data = array(
'attributes' => array(
// set table attributes
'width' => '100%',
'header' => _bean_usage_table_headers($bean_delta),
'rows' => array(),
if ($filters) {
$bean_table_data['caption'] = t('Filters: ') . $filters;
// Get the result subset for the current page
$page = empty($_GET['page']) ? 0 : $_GET['page'];
$range_start = $page * $results_per_page;
$usage = array_slice($content, $range_start, $results_per_page);
// If the user is on a higher page and then filters, the page
if (!empty($filters) && $page != 0 && count($usage) == 0) {
while (count($usage) == 0) {
$range_start = $page * $results_per_page;
$usage = array_slice($content, $range_start, $results_per_page);
foreach ($usage as $bean_label => $entity_type) {
foreach ($entity_type as $type => $delta) {
$rowspan = count($delta);
$bean_label_cell = '';
if (empty($bean_delta)) {
$bean_label_cell = array(
'data' => $bean_label,
'rowspan' => $rowspan,
'width' => '30%',
// we create the row with the bean name first and set the rowspan to however many deltas there are
foreach ($delta as $entity) {
$bean_title_cell = array(
'data' => empty($entity['bean_title']) ? '<em>' . t('No title set') . '</em>' : $entity['bean_title'],
'rowspan' => $rowspan,
'width' => '30%',
$bean_type_cell = array(
'data' => $entity['bean_type'],
'rowspan' => $rowspan,
'width' => '10%',
// We want to prefix the entity title with the entity id
// We also want the entity title to link back the to the entity page
$link_prefix = '';
$text_prefix = '';
switch ($type) {
case 'node':
$text_prefix = '[nid:' . $entity['entity_id'] . '] ';
$link_prefix = 'node/';
case 'user':
$text_prefix = '[uid:' . $entity['entity_id'] . '] ';
$link_prefix = 'user/';
// switch ($entity_type)
// add the usage data to the table
// We only need to add the Bean label once per delta, Since we set it above we check for its emptiness
if (!empty($bean_label_cell)) {
$bean_table_data['rows'][] = array(
0 => $bean_label_cell,
1 => $bean_title_cell,
2 => $bean_type_cell,
3 => array(
'data' => $text_prefix . l($entity['entity_title'], $link_prefix . $entity['entity_id']),
'width' => '30%',
'no_striping' => TRUE,
else {
$bean_table_data['rows'][] = array(
$text_prefix . l(t($entity['entity_title']), $link_prefix . $entity['entity_id'], array(
'attributes' => array(
'title' => $entity['entity_title'],
'target' => '_blank',
// else
// empty out the $bean_row so that it doesn't display more than one if there are multiple deltas for the block
$bean_label_cell = '';
// foreach ($delta)
//foreach ($entity_type)
// foreach ($usage)
// Set the output using theme_table with the header and rows created above
if (!$delta_specific) {
$output .= drupal_render($bean_usage_form);
$output .= theme('table', $bean_table_data);
$output .= theme('pager');
else {
if ($delta_specific) {
$output = '<p>' . t('This bean is not used anywhere on the site.') . '</p>';
else {
$output .= $bean_usage_form;
$output .= 'There is no bean usage to report for ' . $filters;
// else
// if (!empty($fields))
// return the output for page rendering
return $output;