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Functions in Bean (for Drupal 7) 7

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
bean_field_extra_fields ./bean.module Implements hook_field_extra_fields().
bean_filter_form includes/ 1
bean_filter_submit includes/ Submit function for filter 1
bean_flush_caches ./bean.module Implements hook_flush_caches().
bean_form includes/ Bean form 4
bean_form_delete_submit includes/ Button submit function: handle the 'Delete' button on the bean form. 1
bean_form_submit includes/ Submit function for bean form 1 1
bean_form_submit_build_bean includes/ Updates the form state's bean entity by processing this submission's values. 1
bean_form_validate includes/ Validation for bean form 1
bean_get_all_beans ./bean.module Load all beans 1 1
bean_get_filter includes/ Get the filter 2
bean_get_types ./bean.module Gets an array of all bean types, keyed by the type name. 15 1
bean_install ./bean.install Implements hook_install().
bean_list includes/ 1
bean_load ./bean.module Fetch a bean object. 7
bean_load_delta ./bean.module Fetch a bean object by its delta. 4 1
bean_load_multiple ./bean.module Load multiple beans based on certain conditions. 5
bean_load_plugin_class ./bean.module Load a widget class 7 1
bean_load_plugin_class_all ./bean.module Load all widget classes 1
bean_load_revision ./bean.module Fetch a bean revision 1
bean_menu ./bean.module Implements hook_menu().
bean_menu_local_tasks_alter ./bean.module Implements hook_menu_local_tasks_alter().
bean_min_version ./bean.module The minimal version 1
bean_modules_enabled ./bean.module Implements hook_modules_enabled()
bean_page_title ./bean.module Title of the bean
bean_permission ./bean.module Implements hook_permissions(). 1
bean_reset ./bean.module Reset the static variables and caches. 10
bean_reset_filter includes/ Reset the filter 1
bean_reset_filter_submit includes/ 1
bean_revisions_page includes/ Revisions page callback 1
bean_revision_title ./bean.module Title callback 1
bean_save ./bean.module Inserts or updates a bean object into the database. 4
bean_schema ./bean.install Implements hook_schema(). 2
bean_services_access ./ Access callback for the bean resource. 1
bean_services_create ./ Adds a new bean to a node and returns the bid. 1
bean_services_delete ./ Delete a bean. 1
bean_services_index ./ Return an array of optionally paged bids based on a set of criteria. 1
bean_services_resources ./ Implements hook_services_resources().
bean_services_retrieve ./ Returns a specified bean. 1
bean_services_update ./ Updates a bean and returns the bid. 1
bean_set_default_confirm includes/ Form for setting a revision active 1
bean_set_default_confirm_submit includes/ Submit function
bean_set_filter includes/ Set the filter in the session 1
bean_test_bean_types tests/bean_test.module Implements hook_bean_types().
bean_test_bean_types_api_info tests/bean_test.module Implements hook_bean_types_api_info().
bean_theme ./bean.module Implements hook_theme().
bean_types_hook_name ./bean.module Define the name of the api hook
bean_type_access ./bean.module Access callback for the entity API.
bean_type_features_revert bean_admin_ui/includes/ Implements {component}_features_revert().
bean_type_load ./bean.module Menu Argument Loader 2 1


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