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class BARCODE in Barcode 6


Expanded class hierarchy of BARCODE


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class BARCODE {
  var $_encode;
  var $_error;
  var $_width;
  var $_height;
  var $_scale;
  var $_color;
  var $_font;
  var $_bgcolor;
  var $_format;
  var $_n2w;
  function BARCODE($encoding = "EAN-13") {
    if (!function_exists("imagecreate")) {
      die("This class needs GD library support.");
      return false;
    $this->_error = "";
    $this->_scale = 2;
    $this->_width = 0;
    $this->_height = 0;
    $this->_n2w = 2;
    $this->_height = 60;
    $this->_format = 'png';

    /** $this->_font=dirname($_SERVER["PATH_TRANSLATED"])."/"."arialbd.ttf";
    			if (isset($_SERVER['WINDIR']) && file_exists($_SERVER['WINDIR']))
    $this->_font = "./arialbd.ttf";
      ->setHexColor("#000000", "#FFFFFF");
  function setFont($font, $autolocate = false) {
    $this->_font = $font;
    if ($autolocate) {
      $this->_font = dirname($_SERVER["PATH_TRANSLATED"]) . "/" . $font . ".ttf";
      if (isset($_SERVER['WINDIR']) && file_exists($_SERVER['WINDIR'])) {
        $this->_font = $_SERVER['WINDIR'] . "\\Fonts\\" . $font . ".ttf";
  function setSymblogy($encoding = "EAN-13") {
    $this->_encode = strtoupper($encoding);
  function setHexColor($color, $bgcolor) {
      ->setColor(hexdec(substr($color, 1, 2)), hexdec(substr($color, 3, 2)), hexdec(substr($color, 5, 2)));
      ->setBGColor(hexdec(substr($bgcolor, 1, 2)), hexdec(substr($bgcolor, 3, 2)), hexdec(substr($bgcolor, 5, 2)));
  function setColor($red, $green, $blue) {
    $this->_color = array(
  function setBGColor($red, $green, $blue) {
    $this->_bgcolor = array(
  function setScale($scale) {
    $this->_scale = $scale;
  function setFormat($format) {
    $this->_format = strtolower($format);
  function setHeight($height) {
    $this->_height = $height;
  function setNarrow2Wide($n2w) {
    if ($n2w < 2) {
      $n2w = 3;
    $this->_n2w = $n2w;
  function error($asimg = false) {
    if (empty($this->_error)) {
      return "";
    if (!$asimg) {
      return $this->_error;
    @header("Content-type: image/png");
    $im = @imagecreate(250, 100);
    $color = @imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255);
    $color = @imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 0);
    @imagettftext($im, 10, 0, 5, 50, $color, $this->_font, wordwrap($this->_error, 40, "\n"));
  function genBarCode($barnumber, $format = "gif", $file = "") {
    if ($this->_encode == "EAN-13") {
      if (strlen($barnumber) > 13) {
        $this->_error = "Barcode number must be less then 13 characters.";
        return false;
        ->_eanBarcode($barnumber, $this->_scale, $file);
    elseif ($this->_encode == "UPC-A") {
      if (strlen($barnumber) > 12) {
        $this->_error = "Barcode number must be less then 13 characters.";
        return false;
        ->_eanBarcode($barnumber, $this->_scale, $file);
    elseif ($this->_encode == "ISBN") {
      if (strlen($barnumber) > 13 || strlen($barnumber) < 12) {
        $this->_error = "Barcode number must be less then 13 characters.";
        return false;
      elseif (substr($barnumber, 0, 3) != "978") {
        $this->_error = "Not an ISBN barcode number. Must be start with 978";
        return false;
        ->_eanBarcode($barnumber, $this->_scale, $file);
    elseif ($this->_encode == "EAN-8") {
      if (strlen($barnumber) > 8) {
        $this->_error = "Barcode number must be less then 8 characters.";
        return false;
        ->_ean8Barcode($barnumber, $this->_scale, $file);
    elseif ($this->_encode == "UPC-E") {
      if (strlen($barnumber) > 12) {
        $this->_error = "Barcode number must be less then 12 characters.";
        return false;
        ->_upceBarcode($barnumber, $this->_scale, $file);
    elseif ($this->_encode == "S205" || $this->_encode == "I2O5") {

        ->_so25Barcode($barnumber, $this->_scale, $file);
    elseif ($this->_encode == "I25" || $this->_encode == "INTERLEAVED") {

      //INTERLEAVED 2 OF 5
        ->_i25Barcode($barnumber, $this->_scale, $file);
    elseif ($this->_encode == "POSTNET") {
        ->_postBarcode($barnumber, $this->_scale, $file);
    elseif ($this->_encode == "CODABAR") {
        ->_codaBarcode($barnumber, $this->_scale, $file);
    elseif ($this->_encode == "CODE128") {
        ->_c128Barcode($barnumber, $this->_scale, $file);
    elseif ($this->_encode == "CODE39") {
        ->_c39Barcode($barnumber, $this->_scale, $file, false);
    elseif ($this->_encode == "CODE93") {
        ->_c93Barcode($barnumber, $this->_scale, $file);

  /// Start function for code93

  /*A Code 39 barcode has the following structure:

  		A start character , represented below by the asterisk (*) character.
  		Any number of characters encoded from the table below.
  		The "C" and "K" checksum digits calculated as described above and encoded using the table below.
  		A stop character, which is a second asterisk character.
  function _c93Encode($barnumber) {
    $encTable = array(
      "0" => "100010100",
      "1" => "101001000",
      "2" => "101000100",
      "3" => "101000010",
      "4" => "100101000",
      "5" => "100100100",
      "6" => "100100010",
      "7" => "101010000",
      "8" => "100010010",
      "9" => "100001010",
      "A" => "110101000",
      "B" => "110100100",
      "C" => "110100010",
      "D" => "110010100",
      "E" => "110010010",
      "F" => "110001010",
      "G" => "101101000",
      "H" => "101100100",
      "I" => "101100010",
      "J" => "100110100",
      "K" => "100011010",
      "L" => "101011000",
      "M" => "101001100",
      "N" => "101000110",
      "O" => "100101100",
      "P" => "100010110",
      "Q" => "110110100",
      "R" => "110110010",
      "S" => "110101100",
      "T" => "110100110",
      "U" => "110010110",
      "V" => "110011010",
      "W" => "101101100",
      "X" => "101100110",
      "Y" => "100110110",
      "Z" => "100111010",
      "-" => "100101110",
      "." => "111010100",
      " " => "111010010",
      "\$" => "111001010",
      "/" => "101101110",
      "+" => "101110110",
      "%" => "110101110",
      "\$" => "100100110",
      "%" => "111011010",
      "/" => "111010110",
      "+" => "100110010",
      "*" => "101011110",
    $mfcStr = "";
    $widebar = str_pad("", $this->_n2w, "1", STR_PAD_LEFT);
    $widespc = str_pad("", $this->_n2w, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
    $arr_key = array_keys($encTable);

    /// calculating C And K
    for ($j = 0; $j < 2; $j++) {
      $sum = 0;
      for ($i = strlen($barnumber); $i > 0; $i--) {
        $num = $barnumber[strlen($barnumber) - $i];
        if (preg_match("/[A-Z]+/", $num)) {
          $num = ord($num) - 55;
        elseif ($num == '-') {
          $num = 36;
        elseif ($num == '.') {
          $num = 37;
        elseif ($num == ' ') {
          $num = 38;
        elseif ($num == '$') {
          $num = 39;
        elseif ($num == '/') {
          $num = 40;
        elseif ($num == '+') {
          $num = 41;
        elseif ($num == '%') {
          $num = 42;
        elseif ($num == '*') {
          $num = 43;
        $sum += $i * $num;
      $barnumber .= trim($arr_key[(int) ($sum % 47)]);
    $barnumber = "*" . $barnumber . "*";
    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($barnumber); $i++) {
      $mfcStr .= $encTable[$barnumber[$i]];
    $mfcStr .= '1';
    return $mfcStr;
  function _c93Barcode($barnumber, $scale = 1, $file = "", $checkdigit = false) {
    $bars = $this
    if (empty($file)) {
      header("Content-type: image/" . $this->_format);
    if ($scale < 1) {
      $scale = 2;
    $total_y = (double) $scale * $this->_height + 10 * $scale;
    if (!$space) {
      $space = array(
        'top' => 2 * $scale,
        'bottom' => 2 * $scale,
        'left' => 2 * $scale,
        'right' => 2 * $scale,

    /* count total width */
    $xpos = 0;
    $xpos = $scale * strlen($bars) + 2 * $scale * 10;

    /* allocate the image */
    $total_x = $xpos + $space['left'] + $space['right'];
    $xpos = $space['left'] + $scale * 10;
    $height = floor($total_y - $scale * 20);
    $height2 = floor($total_y - $space['bottom']);
    $im = @imagecreatetruecolor($total_x, $total_y);
    $bg_color = @imagecolorallocate($im, $this->_bgcolor[0], $this->_bgcolor[1], $this->_bgcolor[2]);
    @imagefilledrectangle($im, 0, 0, $total_x, $total_y, $bg_color);
    $bar_color = @imagecolorallocate($im, $this->_color[0], $this->_color[1], $this->_color[2]);
    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($bars); $i++) {
      $h = $height;
      $val = $bars[$i];
      if ($val == 1) {
        @imagefilledrectangle($im, $xpos, $space['top'], $xpos + $scale - 1, $h, $bar_color);
      $xpos += $scale;
    $font_arr = @imagettfbbox($scale * 10, 0, $this->_font, $barnumber);
    $x = floor($total_x - (int) $font_arr[0] - (int) $font_arr[2] + $scale * 10) / 2;
    @imagettftext($im, $scale * 10, 0, $x, $height2, $bar_color, $this->_font, $barnumber);
    if ($this->_format == "png") {
      if (!empty($file)) {
        @imagepng($im, $file . "." . $this->_format);
      else {
    if ($this->_format == "gif") {
      if (!empty($file)) {
        @imagegif($im, $file . "." . $this->_format);
      else {
    if ($this->_format == "jpg" || $this->_format == "jpeg") {
      if (!empty($file)) {
        @imagejpeg($im, $file . "." . $this->_format);
      else {

  /// End functions for code93

  /// Start function for code39

  /*A Code 39 barcode has the following structure:

  		A start character - the asterisk (*) character.
  		Any number of characters encoded from the table below.
  		An optional checksum digit calculated as described above and encoded from the table below.
  		A stop character, which is a second asterisk character. */
  function _c39Encode($barnumber, $checkdigit = false) {
    $encTable = array(
      "0" => "NNNWWNWNN",
      "1" => "WNNWNNNNW",
      "2" => "NNWWNNNNW",
      "3" => "WNWWNNNNN",
      "4" => "NNNWWNNNW",
      "5" => "WNNWWNNNN",
      "6" => "NNWWWNNNN",
      "7" => "NNNWNNWNW",
      "8" => "WNNWNNWNN",
      "9" => "NNWWNNWNN",
      "A" => "NNWWNNWNN",
      "B" => "NNWNNWNNW",
      "C" => "WNWNNWNNN",
      "D" => "NNNNWWNNW",
      "E" => "WNNNWWNNN",
      "F" => "NNWNWWNNN",
      "G" => "NNNNNWWNW",
      "H" => "WNNNNWWNN",
      "I" => "NNWNNWWNN",
      "J" => "NNNNWWWNN",
      "K" => "WNNNNNNWW",
      "L" => "NNWNNNNWW",
      "M" => "WNWNNNNWN",
      "N" => "NNNNWNNWW",
      "O" => "WNNNWNNWN",
      "P" => "NNWNWNNWN",
      "Q" => "NNNNNNWWW",
      "R" => "WNNNNNWWN",
      "S" => "NNWNNNWWN",
      "T" => "NNNNWNWWN",
      "U" => "WWNNNNNNW",
      "V" => "NWWNNNNNW",
      "W" => "WWWNNNNNN",
      "X" => "NWNNWNNNW",
      "Y" => "WWNNWNNNN",
      "Z" => "NWWNWNNNN",
      "-" => "NWNNNNWNW",
      "." => "WWNNNNWNN",
      " " => "NWWNNNWNN",
      "\$" => "NWNWNWNNN",
      "/" => "NWNWNNNWN",
      "+" => "NWNNNWNWN",
      "%" => "NNNWNWNWN",
      "*" => "NWNNWNWNN",
    $mfcStr = "";
    $widebar = str_pad("", $this->_n2w, "1", STR_PAD_LEFT);
    $widespc = str_pad("", $this->_n2w, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
    if ($checkdigit == true) {
      $arr_key = array_keys($encTable);
      for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($barnumber); $i++) {
        $num = $barnumber[$i];
        if (preg_match("/[A-Z]+/", $num)) {
          $num = ord($num) - 55;
        elseif ($num == '-') {
          $num = 36;
        elseif ($num == '.') {
          $num = 37;
        elseif ($num == ' ') {
          $num = 38;
        elseif ($num == '$') {
          $num = 39;
        elseif ($num == '/') {
          $num = 40;
        elseif ($num == '+') {
          $num = 41;
        elseif ($num == '%') {
          $num = 42;
        elseif ($num == '*') {
          $num = 43;
        $sum += $num;
      $barnumber .= trim($arr_key[(int) ($sum % 43)]);
    $barnumber = "*" . $barnumber . "*";
    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($barnumber); $i++) {
      $tmp = $encTable[$barnumber[$i]];
      $bar = true;
      for ($j = 0; $j < strlen($tmp); $j++) {
        if ($tmp[$j] == 'N' && $bar) {
          $mfcStr .= '1';
        else {
          if ($tmp[$j] == 'N' && !$bar) {
            $mfcStr .= '0';
          else {
            if ($tmp[$j] == 'W' && $bar) {
              $mfcStr .= $widebar;
            else {
              if ($tmp[$j] == 'W' && !$bar) {
                $mfcStr .= $widespc;
        $bar = !$bar;
      $mfcStr .= '0';
    return $mfcStr;
  function _c39Barcode($barnumber, $scale = 1, $file = "", $checkdigit = false) {
    $bars = $this
      ->_c39Encode($barnumber, $checkdigit);
    if (empty($file)) {
      header("Content-type: image/" . $this->_format);
    if ($scale < 1) {
      $scale = 2;
    $total_y = (double) $scale * $this->_height + 10 * $scale;
    if (!$space) {
      $space = array(
        'top' => 2 * $scale,
        'bottom' => 2 * $scale,
        'left' => 2 * $scale,
        'right' => 2 * $scale,

    /* count total width */
    $xpos = 0;
    $xpos = $scale * strlen($bars) + 2 * $scale * 10;

    /* allocate the image */
    $total_x = $xpos + $space['left'] + $space['right'];
    $xpos = $space['left'] + $scale * 10;
    $height = floor($total_y - $scale * 20);
    $height2 = floor($total_y - $space['bottom']);
    $im = @imagecreatetruecolor($total_x, $total_y);
    $bg_color = @imagecolorallocate($im, $this->_bgcolor[0], $this->_bgcolor[1], $this->_bgcolor[2]);
    @imagefilledrectangle($im, 0, 0, $total_x, $total_y, $bg_color);
    $bar_color = @imagecolorallocate($im, $this->_color[0], $this->_color[1], $this->_color[2]);
    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($bars); $i++) {
      $h = $height;
      $val = $bars[$i];
      if ($val == 1) {
        @imagefilledrectangle($im, $xpos, $space['top'], $xpos + $scale - 1, $h, $bar_color);
      $xpos += $scale;
    $font_arr = @imagettfbbox($scale * 10, 0, $this->_font, $barnumber);
    $x = floor($total_x - (int) $font_arr[0] - (int) $font_arr[2] + $scale * 10) / 2;
    @imagettftext($im, $scale * 10, 0, $x, $height2, $bar_color, $this->_font, $barnumber);
    if ($this->_format == "png") {
      if (!empty($file)) {
        @imagepng($im, $file . "." . $this->_format);
      else {
    if ($this->_format == "gif") {
      if (!empty($file)) {
        @imagegif($im, $file . "." . $this->_format);
      else {
    if ($this->_format == "jpg" || $this->_format == "jpeg") {
      if (!empty($file)) {
        @imagejpeg($im, $file . "." . $this->_format);
      else {

  /// End functions for code39

  ///Start function for code128
  function _c128Encode($barnumber, $useKeys) {
    $encTable = array(
    $start = array(
      "A" => "11010000100",
      "B" => "11010010000",
      "C" => "11010011100",
    $stop = "11000111010";
    $sum = 0;
    $mfcStr = "";
    if ($useKeys == 'C') {
      for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($barnumber); $i += 2) {
        $val = substr($barnumber, $i, 2);
        if (is_int($val)) {
          $sum += ($i + 1) * (int) $val;
        elseif ($barnumber == chr(129)) {
          $sum += ($i + 1) * 100;
        elseif ($barnumber == chr(130)) {
          $sum += ($i + 1) * 101;
        $mfcStr .= $encTable[$val];
    else {
      for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($barnumber); $i++) {
        $num = ord($barnumber[$i]);
        if ($num >= 32 && $num <= 126) {
          $num = ord($barnumber[$i]) - 32;
        elseif ($num == 128) {
          $num = 99;
        elseif ($num == 129) {
          $num = 100;
        elseif ($num == 130) {
          $num = 101;
        elseif ($num < 32 && $useKeys == 'A') {
          $num = $num + 64;
        $sum += ($i + 1) * $num;
        $mfcStr .= $encTable[$num];
    if ($useKeys == 'A') {
      $check = ($sum + 103) % 103;
    if ($useKeys == 'B') {
      $check = ($sum + 104) % 103;
    if ($useKeys == 'C') {
      $check = ($sum + 105) % 103;
    return $start[$useKeys] . $mfcStr . $encTable[$check] . $stop . "11";
  function _c128Barcode($barnumber, $scale = 1, $file = "") {
    $useKeys = "B";
    if (preg_match("/^[0-9" . chr(128) . chr(129) . chr(130) . "]+\$/", $barnumber)) {
      $useKeys = 'C';
      if (strlen($barnumber) % 2 != 0) {
        $barnumber = '0' . $barnumber;
    for ($i = 0; $i < 32; $i++) {
      $chr = chr($i);
    if (preg_match("/[" . $chr . "]+/", $barnumber)) {
      $useKeys = 'A';
    $bars = $this
      ->_c128Encode($barnumber, $useKeys);
    if (empty($file)) {
      header("Content-type: image/" . $this->_format);
    if ($scale < 1) {
      $scale = 2;
    $total_y = (double) $scale * $this->_height + 10 * $scale;
    if (!$space) {
      $space = array(
        'top' => 2 * $scale,
        'bottom' => 2 * $scale,
        'left' => 2 * $scale,
        'right' => 2 * $scale,

    /* count total width */
    $xpos = 0;
    $xpos = $scale * strlen($bars) + 2 * $scale * 10;

    /* allocate the image */
    $total_x = $xpos + $space['left'] + $space['right'];
    $xpos = $space['left'] + $scale * 10;
    $height = floor($total_y - $scale * 20);
    $height2 = floor($total_y - $space['bottom']);
    $im = @imagecreatetruecolor($total_x, $total_y);
    $bg_color = @imagecolorallocate($im, $this->_bgcolor[0], $this->_bgcolor[1], $this->_bgcolor[2]);
    @imagefilledrectangle($im, 0, 0, $total_x, $total_y, $bg_color);
    $bar_color = @imagecolorallocate($im, $this->_color[0], $this->_color[1], $this->_color[2]);
    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($bars); $i++) {
      $h = $height;
      $val = strtoupper($bars[$i]);
      if ($val == 1) {
        @imagefilledrectangle($im, $xpos, $space['top'], $xpos + $scale - 1, $h, $bar_color);
      $xpos += $scale;
    $font_arr = @imagettfbbox($scale * 10, 0, $this->_font, $barnumber);
    $x = floor($total_x - (int) $font_arr[0] - (int) $font_arr[2] + $scale * 10) / 2;
    @imagettftext($im, $scale * 10, 0, $x, $height2, $bar_color, $this->_font, $barnumber);
    if ($this->_format == "png") {
      if (!empty($file)) {
        @imagepng($im, $file . "." . $this->_format);
      else {
    if ($this->_format == "gif") {
      if (!empty($file)) {
        @imagegif($im, $file . "." . $this->_format);
      else {
    if ($this->_format == "jpg" || $this->_format == "jpeg") {
      if (!empty($file)) {
        @imagejpeg($im, $file . "." . $this->_format);
      else {

  ///End function for codabar

  ///Start function for codabar

  A Code 11 Barcode has the following structure:

  One of four possible start characters (A, B, C, or D), encoded from the table below.
  A narrow, inter-character space.
  The data of the message, encoded from the table below, with a narrow inter-character space between each character.
  One of four possible stop characters (A, B, C, or D), encoded from the table below
  function _codaEncode($barnumber) {
    $encTable = array(
    $chrTable = array(
      "-" => "0001100",
      "\$" => "0011000",
      ":" => "1000101",
      "/" => "1010001",
      "." => "1010100",
      "+" => "0011111",
      "A" => "0011010",
      "B" => "0001011",
      "C" => "0101001",
      "D" => "0001110",
    $mfcStr = "";
    $widebar = str_pad("", $this->_n2w, "1", STR_PAD_LEFT);
    $widespc = str_pad("", $this->_n2w, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($barnumber); $i++) {
      if (preg_match("/[0-9]+/", $barnumber[$i])) {
        $tmp = $encTable[(int) $barnumber[$i]];
      else {
        $tmp = $chrTable[strtoupper(trim($barnumber[$i]))];
      $bar = true;
      for ($j = 0; $j < strlen($tmp); $j++) {
        if ($tmp[$j] == '0' && $bar) {
          $mfcStr .= '1';
        else {
          if ($tmp[$j] == '0' && !$bar) {
            $mfcStr .= '0';
          else {
            if ($tmp[$j] == '1' && $bar) {
              $mfcStr .= $widebar;
            else {
              if ($tmp[$j] == '1' && !$bar) {
                $mfcStr .= $widespc;
        $bar = !$bar;
      $mfcStr .= '0';
    return $mfcStr;
  function _codaBarcode($barnumber, $scale = 1, $file = "") {
    $bars = $this
    if (empty($file)) {
      header("Content-type: image/" . $this->_format);
    if ($scale < 1) {
      $scale = 2;
    $total_y = (double) $scale * $this->_height;
    if (!$space) {
      $space = array(
        'top' => 2 * $scale,
        'bottom' => 2 * $scale,
        'left' => 2 * $scale,
        'right' => 2 * $scale,

    /* count total width */
    $xpos = 0;
    $xpos = $scale * strlen($bars);

    /* allocate the image */
    $total_x = $xpos + $space['left'] + $space['right'];
    $xpos = $space['left'];
    $height = floor($total_y - $scale * 10);
    $height2 = floor($total_y - $space['bottom']);
    $im = @imagecreatetruecolor($total_x, $total_y);
    $bg_color = @imagecolorallocate($im, $this->_bgcolor[0], $this->_bgcolor[1], $this->_bgcolor[2]);
    @imagefilledrectangle($im, 0, 0, $total_x, $total_y, $bg_color);
    $bar_color = @imagecolorallocate($im, $this->_color[0], $this->_color[1], $this->_color[2]);
    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($bars); $i++) {
      $h = $height;
      $val = strtoupper($bars[$i]);
      if ($val == 1) {
        @imagefilledrectangle($im, $xpos, $space['top'], $xpos + $scale - 1, $h, $bar_color);
      $xpos += $scale;
    $x = ($total_x - strlen($bars)) / 2;
    @imagettftext($im, $scale * 6, 0, $x, $height2, $bar_color, $this->_font, $barnumber);
    if ($this->_format == "png") {
      if (!empty($file)) {
        @imagepng($im, $file . "." . $this->_format);
      else {
    if ($this->_format == "gif") {
      if (!empty($file)) {
        @imagegif($im, $file . "." . $this->_format);
      else {
    if ($this->_format == "jpg" || $this->_format == "jpeg") {
      if (!empty($file)) {
        @imagejpeg($im, $file . "." . $this->_format);
      else {

  ///End function for codabar

  // Start Function for POSTNET

  A PostNet barcode has the following structure:

  Frame bar, encoded as a single 1.
  5, 9, or 11 data characters properly encoded (see encoding table below).
  Check digit, encoded using encoding table below.
  Final frame bar, encoded as a single 1.

  0		 11000
  1		 00011
  2		 00101
  3		 00110
  4		 01001
  5		 01010
  6		 01100
  7		 10001
  8		 10010
  9		 10100
  function _postEncode($barnumber) {
    $encTable = array(
    $sum = 0;
    $encstr = "";
    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($barnumber); $i++) {
      $sum += (int) $barnumber[$i];
      $encstr .= $encTable[(int) $barnumber[$i]];
    if ($sum % 10 != 0) {
      $check = (int) (10 - $sum % 10);
    $encstr .= $encTable[$check];
    $encstr = "1" . $encstr . "1";
    return $encstr;
  function _postBarcode($barnumber, $scale = 1, $file = "") {
    if (strlen($barnumber) == 5 || strlen($barnumber) == 9 || strlen($barnumber) == 11) {
    else {
      $this->_error = "Not a valid postnet number.";
      return false;
    $bars = $this
    if (empty($file)) {
      header("Content-type: image/" . $this->_format);
    if ($scale < 1) {
      $scale = 2;
    $total_y = (double) $scale * $this->_height;
    if (!$space) {
      $space = array(
        'top' => 2 * $scale,
        'bottom' => 2 * $scale,
        'left' => 2 * $scale,
        'right' => 2 * $scale,

    /* count total width */
    $xpos = 0;
    $xpos = $scale * strlen($bars) * 2;

    /* allocate the image */
    $total_x = $xpos + $space['left'] + $space['right'];
    $xpos = $space['left'];
    $height = floor($total_y - $scale * 10);
    $height2 = floor($total_y - $space['bottom']);
    $im = @imagecreatetruecolor($total_x, $total_y);
    $bg_color = @imagecolorallocate($im, $this->_bgcolor[0], $this->_bgcolor[1], $this->_bgcolor[2]);
    @imagefilledrectangle($im, 0, 0, $total_x, $total_y, $bg_color);
    $bar_color = @imagecolorallocate($im, $this->_color[0], $this->_color[1], $this->_color[2]);
    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($bars); $i++) {
      $val = strtoupper($bars[$i]);
      $h = $total_y - $space['bottom'];
      if ($val == 1) {
        @imagefilledrectangle($im, $xpos, $space['top'], $xpos + $scale - 1, $height2, $bar_color);
      else {
        @imagefilledrectangle($im, $xpos, floor($height2 / 1.5), $xpos + $scale - 1, $height2, $bar_color);
      $xpos += 2 * $scale;
    if ($this->_format == "png") {
      if (!empty($file)) {
        @imagepng($im, $file . "." . $this->_format);
      else {
    if ($this->_format == "gif") {
      if (!empty($file)) {
        @imagegif($im, $file . "." . $this->_format);
      else {
    if ($this->_format == "jpg" || $this->_format == "jpeg") {
      if (!empty($file)) {
        @imagejpeg($im, $file . "." . $this->_format);
      else {

  // End Function for POSTNET
  // Start Function for INTERLEAVED

  /*A Standard 2 of 5 barcode has the following physical structure:

  		Start character, encoded as 11011010.
  		Data characters properly encoded (see encoding table below).
  		Stop character, encoded as 11010110.
  		0		 NNWWN
  		1		 WNNNW
  		2		 NWNNW
  		3		 WWNNN
  		4		 NNWNW
  		5		 WNWNN
  		6		 NWWNN
  		7		 NNNWW
  		8		 WNNWN
  		9		 NWNWN
  function _i25Encode($barnumber) {
    $encTable = array(
    $guards = array(
    $len = strlen($barnumber);
    if ($len % 2 != 0) {
      $barnumber = $this
        ->_checkDigit($barnumber, $len);
      if ($len == strlen($barnumber) && substr($barnumber, -1) != '0') {
        $barnumber .= '0';
    $mfcStr = "";
    $widebar = str_pad("", $this->_n2w, "1", STR_PAD_LEFT);
    $widespc = str_pad("", $this->_n2w, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($barnumber); $i += 2) {
      $tmp = $encTable[(int) $barnumber[$i]];
      $tmp1 = $encTable[(int) $barnumber[$i + 1]];
      for ($j = 0; $j < strlen($tmp); $j++) {
        if ($tmp[$j] == 'N') {
          $mfcStr .= '1';
        else {
          $mfcStr .= $widebar;
        if ($tmp1[$j] == 'N') {
          $mfcStr .= '0';
        else {
          $mfcStr .= $widespc;
    return $guards[0] . $mfcStr . $guards[1];
  function _i25Barcode($barnumber, $scale = 1, $file = "") {
    $bars = $this
    if (empty($file)) {
      header("Content-type: image/" . $this->_format);
    if ($scale < 1) {
      $scale = 2;
    $total_y = (double) $scale * $this->_height;
    if (!$space) {
      $space = array(
        'top' => 2 * $scale,
        'bottom' => 2 * $scale,
        'left' => 2 * $scale,
        'right' => 2 * $scale,

    /* count total width */
    $xpos = 0;
    $xpos = $scale * strlen($bars);

    /* allocate the image */
    $total_x = $xpos + $space['left'] + $space['right'];
    $xpos = $space['left'];
    $height = floor($total_y - $scale * 10);
    $height2 = floor($total_y - $space['bottom']);
    $im = @imagecreatetruecolor($total_x, $total_y);
    $bg_color = @imagecolorallocate($im, $this->_bgcolor[0], $this->_bgcolor[1], $this->_bgcolor[2]);
    @imagefilledrectangle($im, 0, 0, $total_x, $total_y, $bg_color);
    $bar_color = @imagecolorallocate($im, $this->_color[0], $this->_color[1], $this->_color[2]);
    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($bars); $i++) {
      $h = $height;
      $val = strtoupper($bars[$i]);
      if ($val == 1) {
        @imagefilledrectangle($im, $xpos, $space['top'], $xpos + $scale - 1, $h, $bar_color);
      $xpos += $scale;
    $x = ($total_x - strlen($bars)) / 2;
    @imagettftext($im, $scale * 6, 0, $x, $height2, $bar_color, $this->_font, $barnumber);
    if ($this->_format == "png") {
      if (!empty($file)) {
        @imagepng($im, $file . "." . $this->_format);
      else {
    if ($this->_format == "gif") {
      if (!empty($file)) {
        @imagegif($im, $file . "." . $this->_format);
      else {
    if ($this->_format == "jpg" || $this->_format == "jpeg") {
      if (!empty($file)) {
        @imagejpeg($im, $file . "." . $this->_format);
      else {

  // End Function for INTERLEAVED
  // Start Function for S2O5

  /*A Standard 2 of 5 barcode has the following physical structure:

  		Start character, encoded as 11011010.
  		Data characters properly encoded (see encoding table below).
  		Stop character, encoded as 11010110.
  		0		 NNWWN
  		1		 WNNNW
  		2		 NWNNW
  		3		 WWNNN
  		4		 NNWNW
  		5		 WNWNN
  		6		 NWWNN
  		7		 NNNWW
  		8		 WNNWN
  		9		 NWNWN
  function _so25Encode($barnumber) {
    $encTable = array(
    $guards = array(
    $len = strlen($barnumber);
    $barnumber = $this
      ->_checkDigit($barnumber, $len);
    if ($len == strlen($barnumber) && substr($barnumber, -1) != '0') {
      $barnumber .= '0';
    $mfcStr = "";
    $widebar = str_pad("", $this->_n2w, "1", STR_PAD_LEFT);
    $widebar .= "0";
    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($barnumber); $i++) {
      $num = (int) $barnumber[$i];
      $str = "";
      $str = str_replace("N", "10", $encTable[$num]);
      $str = str_replace("W", $widebar, $str);
      $mfcStr .= $str;
    return $guards[0] . $mfcStr . $guards[1];
  function _so25Barcode($barnumber, $scale = 1, $file = "") {
    $bars = $this
    if (empty($file)) {
      header("Content-type: image/" . $this->_format);
    if ($scale < 1) {
      $scale = 2;
    $total_y = (double) $scale * $this->_height;
    if (!$space) {
      $space = array(
        'top' => 2 * $scale,
        'bottom' => 2 * $scale,
        'left' => 2 * $scale,
        'right' => 2 * $scale,

    /* count total width */
    $xpos = 0;
    $xpos = $scale * strlen($bars);

    /* allocate the image */
    $total_x = $xpos + $space['left'] + $space['right'];
    $xpos = $space['left'];
    $height = floor($total_y - $scale * 10);
    $height2 = floor($total_y - $space['bottom']);
    $im = @imagecreatetruecolor($total_x, $total_y);
    $bg_color = @imagecolorallocate($im, $this->_bgcolor[0], $this->_bgcolor[1], $this->_bgcolor[2]);
    @imagefilledrectangle($im, 0, 0, $total_x, $total_y, $bg_color);
    $bar_color = @imagecolorallocate($im, $this->_color[0], $this->_color[1], $this->_color[2]);
    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($bars); $i++) {
      $h = $height;
      $val = strtoupper($bars[$i]);
      if ($val == 1) {
        @imagefilledrectangle($im, $xpos, $space['top'], $xpos + $scale - 1, $h, $bar_color);
      $xpos += $scale;
    $x = ($total_x - strlen($bars)) / 2;
    @imagettftext($im, $scale * 6, 0, $x, $height2, $bar_color, $this->_font, $barnumber);
    if ($this->_format == "png") {
      if (!empty($file)) {
        @imagepng($im, $file . "." . $this->_format);
      else {
    if ($this->_format == "gif") {
      if (!empty($file)) {
        @imagegif($im, $file . "." . $this->_format);
      else {
    if ($this->_format == "jpg" || $this->_format == "jpeg") {
      if (!empty($file)) {
        @imagejpeg($im, $file . "." . $this->_format);
      else {

  // End Function for S2O5

  ///Start Functions from UPCE Encoding
  function ConvertUPCAtoUPCE($upca) {
    $csumTotal = 0;

    // The checksum working variable starts at zero
    $upce = "";

    // If the source message string is less than 12 characters long, we make it 12 characters
    if (strlen($upca) < 12) {
      $barnumber = str_pad($barnumber, 12, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
    if (substr($upca, 0, 1) != '0' && substr($upca, 0, 1) != '1') {
      $this->_error = 'Invalid Number System (only 0 & 1 are valid)';
      return false;
    else {
      if (substr($upca, 3, 3) == '000' || substr($upca, 3, 3) == '100' || substr($upca, 3, 3) == '200') {
        $upce = substr($upca, 1, 2) . substr($upca, 8, 3) . substr($upca, 3, 1);
      else {
        if (substr($upca, 4, 2) == '00') {
          $upce = substr($upca, 1, 2) . substr($upca, 9, 2) . '3';
        else {
          if (substr($upca, 5, 1) == '0') {
            $upce = substr($upca, 1, 4) . substr($upca, 10, 1) . '4';
          else {
            if (substr($upca, 10, 1) >= '5') {
              $upce = substr($upca, 1, 5) . substr($upca, 10, 1);
            else {
              $this->_error = 'Invalid product code (00005 to 00009 are valid)';
              return false;
    return $upce;
  function _upceEncode($barnumber, $encbit, $checkdigit) {
    $leftOdd = array(
    $leftEven = array(
    $encTable0 = array(
    $encTable1 = array(
    $guards = array(
    if ($encbit == 0) {
      $encTable = $encTable0;
    elseif ($encbit == 1) {
      $encTable = $encTable1;
    else {
      $this->_error = "Not an UPC-E barcode number";
      return false;
    $mfcStr = "";
    $prodStr = "";
    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($barnumber); $i++) {
      $num = (int) $barnumber[$i];
      $even = substr($encTable[$checkdigit], $i, 1) == 'E';
      if (!$even) {
        $mfcStr .= $leftOdd[$num];
      else {
        $mfcStr .= $leftEven[$num];
    return $guards[0] . $mfcStr . $guards[1] . $guards[2];
  function _upceBarcode($barnumber, $scale = 1, $file = "") {
    if (strlen($barnumber) > 6) {
      $barnumber = substr($this
        ->_ean13CheckDigit($barnumber), 1);
      $encbit = $barnumber[0];
      $checkdigit = $barnumber[11];
      $barnumber = $this
    else {
      $barnumber = $this
        ->_checkDigit($barnumber, 7);
      $encbit = $barnumber[0];
      $checkdigit = $barnumber[7];
      $barnumber = substr($barnumber, 1, 6);
    $bars = $this
      ->_upceEncode($barnumber, $encbit, $checkdigit);
    if (empty($file)) {
      header("Content-type: image/" . $this->_format);
    if ($scale < 1) {
      $scale = 2;
    $total_y = (double) $scale * $this->_height;
    if (!$space) {
      $space = array(
        'top' => 2 * $scale,
        'bottom' => 2 * $scale,
        'left' => 2 * $scale,
        'right' => 2 * $scale,

    /* count total width */
    $xpos = 0;
    $xpos = $scale * strlen($bars) + $scale * 12;

    /* allocate the image */
    $total_x = $xpos + $space['left'] + $space['right'];
    $xpos = $space['left'] + $scale * 6;
    $height = floor($total_y - $scale * 10);
    $height2 = floor($total_y - $space['bottom']);
    $im = @imagecreatetruecolor($total_x, $total_y);
    $bg_color = @imagecolorallocate($im, $this->_bgcolor[0], $this->_bgcolor[1], $this->_bgcolor[2]);
    @imagefilledrectangle($im, 0, 0, $total_x, $total_y, $bg_color);
    $bar_color = @imagecolorallocate($im, $this->_color[0], $this->_color[1], $this->_color[2]);
    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($bars); $i++) {
      $h = $height;
      $val = strtoupper($bars[$i]);
      if (preg_match("/[a-z]/i", $val)) {
        $val = ord($val) - 65;
        $h = $height2;
      if ($val == 1) {
        @imagefilledrectangle($im, $xpos, $space['top'], $xpos + $scale - 1, $h, $bar_color);
      $xpos += $scale;
    @imagettftext($im, $scale * 6, 0, $space['left'], $height, $bar_color, $this->_font, $encbit);
    $x = $space['left'] + $scale * strlen($barnumber) + $scale * 6;
    @imagettftext($im, $scale * 6, 0, $x, $height2, $bar_color, $this->_font, $barnumber);
    $x = $total_x - $space['left'] - $scale * 6;
    @imagettftext($im, $scale * 6, 0, $x, $height, $bar_color, $this->_font, $checkdigit);
    if ($this->_format == "png") {
      if (!empty($file)) {
        @imagepng($im, $file . "." . $this->_format);
      else {
    if ($this->_format == "gif") {
      if (!empty($file)) {
        @imagegif($im, $file . "." . $this->_format);
      else {
    if ($this->_format == "jpg" || $this->_format == "jpeg") {
      if (!empty($file)) {
        @imagejpeg($im, $file . "." . $this->_format);
      else {

  //End UPC-E functions

  ///Start Functions from EAN-8 Encoding
  function _checkDigit($barnumber, $number) {
    $csumTotal = 0;

    // The checksum working variable starts at zero
    // If the source message string is less than 12 characters long, we make it 12 characters
    if (strlen($barnumber) < $number) {
      $barnumber = str_pad($barnumber, $number, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);

    // Calculate the checksum value for the message
    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($barnumber); $i++) {
      if ($i % 2 == 0) {
        $csumTotal = $csumTotal + 3 * intval($barnumber[$i]);
      else {
        $csumTotal = $csumTotal + intval($barnumber[$i]);

    // Calculate the checksum digit

    //echo $csumTotal;
    if ($csumTotal % 10 == 0) {
      $checksumDigit = '';
    else {
      $checksumDigit = 10 - $csumTotal % 10;
    return $barnumber . $checksumDigit;

  /*An EAN-8 barcode has the following physical structure:

  		Left-hand guard bars, or start sentinel, encoded as 101.
  		Two number system characters, encoded as left-hand odd-parity characters.
  		First two message characters, encoded as left-hand odd-parity characters.
  		Center guard bars, encoded as 01010.
  		Last three message characters, encoded as right-hand characters.
  		Check digit, encoded as right-hand character.
  		Right-hand guar bars, or end sentinel, encoded as 101.
  function _ean8Encode($barnumber) {
    $leftOdd = array(
    $leftEven = array(
    $rightAll = array(
    $encTable = array(
    $guards = array(
    $mfcStr = "";
    $prodStr = "";
    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($barnumber); $i++) {
      $num = (int) $barnumber[$i];
      if ($i < 4) {
        $mfcStr .= $leftOdd[$num];
      elseif ($i >= 4) {
        $prodStr .= $rightAll[$num];
    return $guards[0] . $mfcStr . $guards[1] . $prodStr . $guards[2];
  function _ean8Barcode($barnumber, $scale = 1, $file = "") {
    $barnumber = $this
      ->_checkDigit($barnumber, 7);
    $bars = $this
    if (empty($file)) {
      header("Content-type: image/" . $this->_format);
    if ($scale < 1) {
      $scale = 2;
    $total_y = (double) $scale * $this->_height;
    if (!$space) {
      $space = array(
        'top' => 2 * $scale,
        'bottom' => 2 * $scale,
        'left' => 2 * $scale,
        'right' => 2 * $scale,

    /* count total width */
    $xpos = 0;
    $xpos = $scale * strlen($bars);

    /* allocate the image */
    $total_x = $xpos + $space['left'] + $space['right'];
    $xpos = $space['left'];
    $height = floor($total_y - $scale * 10);
    $height2 = floor($total_y - $space['bottom']);
    $im = @imagecreatetruecolor($total_x, $total_y);
    $bg_color = @imagecolorallocate($im, $this->_bgcolor[0], $this->_bgcolor[1], $this->_bgcolor[2]);
    @imagefilledrectangle($im, 0, 0, $total_x, $total_y, $bg_color);
    $bar_color = @imagecolorallocate($im, $this->_color[0], $this->_color[1], $this->_color[2]);
    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($bars); $i++) {
      $h = $height;
      $val = strtoupper($bars[$i]);
      if (preg_match("/[a-z]/i", $val)) {
        $val = ord($val) - 65;
        $h = $height2;
      if ($val == 1) {
        @imagefilledrectangle($im, $xpos, $space['top'], $xpos + $scale - 1, $h, $bar_color);
      $xpos += $scale;
    $str = substr($barnumber, 0, 4);
    $x = $space['left'] + $scale * strlen($barnumber);
    @imagettftext($im, $scale * 6, 0, $x, $height2, $bar_color, $this->_font, $str);
    $str = substr($barnumber, 4, 4);
    $x = $space['left'] + $scale * strlen($bars) / 1.65;
    @imagettftext($im, $scale * 6, 0, $x, $height2, $bar_color, $this->_font, $str);
    if ($this->_format == "png") {
      if (!empty($file)) {
        @imagepng($im, $file . "." . $this->_format);
      else {
    if ($this->_format == "gif") {
      if (!empty($file)) {
        @imagegif($im, $file . "." . $this->_format);
      else {
    if ($this->_format == "jpg" || $this->_format == "jpeg") {
      if (!empty($file)) {
        @imagejpeg($im, $file . "." . $this->_format);
      else {

  ////End functions fron EAN-8 Encoding

  ///Start Functions from EAN-13 Encoding
  function _ean13CheckDigit($barnumber) {
    $csumTotal = 0;

    // The checksum working variable starts at zero
    // If the source message string is less than 12 characters long, we make it 12 characters
    if (strlen($barnumber) <= 12) {
      $barnumber = str_pad($barnumber, 13, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);

    /*if(strlen($barnumber) == 13)
    		$barnumber = substr($barnumber,0,12);*/

    // Calculate the checksum value for the message
    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($barnumber); $i++) {
      if ($i % 2 == 0) {
        $csumTotal = $csumTotal + intval($barnumber[$i]);
      else {
        $csumTotal = $csumTotal + 3 * intval($barnumber[$i]);

    // Calculate the checksum digit
    if ($csumTotal % 10 == 0) {
      $checksumDigit = '';
    else {
      $checksumDigit = 10 - $csumTotal % 10;
    return $barnumber . $checksumDigit;

  /*An EAN-13 barcode has the following physical structure:

  		Left-hand guard bars, or start sentinel, encoded as 101.
  		The second character of the number system code, encoded as described below.
  		The five characters of the manufacturer code, encoded as described below.
  		Center guard pattern, encoded as 01010.
  		The five characters of the product code, encoded as right-hand characters, described below.
  		Check digit, encoded as a right-hand character, described below.
  		Right-hand guard bars, or end sentinel, encoded as 101.

  						1	2	3	 4	5
  		0 (UPC-A)	Odd	Odd	Odd	Odd	Odd	Odd
  		1			Odd Odd Even Odd Even Even
  		2			Odd Odd Even Even Odd Even
  		3			Odd Odd Even Even Even Odd
  		4			Odd Even Odd Odd Even Even
  		5			Odd Even Even Odd Odd Even
  		6			Odd Even Even Even Odd Odd
  		7			Odd Even Odd Even Odd Even
  		8			Odd Even Odd Even Even Odd
  		9			Odd Even Even Odd Even Odd

  function _eanEncode($barnumber) {
    $leftOdd = array(
    $leftEven = array(
    $rightAll = array(
    $encTable = array(
    $guards = array(
    $mfcStr = "";
    $prodStr = "";
    $encbit = $barnumber[0];
    for ($i = 1; $i < strlen($barnumber); $i++) {
      $num = (int) $barnumber[$i];
      if ($i < 7) {
        $even = substr($encTable[$encbit], $i - 1, 1) == 1;
        if (!$even) {
          $mfcStr .= $leftOdd[$num];
        else {
          $mfcStr .= $leftEven[$num];
      elseif ($i >= 7) {
        $prodStr .= $rightAll[$num];
    return $guards[0] . $mfcStr . $guards[1] . $prodStr . $guards[2];
  function _eanBarcode($barnumber, $scale = 1, $file = "") {
    $barnumber = $this
    $bars = $this
    if (empty($file)) {
      header("Content-type: image/" . $this->_format);
    if ($scale < 1) {
      $scale = 2;
    $total_y = (double) $scale * $this->_height;
    if (!$space) {
      $space = array(
        'top' => 2 * $scale,
        'bottom' => 2 * $scale,
        'left' => 2 * $scale,
        'right' => 2 * $scale,

    /* count total width */
    $xpos = 0;
    $xpos = $scale * 114;

    /* allocate the image */
    $total_x = $xpos + $space['left'] + $space['right'];
    $xpos = $space['left'] + $scale * 6;
    $height = floor($total_y - $scale * 10);
    $height2 = floor($total_y - $space['bottom']);
    $im = @imagecreatetruecolor($total_x, $total_y);
    $bg_color = @imagecolorallocate($im, $this->_bgcolor[0], $this->_bgcolor[1], $this->_bgcolor[2]);
    @imagefilledrectangle($im, 0, 0, $total_x, $total_y, $bg_color);
    $bar_color = @imagecolorallocate($im, $this->_color[0], $this->_color[1], $this->_color[2]);
    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($bars); $i++) {
      $h = $height;
      $val = strtoupper($bars[$i]);
      if (preg_match("/[a-z]/i", $val)) {
        $val = ord($val) - 65;
        $h = $height2;
      if ($this->_encode == "UPC-A" && ($i < 10 || $i > strlen($bars) - 13)) {
        $h = $height2;
      if ($val == 1) {
        @imagefilledrectangle($im, $xpos, $space['top'], $xpos + $scale - 1, $h, $bar_color);
      $xpos += $scale;
    if ($this->_encode == "UPC-A") {
      $str = substr($barnumber, 1, 1);
    else {
      $str = substr($barnumber, 0, 1);
    @imagettftext($im, $scale * 6, 0, $space['left'], $height, $bar_color, $this->_font, $str);
    if ($this->_encode == "UPC-A") {
      $str = substr($barnumber, 2, 5);
    else {
      $str = substr($barnumber, 1, 6);
    $x = $space['left'] + $scale * strlen($barnumber) + $scale * 6;
    @imagettftext($im, $scale * 6, 0, $x, $height2, $bar_color, $this->_font, $str);
    if ($this->_encode == "UPC-A") {
      $str = substr($barnumber, 7, 5);
    else {
      $str = substr($barnumber, 7, 6);
    $x = $space['left'] + $scale * strlen($bars) / 1.65 + $scale * 6;
    @imagettftext($im, $scale * 6, 0, $x, $height2, $bar_color, $this->_font, $str);
    if ($this->_encode == "UPC-A") {
      $str = substr($barnumber, 12, 1);
      $x = $total_x - $space['left'] - $scale * 6;
      @imagettftext($im, $scale * 6, 0, $x, $height, $bar_color, $this->_font, $str);
    if ($this->_format == "png") {
      if (!empty($file)) {
        @imagepng($im, $file . "." . $this->_format);
      else {
    if ($this->_format == "gif") {
      if (!empty($file)) {
        @imagegif($im, $file . "." . $this->_format);
      else {
    if ($this->_format == "jpg" || $this->_format == "jpeg") {
      if (!empty($file)) {
        @imagejpeg($im, $file . "." . $this->_format);
      else {

