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function BARCODE::_upceBarcode in Barcode 6

1 call to BARCODE::_upceBarcode()
BARCODE::genBarCode in ./


./, line 1298




function _upceBarcode($barnumber, $scale = 1, $file = "") {
  if (strlen($barnumber) > 6) {
    $barnumber = substr($this
      ->_ean13CheckDigit($barnumber), 1);
    $encbit = $barnumber[0];
    $checkdigit = $barnumber[11];
    $barnumber = $this
  else {
    $barnumber = $this
      ->_checkDigit($barnumber, 7);
    $encbit = $barnumber[0];
    $checkdigit = $barnumber[7];
    $barnumber = substr($barnumber, 1, 6);
  $bars = $this
    ->_upceEncode($barnumber, $encbit, $checkdigit);
  if (empty($file)) {
    header("Content-type: image/" . $this->_format);
  if ($scale < 1) {
    $scale = 2;
  $total_y = (double) $scale * $this->_height;
  if (!$space) {
    $space = array(
      'top' => 2 * $scale,
      'bottom' => 2 * $scale,
      'left' => 2 * $scale,
      'right' => 2 * $scale,

  /* count total width */
  $xpos = 0;
  $xpos = $scale * strlen($bars) + $scale * 12;

  /* allocate the image */
  $total_x = $xpos + $space['left'] + $space['right'];
  $xpos = $space['left'] + $scale * 6;
  $height = floor($total_y - $scale * 10);
  $height2 = floor($total_y - $space['bottom']);
  $im = @imagecreatetruecolor($total_x, $total_y);
  $bg_color = @imagecolorallocate($im, $this->_bgcolor[0], $this->_bgcolor[1], $this->_bgcolor[2]);
  @imagefilledrectangle($im, 0, 0, $total_x, $total_y, $bg_color);
  $bar_color = @imagecolorallocate($im, $this->_color[0], $this->_color[1], $this->_color[2]);
  for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($bars); $i++) {
    $h = $height;
    $val = strtoupper($bars[$i]);
    if (preg_match("/[a-z]/i", $val)) {
      $val = ord($val) - 65;
      $h = $height2;
    if ($val == 1) {
      @imagefilledrectangle($im, $xpos, $space['top'], $xpos + $scale - 1, $h, $bar_color);
    $xpos += $scale;
  @imagettftext($im, $scale * 6, 0, $space['left'], $height, $bar_color, $this->_font, $encbit);
  $x = $space['left'] + $scale * strlen($barnumber) + $scale * 6;
  @imagettftext($im, $scale * 6, 0, $x, $height2, $bar_color, $this->_font, $barnumber);
  $x = $total_x - $space['left'] - $scale * 6;
  @imagettftext($im, $scale * 6, 0, $x, $height, $bar_color, $this->_font, $checkdigit);
  if ($this->_format == "png") {
    if (!empty($file)) {
      @imagepng($im, $file . "." . $this->_format);
    else {
  if ($this->_format == "gif") {
    if (!empty($file)) {
      @imagegif($im, $file . "." . $this->_format);
    else {
  if ($this->_format == "jpg" || $this->_format == "jpeg") {
    if (!empty($file)) {
      @imagejpeg($im, $file . "." . $this->_format);
    else {