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Functions in Backup and Migrate 7.3

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
backup_migrate_ui_manual_restore_form ./backup_migrate.module The restore/import upload form. 1
backup_migrate_ui_manual_restore_form_submit ./backup_migrate.module The restore submit. Do the restore.
backup_migrate_ui_saved_backups ./backup_migrate.module List the previously created backups from across multiple destinations. 1
backup_migrate_ui_schedule ./backup_migrate.module The menu callback for quick schedules.
backup_migrate_ui_schedule_form ./backup_migrate.module The quick schedule form. 1
backup_migrate_ui_schedule_form_submit ./backup_migrate.module Submit the quick schedule form.
backup_migrate_uninstall ./backup_migrate.install Implements hook_uninstall().
backup_migrate_unsigned_integer_validate ./ Validate fields that require zero or a positive integer. 2
backup_migrate_update_2000 ./backup_migrate.install Update from 1.x to 2.x.
backup_migrate_update_2001 ./backup_migrate.install Adding filter field for dev release of 2009-01-28.
backup_migrate_update_2002 ./backup_migrate.install Clear the cache because there was a menu structure change.
backup_migrate_update_2003 ./backup_migrate.install Allowing non-int profile ids in schedules 2009-05-31.
backup_migrate_update_2004 ./backup_migrate.install Allowing non-int profile ids 2009-07-01.
backup_migrate_update_2005 ./backup_migrate.install Change the default database id to something friendlier 2009-08-08.
backup_migrate_update_7200 ./backup_migrate.install Move the backup and migrate directory to the private directory.
backup_migrate_update_7202 ./backup_migrate.install Change the filename field to support 255 characters.
backup_migrate_update_7203 ./backup_migrate.install Schedule last run times to use variables instead of saving with the schedule.
backup_migrate_update_7300 ./backup_migrate.install Upgrade from Backup & Migrate 7.x-2.x.
backup_migrate_update_7301 ./backup_migrate.install Switch the cron switch to text.
backup_migrate_update_7302 ./backup_migrate.install Add a second destination to schedules.
backup_migrate_update_7303 ./backup_migrate.install Add a serial id field to all tables to allow them to be ctools exportable.
backup_migrate_update_7304 ./backup_migrate.install Update all schedules to use the built in cron if none is specified.
backup_migrate_update_7305 ./backup_migrate.install Fix schema mismatch after upgrade.
backup_migrate_update_7306 ./backup_migrate.install Leave a message to explain the mixup over the backup option.
backup_migrate_update_7307 ./backup_migrate.install 'backup_migrate_backup_memory_limit' vs 'backup_migrate_memory_limit'.
backup_migrate_update_7308 ./backup_migrate.install Update profiles table filter field to accommodate larger serialized strings.
backup_migrate_update_7309 ./backup_migrate.install NodeSquirrel support has been removed.
backup_migrate_update_7310 ./backup_migrate.install Disable e-mail destinations. 1 1
backup_migrate_update_7311 ./backup_migrate.install Adjust the default performance settings.
bm_test_ctools_plugin_api tests/bm_test.module Implements hook_ctools_plugin_api().
bm_test_exportables_backup_migrate_destinations tests/bm_test.module Implements hook_exportables_backup_migrate_destinations().
bm_test_exportables_backup_migrate_schedules tests/bm_test.module Implements hook_exportables_backup_migrate_schedules().
bm_test_exportables_backup_migrate_sources tests/bm_test.module Implements hook_exportables_backup_migrate_sources().
drupal_ftp_change_directory includes/ The drupal_ftp_change_directory Function This function simply changes into the $directory folder on the FTP server. If a connection or permission error occurs then _backup_migrate_message() will contain the error message. 1
drupal_ftp_connect includes/ The drupal_ftp_connect function This function connects to an FTP server and attempts to change into the directory specified by the fourth parameter, $directory. 6
drupal_ftp_connected includes/ The drupal_ftp_connected function This function queries the FTP server with the ftp_systype command to check if the connection is still alive. It returns TRUE on success or FALSE on disconnection. 1
drupal_ftp_create_directory includes/ The drupal_ftp_create_directory Function This function tries to make a new directory called $folder_name on the FTP server. If it can create the folder, then the folder is given appropriate rights with the CHMOD command.
drupal_ftp_delete_file includes/ The drupal_ftp_delete_file Function This function attempts to delete a file called $filename from the FTP server. 1
drupal_ftp_delete_folder includes/ The drupal_ftp_delete_folder Function This function was one of the hardest to write. It recursively deletes all files and folders from a directory called $folder_name.
drupal_ftp_file_list includes/ The drupal_ftp_file_list Function This function will change into the $directory folder and get a list of files and directories contained in that folder. This function still needs a lot of work, but should work in most cases. 1
drupal_ftp_file_to_ftp includes/ Send a file to an FTP server. 1
drupal_ftp_ftp_object includes/ Creates a new ftp object. if any elements of ftp_map are missing, they'll be filled with the server defaults. 3
drupal_ftp_ftp_to_file includes/ This function tries to retrieve the contents of a file from the FTP server. Firstly it changes into the $directory directory, and then attempts to download the file $filename. The file is saved locally and its contents are returned to the caller of… 1
form_process_backup_migrate_file_list ./backup_migrate.module Callback function for backup_migrate_file_list '#process' callback. 1
theme_backup_migrate_dependent ./backup_migrate.module Theme the dependent form section.
theme_backup_migrate_file_list ./backup_migrate.module Theme file list form widget.
theme_backup_migrate_group ./backup_migrate.module Theme the dependent form section.
theme_backup_migrate_ui_manual_quick_backup_form_inline ./backup_migrate.module Theme the quick backup form.
theme_backup_migrate_ui_quick_schedule_form_inline ./backup_migrate.module Theme the quick schedule form.
_backup_migrate_array_to_ini ./backup_migrate.module Converts an associated array to an ini format string. 1


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