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function drupal_ftp_file_list in Backup and Migrate 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 includes/ \drupal_ftp_file_list()
  2. 8.3 includes/ \drupal_ftp_file_list()
  3. 6.3 includes/ \drupal_ftp_file_list()
  4. 6.2 includes/ \drupal_ftp_file_list()
  5. 7.2 includes/ \drupal_ftp_file_list()

The drupal_ftp_file_list Function This function will change into the $directory folder and get a list of files and directories contained in that folder. This function still needs a lot of work, but should work in most cases.

1 call to drupal_ftp_file_list()
backup_migrate_destination_ftp::_list_files in includes/
List all the available files in the given destination.


includes/, line 302
Functions to handle the FTP backup destination.


function drupal_ftp_file_list($directory, &$ftp) {

  // This function will attempt to change into the specified
  // directory and retrieve a list of files as an associative
  // array. This list will include file name, size and date last modified.
  $file_array = array();

  // Can we switch to the desired directory?
  if (!drupal_ftp_change_directory($directory, $ftp)) {
    return FALSE;

  // We are in the directory, let's retrieve a list of files
  // This is slower than parsing the raw return values, but it is faster.
  $file_list = ftp_nlist($ftp->__conn, $directory);

  // Save the list of files.
  if (@is_array($file_list)) {

    // Interate through the array.
    foreach ($file_list as $file) {
      $file_array[] = array(
        'filename' => $file,
        'filesize' => ftp_size($ftp->__conn, $directory . "/" . $file),
        'filetime' => ftp_mdtm($ftp->__conn, $directory . "/" . $file),
  return $file_array;