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Functions in Backup and Migrate 6.3

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
backup_migrate_destination_confirm_destination includes/ Send a file to the destination specified by the settings array. 1
backup_migrate_destination_delete_file includes/ Delete a file in the given destination. 1
backup_migrate_destination_file_exists includes/ Check if a file exists in the given destination. 2
backup_migrate_destination_get_file includes/ Load a file from a destination and return the file info. 3
backup_migrate_destination_save_file includes/ Send a file to the destination specified by the settings array. 1
backup_migrate_drush_backup includes/ Backup the default database. 1
backup_migrate_drush_command includes/ Implementation of hook_drush_command().
backup_migrate_drush_destinations includes/ Get a list of available destinations. 1
backup_migrate_drush_destination_files includes/ Get a list of files in a given destination 1
backup_migrate_drush_help includes/ Implementation of hook_drush_help().
backup_migrate_drush_profiles includes/ Get a list of available profiles. 1
backup_migrate_drush_restore includes/ Restore to the default database. 1
backup_migrate_drush_sources includes/ Get a list of available sources. 1
backup_migrate_elements ./backup_migrate.module Implementation of hook_elements().
backup_migrate_exec ./backup_migrate.module Execute a command line command. Returns false if the function failed. 6 3
backup_migrate_filters_backup includes/ Filter a backup file before sending it to the destination. 2
backup_migrate_filters_before_action_form includes/ Get the backup settings for all of the filters. 1
backup_migrate_filters_before_action_form_submit includes/ Get the backup settings for all of the filters. 1
backup_migrate_filters_before_action_form_validate includes/ Get the backup settings for all of the filters. 1
backup_migrate_filters_file_types includes/ Get the file types for all of the filters. 1
backup_migrate_filters_invoke_all includes/ Invoke the given method on all of the available filters. 18
backup_migrate_filters_restore includes/ Filter a backup file before sending it to the destination. 2
backup_migrate_filters_settings_default includes/ Get the default settings for the filters. 4
backup_migrate_filters_settings_form includes/ Get the backup settings for all of the filters. 3
backup_migrate_filters_settings_form_set_parents includes/ Add a form parent to the filter settings so that the filter values are saved in the right table. 1
backup_migrate_filters_settings_form_submit includes/ Submit all of the filters. 1
backup_migrate_filters_settings_form_validate includes/ Validate all the filters. 1
backup_migrate_format_elapsed_time ./backup_migrate.module Format an elapsed time given in milleseconds. 2
backup_migrate_form_update_script_selection_form_alter ./backup_migrate.module Implementation of hook_form_update_script_selection_form_alter().
backup_migrate_get_destination includes/ Get the destination of the given id. 13
backup_migrate_get_destinations includes/ Get all the available backup destination. 5
backup_migrate_get_destination_subtypes includes/ Get the available destination types. 2
backup_migrate_get_filters includes/ Get the available destination types. 3
backup_migrate_get_location includes/ Get the location of the given id.
backup_migrate_get_locations includes/ Get all the available backup location. 1
backup_migrate_get_location_subtypes includes/ Get the available location types. 2
backup_migrate_get_profile includes/ Get the profile info for the profile with the given ID, or NULL if none exists. 5
backup_migrate_get_profiles includes/ Get all the available backup profiles. 3
backup_migrate_get_schedule includes/ Get the schedule info for the schedule with the given ID, or NULL if none exists. 2
backup_migrate_get_schedules includes/ Get all the available backup schedules. 5
backup_migrate_get_source includes/ Get the destination of the given id. 1
backup_migrate_get_sources includes/ Get all the available backup sources. 6
backup_migrate_get_source_subtypes includes/ Get the available source types. 2
backup_migrate_help ./backup_migrate.module Implementation of hook_help().
backup_migrate_include ./backup_migrate.module Include views .inc files as necessary. 70
backup_migrate_include_path ./backup_migrate.module Include views .inc files as necessary. 1
backup_migrate_install ./backup_migrate.install Implementation of hook_install().
backup_migrate_menu ./backup_migrate.module Implementation of hook_menu().
backup_migrate_menu_callback ./backup_migrate.module A menu callback helper. Handles file includes and interactivity setting. 4
backup_migrate_nodesquirrel_credentials_settings_form includes/ NodeSquirrel settings form. 2


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