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Classes, traits, and interfaces in Backup and Migrate 6.3

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Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
BackupMigrateFunctionalityTest class tests/backup_migrate.functionality.test Unit tests for Backup and Migrate module.
BackupMigrateUnitTest class tests/backup_migrate.unit.test Unit tests for Backup and Migrate module.
backup_file class includes/ A backup file which allows for saving to and reading from the server.
backup_migrate_destination class includes/ A base class for creating destinations. 5
backup_migrate_destination_browser class includes/ A destination type for browser upload/download. 2
backup_migrate_destination_browser_download class includes/ A destination type for browser download.
backup_migrate_destination_browser_upload class includes/ A destination type for browser upload.
backup_migrate_destination_email class includes/ A destination for emailing database backups.
backup_migrate_destination_files class includes/ A destination type for saving locally to the server. 2
backup_migrate_destination_filesource class includes/ A destination type for saving locally to the server. 1
backup_migrate_destination_files_manual class includes/ The manual files directory.
backup_migrate_destination_files_scheduled class includes/ The scheduled files directory.
backup_migrate_destination_ftp class includes/ A destination for sending database backups to an FTP server.
backup_migrate_destination_nodesquirrel class includes/ A destination for sending database backups to the NodeSquirel backup service.
backup_migrate_destination_remote class includes/ A base class for creating destinations. 2
backup_migrate_destination_s3 class includes/ A destination for sending database backups to an s3 server.
backup_migrate_files_destination_archivesource class includes/ A destination type for saving locally to the server.
backup_migrate_filter class includes/ A base class for basing filters on. 5
backup_migrate_filter_backup_restore class includes/ A filter backup or migrate the specified source.
backup_migrate_filter_compression class includes/ A filter for compressing backup files.
backup_migrate_filter_encryption class includes/ A filter for encrypting backup files.
backup_migrate_filter_statusnotify class includes/ A filter to send a notification email on success or failure of backup.
backup_migrate_filter_utils class includes/ A filter to run some basic utility functions.
backup_migrate_item class includes/ A base class for items which can be stored in the database, listed, edited, deleted etc. 3
backup_migrate_location class includes/ A base class for creating locations. 3
backup_migrate_location_remote class includes/ A base class for creating locations.
backup_migrate_profile class includes/ A profile class for crud operations.
backup_migrate_schedule class includes/ A schedule class for crud operations.
backup_migrate_source class includes/ A base class for creating sources. 2
backup_migrate_source_db class includes/ A destination type for saving to a database server. 1
backup_migrate_source_db_mysql class includes/ A source type for backing up from database server.
backup_migrate_source_remote class includes/ A base class for creating sources. 1
mime_mail class includes/

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