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function availability_calendar_get_search_api_availability_index_table in Availability Calendars 7.5

Searches for an index that indexes availability calendars and returns the table name of the table that contains the indexed availability.


string $server_name: The server on which the index should reside.

Return value


1 call to availability_calendar_get_search_api_availability_index_table()
availability_calendar_views_data_alter in views/
Implements hook_views_data_alter().


views/, line 234
Views support for Availability Calendar.


function availability_calendar_get_search_api_availability_index_table($server_name) {
  if (module_exists('search_api')) {
    $indices = search_api_index_load_multiple(FALSE);
    foreach ($indices as $index) {
      $server = search_api_server_load($server_name);
      if ($server) {
        $options = $server->options;

        // Get table that contains the filtered availability.
        if (!empty($options['indexes'][$index->machine_name])) {
          foreach ($options['indexes'][$index->machine_name] as $key => $option) {
            if (substr($key, -strlen('filtered_availability')) === 'filtered_availability' && isset($option['table'])) {
              return $option['table'];
  return NULL;