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class InPlaceUpdate in Automatic Updates 7

Class to apply in-place updates.


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class InPlaceUpdate {
  use ProjectInfoTrait;

   * The manifest file that lists all file deletions.

   * The directory inside the archive for file additions and modifications.
  const ARCHIVE_DIRECTORY = 'files/';

   * The root file path.
   * @var string
  protected static $rootPath;

   * The folder where files are backed up.
   * @var string
  protected static $backup;

   * The temporary extract directory.
   * @var string
  protected static $tempDirectory;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static function update($project_name, $project_type, $from_version, $to_version) {
    self::$rootPath = DRUPAL_ROOT;
    $project_root = drupal_get_path('module', 'automatic_updates');
    require_once $project_root . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'vendor' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'autoload.php';

    // Bail immediately on updates if error category checks fail.
    if (ReadinessCheckerManager::getResults('error')) {
      return FALSE;
    $success = FALSE;
    if ($project_name === 'drupal') {
      $project_root = self::$rootPath;
    else {
      $project_root = drupal_get_path($project_type, $project_name);
    if ($archive = self::getArchive($project_name, $from_version, $to_version)) {
      $modified = self::checkModifiedFiles($project_name, $archive);
      if (!$modified && self::backup($archive, $project_root)) {
        watchdog('automatic_updates', 'In place update has started.', [], WATCHDOG_INFO);
        try {
          $success = self::processUpdate($archive, $project_root);
          watchdog('automatic_updates', 'In place update has finished.', [], WATCHDOG_INFO);
        } catch (\Throwable $throwable) {
          watchdog('automatic_updates', 'In place update has failed.', [], WATCHDOG_ERROR);
        } catch (\Exception $exception) {
          watchdog('automatic_updates', 'In place update has failed.', [], WATCHDOG_ERROR);
        $result = automatic_updates_exec_command('updatedb:status');
        if (!empty($result['return_code'] || !empty($result['output']))) {

          // Rollback if there are database updates in the update.
          watchdog('automatic_updates', 'Database update exists', [], WATCHDOG_INFO);
          $success = FALSE;
        if (!$success) {
          watchdog('automatic_updates', 'Rollback has started.', [], WATCHDOG_INFO);
          watchdog('automatic_updates', 'Rollback has finished.', [], WATCHDOG_INFO);
        if ($success) {
          watchdog('automatic_updates', 'Cache clear has started.', [], WATCHDOG_INFO);
          watchdog('automatic_updates', 'Cache clear has finished.', [], WATCHDOG_INFO);
    PostUpdateNotify::send($success, $project_name, $from_version, $to_version);
    return $success;

   * Get an archive with the quasi-patch contents.
   * @param string $project_name
   *   The project name.
   * @param string $from_version
   *   The current project version.
   * @param string $to_version
   *   The desired next project version.
   * @return \ArchiverZip
   *   The archive.
  protected static function getArchive($project_name, $from_version, $to_version) {
    $quasi_patch = self::getQuasiPatchFileName($project_name, $from_version, $to_version);
    $url = self::buildUrl($project_name, $quasi_patch);
    $temp_directory = drupal_realpath('temporary://') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
    $destination = file_destination($temp_directory . $quasi_patch, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE);
    self::doGetResource($url, $destination);
    $csig_file = $quasi_patch . '.csig';
    $csig_url = self::buildUrl($project_name, $csig_file);
    $csig_destination = drupal_realpath(file_destination('temporary://' . $csig_file, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE));
    self::doGetResource($csig_url, $csig_destination);
    $csig = file_get_contents($csig_destination);
    self::validateArchive($temp_directory, $csig);
    if (file_exists($destination)) {
      return new \ArchiverZip($destination);

   * Check if files are modified before applying updates.
   * @param string $project_name
   *   The project name.
   * @param \ArchiverZip $archive
   *   The archive.
   * @return bool
   *   Return TRUE if modified files exist, FALSE otherwise.
  protected static function checkModifiedFiles($project_name, \ArchiverZip $archive) {
    $extensions = self::getInfos();
    try {
      $files = iterator_to_array(ModifiedFilesService::getModifiedFiles([
    } catch (\RuntimeException $exception) {
      watchdog_exception('automatic_updates', $exception);

      // While not strictly true there are modified files, we can't be sure
      // there aren't any. So assume the worst.
      return TRUE;
    $files = array_unique($files);
    $archive_files = $archive
    foreach ($archive_files as $index => &$archive_file) {
      $skipped_files = [

      // Skip certain files and all directories.
      if (in_array($archive_file, $skipped_files, TRUE) || substr($archive_file, -1) === '/') {
    if ($intersection = array_intersect($files, $archive_files)) {
      watchdog('automatic_updates', 'Can not update because %count files are modified: %paths', [
        '%count' => count($intersection),
        '%paths' => implode(', ', $intersection),
      return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

   * Perform retrieval of archive, with delay if archive is still being created.
   * @param string $url
   *   The URL to retrieve.
   * @param string $destination
   *   The destination to download the archive.
   * @param null|int $delay
   *   The delay, defaults to NULL.
  protected static function doGetResource($url, $destination, $delay = 0) {
    $result = drupal_http_request($url);

    // Have to check for header directly as Core doesn't know HTTP 429.
    if ($result->code === '429' || isset($result->headers['retry-after'])) {
      $delay = $result->headers['retry-after'];
      self::doGetResource($url, $destination, $delay);
    elseif ($result->code !== '200') {
      watchdog('automatic_updates', 'Retrieval of "@url" failed with: @message', [
        '@url' => $url,
        '@message' => $result->data,
    else {
      file_unmanaged_save_data($result->data, $destination, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE);

   * Process update.
   * @param \ArchiverZip $archive
   *   The archive.
   * @param string $project_root
   *   The project root directory.
   * @return bool
   *   Return TRUE if update succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
  protected static function processUpdate(\ArchiverZip $archive, $project_root) {
    foreach (self::getFilesList(self::getTempDirectory()) as $file) {
      $file_real_path = self::getFileRealPath($file);
      $file_path = substr($file_real_path, strlen(self::getTempDirectory() . self::ARCHIVE_DIRECTORY));
      $project_real_path = self::getProjectRealPath($file_path, $project_root);
      $directory = dirname($project_real_path);
      file_prepare_directory($directory, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY);
      file_unmanaged_copy($file_real_path, $project_real_path, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE);
      watchdog('automatic_updates', '"@file" was updated.', [
        '@file' => $project_real_path,
      ], WATCHDOG_INFO);
    foreach (self::getDeletions() as $deletion) {
      $file_deletion = self::getProjectRealPath($deletion, $project_root);
      watchdog('automatic_updates', '"@file" was deleted.', [
        '@file' => $file_deletion,
      ], WATCHDOG_INFO);
    return TRUE;

   * Validate the downloaded archive.
   * @param string $directory
   *   The location of the downloaded archive.
   * @param string $csig
   *   The CSIG contents.
   * @throws \SodiumException
  protected static function validateArchive($directory, $csig) {
    $module_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'automatic_updates');
    $key = file_get_contents($module_path . '/artifacts/keys/');
    $verifier = new Verifier($key);
    $files = $verifier
    $checksums = new ChecksumList($files, TRUE);
    $failed_checksums = new FailedCheckumFilter($checksums, $directory);
    if (iterator_count($failed_checksums)) {
      throw new \RuntimeException('The downloaded files did not match what was expected.');

   * Backup before an update.
   * @param \ArchiverZip $archive
   *   The archive.
   * @param string $project_root
   *   The project root directory.
   * @return bool
   *   Return TRUE if backup succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
  protected static function backup(\ArchiverZip $archive, $project_root) {
    $backup = file_create_filename('automatic_updates-backup', 'temporary://');
    file_prepare_directory($backup, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY);
    self::$backup = drupal_realpath($backup) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
    if (!self::$backup) {
      return FALSE;
    foreach ($archive
      ->listContents() as $file) {

      // Ignore files that aren't in the files directory.
      if (!self::stripFileDirectoryPath($file)) {
      $success = self::doBackup($file, $project_root);
      if (!$success) {
        return FALSE;
      ->extract(self::getTempDirectory(), [
    foreach (self::getDeletions() as $deletion) {
      $success = self::doBackup($deletion, $project_root);
      if (!$success) {
        return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

   * Remove the files directory path from files from the archive.
   * @param string $file
   *   The file path.
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE if path was removed, else FALSE.
  protected static function stripFileDirectoryPath(&$file) {
    if (strpos($file, self::ARCHIVE_DIRECTORY) === 0) {
      $file = substr($file, 6);
      return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

   * Execute file backup.
   * @param string $file
   *   The file to backup.
   * @param string $project_root
   *   The project root directory.
   * @return bool
   *   Return TRUE if backup succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
  protected static function doBackup($file, $project_root) {
    $directory = self::$backup . dirname($file);
    if (!file_exists($directory) && !drupal_mkdir($directory, NULL, TRUE)) {
      return FALSE;
    $project_real_path = self::getProjectRealPath($file, $project_root);
    if (file_exists($project_real_path) && !is_dir($project_real_path)) {
      $success = file_unmanaged_copy($project_real_path, self::$backup . $file, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE);
      if (!$success) {
        return FALSE;
      watchdog('automatic_updates', '"@file" was backed up in preparation for an update.', [
        '@file' => $project_real_path,
      ], WATCHDOG_INFO);
    return TRUE;

   * Rollback after a failed update.
   * @param string $project_root
   *   The project root directory.
  protected static function rollback($project_root) {
    if (!self::$backup) {
    foreach (self::getFilesList(self::getTempDirectory()) as $file) {
      $file_real_path = self::getFileRealPath($file);
      $file_path = substr($file_real_path, strlen(self::getTempDirectory() . self::ARCHIVE_DIRECTORY));
      $project_real_path = self::getProjectRealPath($file_path, $project_root);
      $success = file_unmanaged_delete($project_real_path);
      if ($success) {
        watchdog('automatic_updates', '"@file" was successfully removed during rollback.', [
          '@file' => $project_real_path,
        ], WATCHDOG_INFO);
      else {
        watchdog('automatic_updates', '"@file" failed removal on rollback.', [
          '@file' => $project_real_path,
        ], WATCHDOG_ERROR);
    foreach (self::getFilesList(self::$backup) as $file) {
      self::doRestore($file, $project_root);

   * Do restore.
   * @param \SplFileInfo $file
   *   File to restore.
   * @param string $project_root
   *   The project root directory.
  protected static function doRestore(\SplFileInfo $file, $project_root) {
    $file_real_path = self::getFileRealPath($file);
    $file_path = substr($file_real_path, strlen(self::$backup));
    $success = file_unmanaged_copy($file_real_path, self::getProjectRealPath($file_path, $project_root), FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE);
    if ($success) {
      watchdog('automatic_updates', '"@file" was successfully restored.', [
        '@file' => $file_path,
      ], WATCHDOG_INFO);
    else {
      watchdog('automatic_updates', '"@file" failed restoration during rollback.', [
        '@file' => $file_path,

   * Provide a recursive list of files, excluding directories.
   * @param string $directory
   *   The directory to recurse for files.
   * @return \RecursiveIteratorIterator|\SplFileInfo[]
   *   The iterator of SplFileInfos.
  protected static function getFilesList($directory) {
    $filter = static function ($file, $file_name, $iterator) {

      /** @var \SplFileInfo $file */

      /** @var string $file_name */

      /** @var \RecursiveDirectoryIterator $iterator */
      if ($iterator
        ->hasChildren() && $file
        ->getFilename() !== '.git') {
        return TRUE;
      $skipped_files = [
      return $file
        ->isFile() && !in_array($file
        ->getFilename(), $skipped_files, TRUE);
    $innerIterator = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($directory, \RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS);
    return new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator($innerIterator, $filter));

   * Build a project quasi-patch download URL.
   * @param string $project_name
   *   The project name.
   * @param string $file_name
   *   The file name.
   * @return string
   *   The URL endpoint with for an extension.
  protected static function buildUrl($project_name, $file_name) {
    $uri = ltrim(variable_get('automatic_updates_download_uri', ''), '/');
    return "{$uri}/{$project_name}/{$file_name}";

   * Get the quasi-patch file name.
   * @param string $project_name
   *   The project name.
   * @param string $from_version
   *   The current project version.
   * @param string $to_version
   *   The desired next project version.
   * @return string
   *   The quasi-patch file name.
  protected static function getQuasiPatchFileName($project_name, $from_version, $to_version) {
    return "{$project_name}-{$from_version}-to-{$to_version}.zip";

   * Get file real path.
   * @param \SplFileInfo $file
   *   The file to retrieve the real path.
   * @return string
   *   The file real path.
  protected static function getFileRealPath(\SplFileInfo $file) {
    $real_path = $file
    if (!$real_path) {
      throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Could not get real path for "%s"', $file
    return $real_path;

   * Get the real path of a file.
   * @param string $file_path
   *   The file path.
   * @param string $project_root
   *   The project root directory.
   * @return string
   *   The real path of a file.
  protected static function getProjectRealPath($file_path, $project_root) {
    return rtrim($project_root, '/\\') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file_path;

   * Provides the temporary extraction directory.
   * @return string
   *   The temporary directory.
  protected static function getTempDirectory() {
    if (!self::$tempDirectory) {
      self::$tempDirectory = file_create_filename('automatic_updates-update', 'temporary://');
      file_prepare_directory(self::$tempDirectory, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY);
      self::$tempDirectory = drupal_realpath(self::$tempDirectory) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
    return self::$tempDirectory;

   * Get an iterator of files to delete.
   * @return \ArrayIterator
   *   Iterator of files to delete.
  protected static function getDeletions() {
    $deletions = [];
    if (!file_exists(self::getTempDirectory() . self::DELETION_MANIFEST)) {
      return new \ArrayIterator($deletions);
    $handle = fopen(self::getTempDirectory() . self::DELETION_MANIFEST, 'r');
    if ($handle) {
      while (($deletion = fgets($handle)) !== FALSE) {
        if ($result = trim($deletion)) {
          $deletions[] = $result;
    return new \ArrayIterator($deletions);

   * Clear cache on successful update.
  protected static function cacheClear() {
    if (function_exists('opcache_reset')) {



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
InPlaceUpdate::$backup protected static property The folder where files are backed up.
InPlaceUpdate::$rootPath protected static property The root file path.
InPlaceUpdate::$tempDirectory protected static property The temporary extract directory.
InPlaceUpdate::ARCHIVE_DIRECTORY constant The directory inside the archive for file additions and modifications.
InPlaceUpdate::backup protected static function Backup before an update.
InPlaceUpdate::buildUrl protected static function Build a project quasi-patch download URL.
InPlaceUpdate::cacheClear protected static function Clear cache on successful update.
InPlaceUpdate::checkModifiedFiles protected static function Check if files are modified before applying updates.
InPlaceUpdate::DELETION_MANIFEST constant The manifest file that lists all file deletions.
InPlaceUpdate::doBackup protected static function Execute file backup.
InPlaceUpdate::doGetResource protected static function Perform retrieval of archive, with delay if archive is still being created.
InPlaceUpdate::doRestore protected static function Do restore.
InPlaceUpdate::getArchive protected static function Get an archive with the quasi-patch contents.
InPlaceUpdate::getDeletions protected static function Get an iterator of files to delete.
InPlaceUpdate::getFileRealPath protected static function Get file real path.
InPlaceUpdate::getFilesList protected static function Provide a recursive list of files, excluding directories.
InPlaceUpdate::getProjectRealPath protected static function Get the real path of a file.
InPlaceUpdate::getQuasiPatchFileName protected static function Get the quasi-patch file name.
InPlaceUpdate::getTempDirectory protected static function Provides the temporary extraction directory.
InPlaceUpdate::processUpdate protected static function Process update.
InPlaceUpdate::rollback protected static function Rollback after a failed update.
InPlaceUpdate::stripFileDirectoryPath protected static function Remove the files directory path from files from the archive.
InPlaceUpdate::update public static function
InPlaceUpdate::validateArchive protected static function Validate the downloaded archive.
ProjectInfoTrait::getExtensionVersion protected static function Get the extension version.
ProjectInfoTrait::getInfos protected static function Returns an array of info files information of available extensions.
ProjectInfoTrait::getProjectName protected static function Get the extension's project name.