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public static function ModifiedFilesService::getModifiedFiles in Automatic Updates 7

Get list of modified files.


array $extensions: The list of extensions, keyed by extension name with values an info array.

Return value

\Iterator The modified files.

2 calls to ModifiedFilesService::getModifiedFiles()
InPlaceUpdate::checkModifiedFiles in ./InPlaceUpdate.php
Check if files are modified before applying updates.
ModifiedFiles::modifiedFilesCheck in ReadinessCheckers/ModifiedFiles.php
Check if the site contains any modified code.


./ModifiedFilesService.php, line 22


Modified files service.


public static function getModifiedFiles(array $extensions = []) {
  $project_root = drupal_get_path('module', 'automatic_updates');
  require_once $project_root . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'vendor' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'autoload.php';
  $modified_files = new \ArrayIterator();
  foreach (static::getHashRequests($extensions) as $hash_info) {
    $url = reset($hash_info);
    $response = drupal_http_request($url);
    $extension_name = key($hash_info);
    if (isset($response->code) && $response->code === '200') {
      static::processHashes($response->data, $extensions[$extension_name], $modified_files);
    else {

      // Log all the exceptions, even modules that aren't the main project.
      watchdog('automatic_updates', 'Request for @url resulted in @error.', [
        '@url' => $url,
        '@error' => $response->error,

      // HTTP 404 is expected for modules that aren't the main project. But
      // other error codes should complain loudly.
      if ($response->code !== '404') {
        throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Request for %s resulted in %s.', $url, $response->error));
  return $modified_files;