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Functions in Autoload 6.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
autoloadtest_autoload_info autoloadtest/autoloadtest.module Implements hook_autoload_info().
autoloadtest_autoload_info_alter autoloadtest/autoloadtest.module Implements hook_autoload_info_alter().
autoloadtest_menu autoloadtest/autoloadtest.module Implements hook_autoload_menu().
autoloadtest_page autoloadtest/autoloadtest.module 1
autoload_adminmenu_flush_cache ./autoload.module Administration menu callback; flush the class registry cache. 1
autoload_admin_menu_output_alter ./autoload.module Implements hook_admin_menu_output_alter().
autoload_boot ./autoload.module Implements hook_boot().
autoload_class ./autoload.module Confirm that a class is available. 2
autoload_enable ./autoload.install Implements hook_enable().
autoload_exit ./autoload.module Implements hook_exit().
autoload_flush_caches ./autoload.module Implements hook_flush_caches().
autoload_form_alter ./autoload.module Implements hook_form_alter().
autoload_form_submit_registry_rebuild ./autoload.module Form submit handler; rebuild the autoload registry. 1
autoload_get_lookup ./autoload.module Backwards-compatible function to clear the autoload registry.
autoload_install ./autoload.install Implements hook_install().
autoload_interface ./autoload.module Confirm that an interface is available. 2
autoload_menu ./autoload.module Implements hook_menu().
autoload_registry_get_parsed_files ./ Return the list of files in registry_file 1
autoload_registry_rebuild ./autoload.module Rescan all enabled modules and rebuild the registry. 4
autoload_registry_update ./autoload.module Update the registry based on the latest files listed in the database. 1
autoload_schema ./autoload.install Implements hook_schema().
autoload_uninstall ./autoload.install Implements hook_uninstall().
autoload_update_6001 ./autoload.install Set a low module weight to ensure this module is enabled before those that depend on it.
autoload_update_6200 ./autoload.install Convert to using the backport D7 registry.
hook_autoload_registry_files_alter ./autoload.api.php Perform necessary alterations to the list of files parsed by the registry.
_autoload_registry_check_code ./autoload.module Helper to check for a resource in the registry. 4
_autoload_registry_parse_file ./ Parse all files that have changed since the registry was last built, and save their function and class listings. 1
_autoload_registry_parse_files ./ Parse a file and save its function and class listings. 1
_autoload_registry_update ./ Does the work for autoload_registry_update(). 1

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