autoload.module in Autoload 6.2
Same filename and directory in other branches
autoload.moduleView source
* Signals that the registry lookup cache should be reset.
* Signals that the registry lookup cache should be written to storage.
* Implements hook_menu().
function autoload_menu() {
$items['autoload/flush-cache'] = array(
'page callback' => 'autoload_adminmenu_flush_cache',
'access arguments' => array(
'administer site configuration',
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
return $items;
* Implements hook_boot().
function autoload_boot() {
* Implements hook_exit().
function autoload_exit() {
// Check if this is a full bootstrap, and if so, the write the lookup cache.
if (function_exists('drupal_page_footer')) {
* Implements hook_flush_caches().
function autoload_flush_caches() {
* Implements hook_admin_menu_output_alter().
function autoload_admin_menu_output_alter(&$content) {
$content['icon']['icon']['flush-cache']['automodal'] = array(
'#title' => t('Class registry'),
'#href' => 'autoload/flush-cache',
'#options' => array(
'query' => drupal_get_destination(),
* Administration menu callback; flush the class registry cache.
function autoload_adminmenu_flush_cache() {
* Implements hook_form_alter().
function autoload_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
switch ($form_id) {
case 'system_modules':
$form['#submit'][] = 'autoload_form_submit_registry_rebuild';
* Form submit handler; rebuild the autoload registry.
function autoload_form_submit_registry_rebuild() {
* Backwards-compatible function to clear the autoload registry.
function autoload_get_lookup($reset = FALSE) {
if ($reset) {
* @ingroup registry
* @{
* Confirm that an interface is available.
* This function is rarely called directly. Instead, it is registered as an
* spl_autoload() handler, and PHP calls it for us when necessary.
* @param $interface
* The name of the interface to check or load.
* @return
* TRUE if the interface is currently available, FALSE otherwise.
function autoload_interface($interface) {
return _autoload_registry_check_code('interface', $interface);
* Confirm that a class is available.
* This function is rarely called directly. Instead, it is registered as an
* spl_autoload() handler, and PHP calls it for us when necessary.
* @param $class
* The name of the class to check or load.
* @return
* TRUE if the class is currently available, FALSE otherwise.
function autoload_class($class) {
return _autoload_registry_check_code('class', $class);
* Helper to check for a resource in the registry.
* @param $type
* The type of resource we are looking up, or one of the constants
* signal that we should reset or write the cache, respectively.
* @param $name
* The name of the resource, or NULL if either of the REGISTRY_* constants
* is passed in.
* @return
* TRUE if the resource was found, FALSE if not.
* NULL if either of the REGISTRY_* constants is passed in as $type.
function _autoload_registry_check_code($type, $name = NULL) {
static $lookup_cache, $cache_update_needed;
if ($type == 'class' && class_exists($name) || $type == 'interface' && interface_exists($name)) {
return TRUE;
if (!isset($lookup_cache)) {
$lookup_cache = array();
if ($cache = cache_get('autoload')) {
$lookup_cache = $cache->data;
// When we rebuild the registry, we need to reset this cache so
// we don't keep lookups for resources that changed during the rebuild.
$cache_update_needed = TRUE;
$lookup_cache = NULL;
// Called from drupal_page_footer, we write to permanent storage if there
// changes to the lookup cache for this request.
if ($cache_update_needed) {
cache_set('autoload', $lookup_cache);
// $type is either 'interface' or 'class', so we only need the first letter to
// keep the cache key unique.
$cache_key = $type[0] . $name;
if (isset($lookup_cache[$cache_key])) {
if ($lookup_cache[$cache_key]) {
require_once './' . $lookup_cache[$cache_key];
return (bool) $lookup_cache[$cache_key];
// This function may get called when the default database is not active, but
// there is no reason we'd ever want to not use the default database for
// this query.
$file = db_result(db_query("SELECT filename FROM {autoload_registry} WHERE name = '%s' AND type = '%s'", $name, $type));
// Flag that we've run a lookup query and need to update the cache.
$cache_update_needed = TRUE;
// Misses are valuable information worth caching, so cache even if
// $file is FALSE.
$lookup_cache[$cache_key] = $file;
if ($file) {
require_once './' . $file;
return TRUE;
else {
if (variable_get('autoload_registry_watchdog_misses', FALSE)) {
$variables = array(
'%type' => $type,
'%name' => $name,
watchdog('autoload', "Registry had no entry for %type %name", $variables, WATCHDOG_NOTICE);
return FALSE;
* Rescan all enabled modules and rebuild the registry.
* Rescans all code in modules or includes directories, storing the location of
* each interface or class in the database.
function autoload_registry_rebuild() {
* Update the registry based on the latest files listed in the database.
* This function should be used when system_rebuild_module_data() does not need
* to be called, because it is already known that the list of files in the
* {system} table matches those in the file system.
* @see autoload_registry_rebuild()
function autoload_registry_update() {
module_load_include('inc', 'autoload', 'autoload.registry');
* @} End of "ingroup registry".
Name | Description |
autoload_adminmenu_flush_cache | Administration menu callback; flush the class registry cache. |
autoload_admin_menu_output_alter | Implements hook_admin_menu_output_alter(). |
autoload_boot | Implements hook_boot(). |
autoload_class | Confirm that a class is available. |
autoload_exit | Implements hook_exit(). |
autoload_flush_caches | Implements hook_flush_caches(). |
autoload_form_alter | Implements hook_form_alter(). |
autoload_form_submit_registry_rebuild | Form submit handler; rebuild the autoload registry. |
autoload_get_lookup | Backwards-compatible function to clear the autoload registry. |
autoload_interface | Confirm that an interface is available. |
autoload_menu | Implements hook_menu(). |
autoload_registry_rebuild | Rescan all enabled modules and rebuild the registry. |
autoload_registry_update | Update the registry based on the latest files listed in the database. |
_autoload_registry_check_code | Helper to check for a resource in the registry. |
Name | Description |
AUTOLOAD_REGISTRY_RESET_LOOKUP_CACHE | Signals that the registry lookup cache should be reset. |
AUTOLOAD_REGISTRY_WRITE_LOOKUP_CACHE | Signals that the registry lookup cache should be written to storage. |