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function autoload_paths in Autoload 7

Collect autoloading maps.

Return value

array[] An array of arrays, keyed by base of the namespace.

2 calls to autoload_paths()
autoload_paths_recompute in ./autoload.module
Recompute autoload paths.
autoload_seek_classes in ./autoload.module
Seek classes by base of a namespace.
1 string reference to 'autoload_paths'
autoload_paths_recompute in ./autoload.module
Recompute autoload paths.


./autoload.module, line 82


function autoload_paths() {
  $processed =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, FALSE);
  static $map = array();
  if (!$processed) {
    $processed = TRUE;
    foreach (system_list('module_enabled') as $module_name => $data) {
      if (!empty($data->info['autoload'])) {
        $module_path = dirname($data->filename);

        // Allow "autoload = whatever" to enable Drupal-way namespaces.
        if (!is_array($data->info['autoload'])) {

          // @see simpletest_test_get_all()
          $data->info['autoload'] = array_fill_keys(array(
          ), array(
        foreach ($data->info['autoload'] as $subdirectory => $namespaces) {
          if (!is_array($namespaces)) {
          $path = rtrim("{$module_path}/{$subdirectory}", '/');
          if (file_exists($path)) {
            foreach ($namespaces as $namespace) {
              $parts = explode('\\', $namespace);
              $map[$parts[0]][$path] = array(
                'name' => $module_name,
                'path' => $module_path,
                // If parts of namespace more than one, then
                // we dealing with PSR-4 autoloading standard.
                // Trailing slash is needed to remove it from path later.
                'psr-4' => count($parts) > 1 ? autoload_namespace_to_path($namespace) : '',
  return $map;