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CacheTest.php in Autoload 7.2


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namespace Drupal\autoload\Tests\Unit;

 * Class CacheTest.
class CacheTest extends AutoloadTestBase {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected static $modules = array(

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static function getInfo() {
    return static::info(t('Testing generation of the autoloading class map.'));

   * Tests the autoloading cache.
  public function test() {
    $autoload_file = drupal_realpath('private://autoload.php');
    $autoload = new \AutoloadCache($autoload_file);
    if ($this
      ->assertTrue(is_readable($autoload_file), sprintf('The autoloading map successfully saved to the "%s" file.', $autoload_file))) {
      $map = array();

      // Check implementation of "\Iterator" interface.
      foreach ($autoload as $namespace => $data) {
        $map[$namespace] = $data;
      foreach (array(
        'file' => $autoload_file,
        'data' => $map,
      ) as $property => $value) {
        $reflection = new \ReflectionProperty($autoload, $property);
          ->getValue($autoload) === $value, sprintf('The "%s" property of the "%s" class has expected value.', $property, get_class($autoload)));
      $dump = (require $autoload_file);

      // Check implementation of "\Countable" interface.
      $count = count($autoload);
        ->assertTrue(in_array($count, array(
      ), TRUE), sprintf('The autoloading class map successfully dumped %d entries.', $count));
        ->assertTrue($map === $dump, 'The autoloading class map successfully interpreted as PHP code.');

    // The class is defined within a map but does not actually available
    // since here we have a testing scenario that doesn't affect on the
    // autoloading process.

    /* @see autoload_test_lookup_autoload_lookup_alter() */
      ->assertTrue(isset($autoload['ArchiverInterface']), 'A custom definition has been successfully provided by lookup alteration.');
    foreach (array(
      'bla' => array(),
      'test' => 1,
      // Correct provider but non-existent file.
      'alpha' => array(
        'file' => 'asdasd',
        'provider' => 'autoload',
    ) as $namespace => $data) {
      try {
        $autoload[$namespace] = $data;
          ->fail('An attempt to set incorrect value ended up with a success.');
      } catch (\Exception $e) {



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CacheTest Class CacheTest.