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function _author_pane_is_user_online in Author Pane 7.2

Help function for Author Pane to check if a user is online.


int $uid: A user id of the user to check if is online.

Return value

TRUE if the user is onlie, else FALSE.

1 call to _author_pane_is_user_online()
template_preprocess_author_pane in ./author_pane.module
Process variables for author-pane.tpl.php.


./author_pane.module, line 398
Gathers information from user related modules into one template.


function _author_pane_is_user_online($uid) {
  global $user;

  // Use a static to save database calls,
  // if this function is called for the same user more then once.
  $static =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
  if (isset($static[$uid])) {
    return $static[$uid];

  // If current users is not anonymous and is watching its own author pane then the user is online.
  if ($user->uid != 0 && $user->uid == $uid) {
    return $static[$uid] = TRUE;

  // How long back to check if the user has been active.
  $time = REQUEST_TIME - variable_get('user_block_seconds_online', 900);

  // Check if the user has a session active and that it has been used for the last $time ago.
  if (db_query("SELECT 1 FROM {sessions} WHERE uid = :uid and timestamp > :time", array(
    ':uid' => $uid,
    ':time' => $time,
    ->fetchField()) {
    return $static[$uid] = TRUE;
  return $static[$uid] = FALSE;