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author-pane.tpl.php in Author Pane 7.2

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  1. 5 author-pane.tpl.php
  2. 6.2 author-pane.tpl.php
  3. 6 author-pane.tpl.php

Theme implementation to display information about a given user.

Since the user is the author of a post or of a profile page, the user is referred to as "author" below.

Available variables (core modules):

  • $account: The entire user object for the author.
  • $picture: Themed user picture for the author. See author-pane-user-picture.tpl.php.
  • $account_name: Themed user name for the author.
  • $account_id: User ID number for the author.
  • $joined: Date the post author joined the site. (Uses shortdate format)
  • $joined_ago: Time since the author registered in the format "TIME ago"
  • $online_status_class: "author-offline" or "author-online".
  • $online_status: Translated text "Online" or "Offline"
  • $last_active: Time since author was last active. eg: "5 days 3 hours"
  • $contact: Linked translated text "Contact user".

Available variables (contributed modules):

  • $facebook_status: Status, including username, from the Facebook-style Statuses module.
  • $facebook_status_status: Status from the Facebook-style Statuses module.
  • $privatemsg: Linked translated text "Send private message" provided by the Privatemsg module.
  • $user_badges: Badges from User Badges module.
  • $userpoints_points: Author's total number of points from all categories.
  • $userpoints_categories: Array holding each category and the points for that category. Both provided by the User Points module.
  • $user_stats_posts: Number of posts from the User Stats module.
  • $user_stats_ip: IP address from the User Stats module.
  • $user_title: Title from the User Titles module.
  • $user_title_image: Image version of title from User Titles module. This is not shown by default. If you want to show images instead of titles, change all instances of the variable in the code below.
  • $og_groups: Linked list of Organic Groups that the author is a member of.
  • $fasttoggle_block_author: Link to toggle the author blocked/unblocked.

Not working as of this writing but kept for future compatability:

  • $user_relationships: Linked text "Add to <relationship>" or "Remove from <relationship>".
  • $flag_friend: Linked text. Actual text depends on module settings.


View source

 * @file
 * Theme implementation to display information about a given user.
 * Since the user is the author of a post or of a profile page, the user is
 * referred to as "author" below.
 * Available variables (core modules):
 * - $account: The entire user object for the author.
 * - $picture: Themed user picture for the author.
 *   See author-pane-user-picture.tpl.php.
 * - $account_name: Themed user name for the author.
 * - $account_id: User ID number for the author.
 * - $joined: Date the post author joined the site. (Uses shortdate format)
 * - $joined_ago: Time since the author registered in the format "TIME ago"
 * - $online_status_class: "author-offline" or "author-online".
 * - $online_status: Translated text "Online" or "Offline"
 * - $last_active: Time since author was last active. eg: "5 days 3 hours"
 * - $contact: Linked translated text "Contact user".
 * Available variables (contributed modules):
 * - $facebook_status: Status, including username, from the Facebook-style
 *   Statuses module.
 * - $facebook_status_status: Status from the Facebook-style Statuses module.
 * - $privatemsg: Linked translated text "Send private message" provided by
 *   the Privatemsg module.
 * - $user_badges: Badges from User Badges module.
 * - $userpoints_points: Author's total number of points from all categories.
 * - $userpoints_categories: Array holding each category and the points for
 *   that category. Both provided by the User Points module.
 * - $user_stats_posts: Number of posts from the User Stats module.
 * - $user_stats_ip: IP address from the User Stats module.
 * - $user_title: Title from the User Titles module.
 * - $user_title_image: Image version of title from User Titles module. This is
 *   not shown by default. If you want to show images instead of titles, change
 *   all instances of the variable in the code below.
 * - $og_groups: Linked list of Organic Groups that the author is a member of.
 * - $fasttoggle_block_author: Link to toggle the author blocked/unblocked.
 * Not working as of this writing but kept for future compatability:
 * - $user_relationships: Linked text "Add to <relationship>" or
 *   "Remove from <relationship>".
 * - $flag_friend: Linked text. Actual text depends on module settings.


// This bit of debugging info will show the full path to and name of this
// template file to make it easier to figure out which template is
// controlling which author pane.
if (!empty($show_template_location)) {
  print __FILE__;

<div class="author-pane">
 <div class="author-pane-inner">

/* General section */
    <div class="author-pane-section author-pane-general">

/* Account name */
      <div class="author-pane-line author-name">

print $account_name;


/* User picture / avatar (has div in variable) */

if (!empty($picture)) {

  print $picture;



/* Online status */

if (!empty($online_status)) {
        <div class="author-pane-line <?php

  print $online_status_class;

  print $online_status;



/* Last active */

if (!empty($last_active)) {
        <div class="author-pane-line author-last-seen">
           <span class="author-pane-label"><?php

  print t('Last seen');
  ?>:</span> <?php

  print t('!time ago', array(
    '!time' => $last_active,



/* User title */

if (!empty($user_title)) {
        <div class="author-pane-line author-title">
          <span class="author-pane-label"><?php

  print t('Title');
  ?>:</span> <?php

  print $user_title;



/* User badges */

if (!empty($user_badges)) {
        <div class="author-pane-line author-badges">

  print $user_badges;



/* Joined */

if (!empty($joined)) {
        <div class="author-pane-line author-joined">
          <span class="author-pane-label"><?php

  print t('Joined');
  ?>:</span> <?php

  print $joined;



/* Posts */

if (isset($user_stats_posts)) {
        <div class="author-pane-line author-posts">
          <span class="author-pane-label"><?php

  print t('Posts');
  ?>:</span> <?php

  print $user_stats_posts;



/* Points */

if (isset($userpoints_points)) {
        <div class="author-pane-line author-points">
          <span class="author-pane-label"><?php

  print t('!Points', userpoints_translation());
  ?>:</span> <?php

  print $userpoints_points;



/* Contact section */
    <div class="author-pane-section author-pane-contact">

/* Contact / Email */

if (!empty($contact)) {
        <div class="author-pane-line author-pane-link-line author-contact">

  print $contact;



/* Private message */

if (!empty($privatemsg)) {
        <div class="author-pane-line author-pane-link-line author-privatemsg">

  print $privatemsg;



/* User relationships */

if (!empty($user_relationships)) {
        <div class="author-pane-line author-pane-link-line author-user-relationship">

  print $user_relationships;



/* Flag friend */

if (!empty($flag_friend)) {
        <div class="author-pane-line author-pane-link-line author-flag-friend">

  print $flag_friend;



/* Admin section */
    <div class="author-pane-section author-pane-admin">

/* IP */

if (!empty($user_stats_ip)) {
        <div class="author-pane-line author-ip">
          <span class="author-pane-label"><?php

  print t('IP');
  ?>:</span> <?php

  print $user_stats_ip;



/* Fasttoggle block */

if (!empty($fasttoggle_block_author)) {
        <div class="author-fasttoggle-block"><?php

  print $fasttoggle_block_author;
