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authcache_commerce.test in Authenticated User Page Caching (Authcache) 7.2

Test cases for the Authcache Commerce module.


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 * @file
 * Test cases for the Authcache Commerce module.

// Nothing to test if CommerceCartTestCase does not exist.
if (!class_exists('CommerceCartTestCase')) {

 * Tests for markup substitution.
class AuthcacheCommerceTest extends CommerceCartTestCase {
  protected $stubmod;
  protected $products = array();
  protected $productNode;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Commerce Cart',
      'description' => 'Test markup substitution and fragment generation for Commerce',
      'group' => 'Authcache Commerce',

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setUp() {
      ->setUpHelper('all', array(
    variable_set('cache_class_cache_form', 'CacheObjectAPIWrapper');
    variable_set('cacheobject_class_cache_form', 'DrupalDatabaseCache');

    // Create a dummy product display content type.
      ->createDummyProductDisplayContentType('product_display', TRUE, 'field_product', FIELD_CARDINALITY_UNLIMITED);

    // Create the fields and bind them to the product.
    $this->fields['field_1'] = array(
      'field_name' => 'field_1',
      'type' => 'list_text',
      'cardinality' => 1,
      'settings' => array(
        'allowed_values' => array(
          'field_1_value_1' => 'field_1_value_1',
          'field_1_value_2' => 'field_1_value_2',
    $this->fields['field_1'] = field_create_field($this->fields['field_1']);
    $this->fields['field_2'] = array(
      'field_name' => 'field_2',
      'type' => 'list_text',
      'cardinality' => 1,
      'settings' => array(
        'allowed_values' => array(
          'field_2_value_1' => 'field_2_value_1',
          'field_2_value_2' => 'field_2_value_2',
    $this->fields['field_2'] = field_create_field($this->fields['field_2']);
    foreach ($this->fields as $field) {
      $instance = array(
        'field_name' => $field['field_name'],
        'entity_type' => 'commerce_product',
        'bundle' => 'product',
        'label' => $field['field_name'] . '_label',
        'description' => $field['field_name'] . '_description',
        'required' => TRUE,
        'widget' => array(
          'module' => 'options',
          'type' => 'options_select',
        'commerce_cart_settings' => array(
          'attribute_field' => TRUE,
          'attribute_widget' => 'select',

    // Populate the different values for the fields and create products.
    foreach ($this->fields['field_1']['settings']['allowed_values'] as $field_1_value) {
      foreach ($this->fields['field_2']['settings']['allowed_values'] as $field_2_value) {
        $product = $this
          ->createDummyProduct('PROD-' . $field_1_value . '-' . $field_2_value, $field_1_value . '_' . $field_2_value);
        $product->field_1[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'] = $field_1_value;
        $product->field_2[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'] = $field_2_value;
        $product->is_new = FALSE;
        $this->products[$product->product_id] = $product;

    // Create dummy product display node.
    $this->productNode = $this
      ->createDummyProductNode(array_keys($this->products), 'Combined Product');
    $authcache_roles = array(
    ) + $this->store_customer->roles;

    // Setup authcache.
    variable_set('authcache_roles', $authcache_roles);
    $pagecaching = _authcache_default_pagecaching();
    $pagecaching[0]['roles']['roles'] = $authcache_roles;
    variable_set('authcache_pagecaching', $pagecaching);

    // HookStub.
    $this->stubmod = new ModuleStub('authcache_p13n_test');

   * Test whether the given stub passes the invocation verifier.
  protected function assertStub(HookStubProxy $stub, $verifier, $message = NULL) {
    $result = $stub
      ->verify($verifier, $error);
    if (!$message) {
      $message = t('Verify invocation of hook @hook.', array(
        '@hook' => $stub
    if (!$result && is_string($error)) {
      $message .= ' ' . $error;
      ->assertTrue($result, $message);

   * Test that products are added to the proper cart.
   * Bug:
  public function testCommerceAddToCartWithFormCache() {
      ->hook('authcache_p13n_client', array(
      'authcache_p13n_test' => array(
        'title' => t('Test Client'),
        'enabled' => TRUE,

    // Create a clone of store_customer with the same set of roles.
    $cloned_customer = $this
    $cloned_customer->roles = $this->store_customer->roles;

    // Customer 1: Visit the product display in order to warm the form cache.
    $excluded_stub = $this->stubmod
    $canceled_stub = $this->stubmod
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $this->productNode->nid);
      ->assertStub($excluded_stub, HookStub::never());
      ->assertStub($canceled_stub, HookStub::never());
    $content = $this
    $url = $this

    // Customer 2: Add one product to the cart.

    // Simulate a cache-hit by restoring the content and url from
    // store_customer.
      ->drupalSetContent($content, $url);

    // Compute CSRF token and supply it via the extra_post parameter.
    $token = $this
    $extra_post = '&form_token=' . urlencode($token);
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(), 'Add to cart', array(), array(), NULL, $extra_post);

    // Ensure that we are not running into CSRF protection.
      ->assertNoText('The form has become outdated.');

    // Ensure the add to cart message is displayed.
    $message = t('%title added to <a href="!cart-url">your cart</a>.', array(
      '%title' => 'field_1_value_1_field_2_value_1',
      '!cart-url' => url('cart'),
      ->assertRaw($message, t('Product add to cart message displayed.'));

    // Go to cart url.

    // Test if the page resolves and there is something in the cart.
      ->assertNoText(t('Your shopping cart is empty.'), t('Cart is not empty'));
      ->assertText('field_1_value_1_field_2_value_1', t('Product was added to the cart'));

   * Overrides the defective method in the parent class.
  protected function drupalGetToken($value = '') {
    return drupal_hmac_base64($value, $this->session_id . drupal_get_private_key() . drupal_get_hash_salt());



Namesort descending Description
AuthcacheCommerceTest Tests for markup substitution.