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class HookStub in Authenticated User Page Caching (Authcache) 7.2

Static methods for keeping track of enabled hooks and invocations.


Expanded class hierarchy of HookStub


tests/, line 132
Defines some helper classes for stubbing and recording hook invocations.

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class HookStub {
  protected $hookname;
  protected $invocations;
  protected $return;

   * Construct new stub recorderd.
  public function __construct($hookname, $return = NULL) {
    $this->hookname = $hookname;
    $this->invocations = array();
    $this->return = $return;

   * Enable a stubbed-function.
   * @param string $hookname
   *   The fully qualified name of a function in a stub-module.
   * @param any $return
   *   The result which should be returned when the hook is invoked.
   * @return HookStubProxy
   *   A proxy object representing the stubbed hook.
  public static function on($hookname, $return = NULL) {
    variable_set('hookstub_' . $hookname, new HookStub($hookname, $return));
    return new HookStubProxy($hookname);

   * Disable recording of invocations.
   * @param string $hookname
   *   The fully qualified name of a function in a stub-module.
   * @return HookStubProxy
   *   A proxy object representing the stubbed hook.
  public static function off($hookname) {
    variable_del('hookstub_' . $hookname);

   * Record one invocation.
   * @param string $hookname
   *   The fully qualified name of a function in a stub-module.
   * @return any
   *   A value specified by HookStub::on().
  public static function record($hookname, $args) {
    if ($stub = variable_get('hookstub_' . $hookname)) {
      $stub->invocations[] = $args;
      variable_set('hookstub_' . $hookname, $stub);
      return $stub->return;

   * Return the recorded invocations.
   * @param string $hookname
   *   The fully qualified name of a function in a stub-module.
   * @return array
   *   An array of arrays. Each inner array representing the parameter list
   *   passed to one invocation.
  public static function invocations($hookname) {
    if ($stub = variable_get('hookstub_' . $hookname)) {
      return $stub->invocations;

   * Verify invocations.
   * @param string $hookname
   *   The fully qualified name of a function in a stub-module.
   * @param callable $checkfunc
   *   Use this function to test invocation expectations.
   * @param string $message
   *   A reference to a string for the validation message.
   * @return bool
   *   Return TRUE when expectations are met, FALSE otherwise.
  public static function verify($hookname, $checkfunc, &$message) {
    if ($stub = variable_get('hookstub_' . $hookname)) {
      if (!isset($checkfunc)) {
        $checkfunc = HookStub::once();
      return $checkfunc($stub->invocations, $message);
    $message .= ' ' . t('No information available.');

   * Returns a verifyier which succeeds when a hook was invoked at least once.
  public static function any() {

    // Necessary until #1272900 lands
    // @ignore style_function_spacing
    return function ($invocations, &$message) {
      $message = format_string('Expecting any number of invocations, got @actual.', array(
        '@actual' => count($invocations),
      return count($invocations) > 0;

   * Returns a verifyier which succeeds when a hook never was invoked.
  public static function never() {
    return static::times(0);

   * Returns a verifyier which succeeds when a hook was invoked exactly once.
  public static function once() {
    return static::times(1);

   * Returns a verifyier which succeeds when a hook was invoked exactly n times.
   * @param int $times
   *   Number of times this hook is expected to be invoked.
  public static function times($times) {

    // Necessary until #1272900 lands
    // @ignore style_function_spacing
    return function ($invocations, &$message) use ($times) {
      $message = format_plural($times, 'Expecting one invocation, got @actual.', 'Expecting @expected invocations, got @actual.', array(
        '@expected' => $times,
        '@actual' => count($invocations),
      return count($invocations) === $times;

   * Returns a verifyier which succeeds when arguments match.
   * @param array $args
   *   A list of expected arguments
   * @param int $invoc
   *   The invocation (starting from 0 for the first).
   * @param bool $strict
   *   Whether or not to use identity instead of equality operator.
  public static function args($args, $invoc = 0, $strict = TRUE) {

    // Necessary until #1272900 lands
    // @ignore style_function_spacing
    return function ($invocations, &$message) use ($args, $invoc, $strict) {
      $message = t('On invocation number @invoc, expected @this and got @that.', array(
        '@invoc' => $invoc,
        '@this' => var_export($args, TRUE),
        '@that' => var_export($invocations[$invoc], TRUE),
      return $strict ? $invocations[$invoc] === $args : $invocations[$invoc] == $args;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
HookStub::$hookname protected property
HookStub::$invocations protected property
HookStub::$return protected property
HookStub::any public static function Returns a verifyier which succeeds when a hook was invoked at least once.
HookStub::args public static function Returns a verifyier which succeeds when arguments match.
HookStub::invocations public static function Return the recorded invocations.
HookStub::never public static function Returns a verifyier which succeeds when a hook never was invoked.
HookStub::off public static function Disable recording of invocations.
HookStub::on public static function Enable a stubbed-function.
HookStub::once public static function Returns a verifyier which succeeds when a hook was invoked exactly once.
HookStub::record public static function Record one invocation.
HookStub::times public static function Returns a verifyier which succeeds when a hook was invoked exactly n times.
HookStub::verify public static function Verify invocations.
HookStub::__construct public function Construct new stub recorderd.