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authcache_builtin.cache-backend.test in Authenticated User Page Caching (Authcache) 7.2

Test cases for the Authcache Bultin Cache Backend module.


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 * @file
 * Test cases for the Authcache Bultin Cache Backend module.

 * Tests update functionality unrelated to the database.
class AuthcacheBuiltinTestCacheBackend extends DrupalWebTestCase {
  protected $profile = 'testing';
  protected $stubmod;
  protected $member;
  protected $fcURL;

   * Return information about the test class.
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Cache backend',
      'description' => 'Tests for the authcache cache backend based on the builtin drupal cache system.',
      'group' => 'Authcache Builtin',

   * Initialize test case.
  public function setUp() {
    global $base_url;
    parent::setUp('authcache_builtin', 'authcache_builtin_test');
    $this->fcURL = $base_url . '/' . drupal_get_path('module', 'authcache_builtin') . '/tests/frontcontroller/index.php';
    $this->member = $this
    $authcache_roles = array(
    ) + $this->member->roles;

    // Setup authcache.
    variable_set('authcache_roles', $authcache_roles);
    $pagecaching = _authcache_default_pagecaching();
    $pagecaching[0]['roles']['roles'] = $authcache_roles;
    variable_set('authcache_pagecaching', $pagecaching);

    // HookStub.
    $this->stubmod = new ModuleStub('authcache_builtin_test');

   * Test whether the given stub passes the invocation verifier.
  protected function assertStub(HookStubProxy $stub, $verifier, $message = NULL) {
    $result = $stub
      ->verify($verifier, $error);
    if (!$message) {
      $message = t('Verify invocation of hook @hook.', array(
        '@hook' => $stub
    if (!$result && is_string($error)) {
      $message .= ' ' . $error;
      ->assertTrue($result, $message);

   * Setup HTTP headers for the request.
   * @param int $flags
   *   A combination of the following bits:
   *   - 0x1: Add to $conf['cache_backends'].
   * @return array
   *   List of request headers.
  protected function buildRequestHeaders($flags) {
    $result = array();
    if ($flags & 0x1) {
      $result[] = 'X-Authcache-Builtin-Test-Cache-Backend: 1';
    if ($flags & 0x2) {
      $result[] = 'X-Authcache-Builtin-Test-Max-Age: 3600';
    return $result;

   * Test that cached pages can be served through the test front controller.
  public function testDeliverThroughBackend() {
      ->drupalGetHeader('X-Drupal-Cache'), t('X-Drupal-Cache header should be absent, when request was not delivered through authcache builtin backend.'));
      ->drupalGet($this->fcURL . '?q=node');
      ->drupalGetHeader('X-Drupal-Cache'), t('X-Drupal-Cache header should be absent, when request was delivered through the test frontcontroller but without having specified that the backend should be used.'));
      ->drupalGet($this->fcURL . '?q=node', array(), $this
      ->assertEqual('MISS', $this
      ->drupalGetHeader('X-Drupal-Cache'), t('X-Drupal-Cache header should be present, when request was delivered through authcache builtin backend.'));

    // Copy-paste from SimpleTestFunctionalTest::testUserAgentValidation.
    // Generate a valid simpletest User-Agent to pass validation.
      ->assertTrue(preg_match('/simpletest\\d+/', $this->databasePrefix, $matches), 'Database prefix contains simpletest prefix.');
    $test_ua = drupal_generate_test_ua($matches[0]);

    // Now slightly modify the HMAC on the header, which should not validate.
    $this->additionalCurlOptions = array(
      CURLOPT_USERAGENT => $test_ua . 'X',
      ->drupalGet($this->fcURL . '?q=node', array(), $this
      ->assertResponse(403, 'Requesting test frontcontroller with a bad simpletest User-Agent fails.');

    // Use a real User-Agent and verify that the test frontcontroller can't be
    // accessed.
    $this->additionalCurlOptions = array(
      CURLOPT_USERAGENT => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101026 Firefox/3.6.12',
      ->drupalGet($this->fcURL . '?q=node', array(), $this
      ->assertResponse(403, 'Requesting test frontcontroller with a normal User-Agent fails.');

   * Test simple cache roundtrip for anonymous and authenticated users.
  public function testCacheRoundtrip() {
    $account1 = $this
    $account2 = $this
    variable_set('authcache_roles', array(

    // Warm up cache with anonymous user.
      ->drupalGet($this->fcURL . '?q=node', array(), $this
      ->assertEqual('MISS', $this
      ->drupalGetHeader('X-Drupal-Cache'), t('Cache miss on first request with anonymous user'));
      ->drupalGet($this->fcURL . '?q=node', array(), $this
      ->assertEqual('HIT', $this
      ->drupalGetHeader('X-Drupal-Cache'), t('Cache hit on second request with anonymous user'));

    // Login and warm up cache with account1.
      ->drupalGet($this->fcURL . '?q=node', array(), $this
      ->assertEqual('MISS', $this
      ->drupalGetHeader('X-Drupal-Cache'), t('Cache miss on first request with authenticated user'));
      ->drupalGet($this->fcURL . '?q=node', array(), $this
      ->assertEqual('HIT', $this
      ->drupalGetHeader('X-Drupal-Cache'), t('Cache hit on first request with authenticated user'));

    // Ensure that anonymous user still get a cached copy.
      ->drupalGet($this->fcURL . '?q=node', array(), $this
      ->assertEqual('HIT', $this
      ->drupalGetHeader('X-Drupal-Cache'), t('Cache hit on subsequent request with anonymous user'));

    // Login and ensure that we get a cache-hit with account2
      ->drupalGet($this->fcURL . '?q=node', array(), $this
      ->assertEqual('HIT', $this
      ->drupalGetHeader('X-Drupal-Cache'), t('Cache hit on first request with other authenticated user'));

   * Preclusion: Suppress subsequent page request being delivered from cache.
  public function testCachePreclusion() {
    $account = $this
    variable_set('authcache_roles', array(

    // Login and warm up cache.
      ->drupalGet($this->fcURL . '?q=node', array(), $this
      ->assertEqual('MISS', $this
      ->drupalGetHeader('X-Drupal-Cache'), t('Cache miss on first request with authenticated user'));
      ->drupalGet($this->fcURL . '?q=node', array(), $this
      ->assertEqual('HIT', $this
      ->drupalGetHeader('X-Drupal-Cache'), t('Cache hit on first request with authenticated user'));

    // Trigger preclusion. We have to ensure that we're not served a cached
    // response, otherwise the stub will not be called.
    $preclude_stub = $this->stubmod
      ->hook('authcache_preclude', t('Test'));
      ->drupalGet($this->fcURL . '?q=user', array(), $this
      ->assertEqual('MISS', $this
      ->drupalGetHeader('X-Drupal-Cache'), t('User profile is not cached by default'));
      ->assertStub($preclude_stub, HookStub::once());

    // Ensure that next page request is not delivered from the cache.
      ->drupalGet($this->fcURL . '?q=node', array(), $this
      ->drupalGetHeader('X-Drupal-Cache'), t('Cache miss on first request following preclusion'));

    // Ensure that the following page request is delivered from the cache.
      ->drupalGet($this->fcURL . '?q=node', array(), $this
      ->assertEqual('HIT', $this
      ->drupalGetHeader('X-Drupal-Cache'), t('Cache hit on second request following preclusion'));

   * Ensure that cache key is regenerated when missing.
  public function testMissingUserCacheKey() {
    $account = $this
    variable_set('authcache_roles', array(

    // Login and warm up cache.
      ->drupalGet($this->fcURL . '?q=node', array(), $this
      ->assertEqual('MISS', $this
      ->drupalGetHeader('X-Drupal-Cache'), t('Cache miss on first request with authenticated user'));
      ->drupalGet($this->fcURL . '?q=node', array(), $this
      ->assertEqual('HIT', $this
      ->drupalGetHeader('X-Drupal-Cache'), t('Cache hit on first request with authenticated user'));

    // Clear the mapping between session and the authcache key.
    cache_clear_all('*', 'cache_authcache_key', TRUE);
      ->drupalGet($this->fcURL . '?q=node', array(), $this
      ->drupalGetHeader('X-Drupal-Cache'), t('Cache miss on first request after key cache was cleared'));
      ->drupalGet($this->fcURL . '?q=node', array(), $this
      ->assertEqual('HIT', $this
      ->drupalGetHeader('X-Drupal-Cache'), t('Cache hit on second request after key cache was cleared'));

   * Ensure that responses to POST request will not be served from cache.
  public function testPostShouldNotReturnCachedPage() {
    $account = $this
    variable_set('authcache_roles', array(

    // Login and warm up cache.
      ->drupalGet($this->fcURL . '?q=node', array(), $this
      ->assertEqual('MISS', $this
      ->drupalGetHeader('X-Drupal-Cache'), t('Cache miss on first request with authenticated user'));
      ->drupalGet($this->fcURL . '?q=node', array(), $this
      ->assertEqual('HIT', $this
      ->drupalGetHeader('X-Drupal-Cache'), t('Cache hit on first request with authenticated user'));

    // We need to post manually here, drupalPost would attempt to GET the form
    // before (and would fail).
      CURLOPT_URL => $this->fcURL . '?q=node',

    // Ensure that any changes to variables in the other thread are picked up.
      ->drupalGetHeader('X-Drupal-Cache'), t('Cache miss on first request after key cache was cleared'));

   * Ensure that backend is disabled when core page cache is active.
  public function testDisableWhenCorePageCachingActive() {
    $account = $this
    variable_set('authcache_roles', array(

    // Login and warm up cache.
      ->drupalGet($this->fcURL . '?q=node', array(), $this
      ->assertEqual('MISS', $this
      ->drupalGetHeader('X-Drupal-Cache'), t('Cache miss on first request with authenticated user'));
      ->drupalGet($this->fcURL . '?q=node', array(), $this
      ->assertEqual('HIT', $this
      ->drupalGetHeader('X-Drupal-Cache'), t('Cache hit on first request with authenticated user'));

    // Turn on page caching.
    variable_set('cache', TRUE);
      ->drupalGet($this->fcURL . '?q=node', array(), $this
      ->drupalGetHeader('X-Drupal-Cache'), t('Do not attempt to serve page from cache when core page cache is active'));

    // Turn off page caching.

    // Retry.
      ->drupalGet($this->fcURL . '?q=node', array(), $this
      ->assertEqual('HIT', $this
      ->drupalGetHeader('X-Drupal-Cache'), t('Cache hit on first request with authenticated user after core cache is disabled again'));

   * Test behavior when frontcontroller is not in the whitelist.
   * Basic rule 4: Do not cache when request did not came in via a whitelisted
   * frontcontroller. Test with an empty list (removing the default entry
   * pointing at index.php).
  public function testDisableWhenFrontControllerNotInWhitelist() {
    $account = $this
    variable_set('authcache_roles', array(

    // Login and warm up cache.
      ->drupalGet($this->fcURL . '?q=node', array(), $this
      ->assertEqual('MISS', $this
      ->drupalGetHeader('X-Drupal-Cache'), t('Cache miss on first request with authenticated user'));
      ->drupalGet($this->fcURL . '?q=node', array(), $this
      ->assertEqual('HIT', $this
      ->drupalGetHeader('X-Drupal-Cache'), t('Cache hit on first request with authenticated user'));

    // Empty list of allowed frontcontrollers.
    variable_set('authcache_frontcontroller_whitelist', array());
      ->drupalGet($this->fcURL . '?q=node', array(), $this
      ->drupalGetHeader('X-Drupal-Cache'), t('Do not attempt to serve page from cache when core page cache is active'));

    // Reset list of allowed frontcontrollers to default.

    // Retry.
      ->drupalGet($this->fcURL . '?q=node', array(), $this
      ->assertEqual('HIT', $this
      ->drupalGetHeader('X-Drupal-Cache'), t('Cache hit on first request with authenticated user after core cache is disabled again'));

   * Test cache-response with page_cache_maximum_age.
  public function testCacheMaxAge() {
    $account = $this
    variable_set('authcache_roles', array(

    // Test cache-control header for anonymous user.
      ->drupalGet($this->fcURL . '?q=node', array(), $this
      ->assertEqual('MISS', $this
      ->drupalGetHeader('X-Drupal-Cache'), t('Cache miss on first request with anonymous user'));
      ->assertEqual('public, max-age=3600', $this
      ->drupalGetHeader('Cache-Control'), t('Cache-Control header set appropriately'));
      ->drupalGet($this->fcURL . '?q=node', array(), $this
      ->assertEqual('HIT', $this
      ->drupalGetHeader('X-Drupal-Cache'), t('Cache hit on second request with anonymous user'));
      ->assertEqual('public, max-age=3600', $this
      ->drupalGetHeader('Cache-Control'), t('Cache-Control header set appropriately'));

    // Test cache-control header for authenticated user.
      ->drupalGet($this->fcURL . '?q=node', array(), $this
      ->assertEqual('MISS', $this
      ->drupalGetHeader('X-Drupal-Cache'), t('Cache miss on first request with authenticated user'));
      ->assertEqual('public, max-age=3600', $this
      ->drupalGetHeader('Cache-Control'), t('Cache-Control header set appropriately'));
      ->drupalGet($this->fcURL . '?q=node', array(), $this
      ->assertEqual('HIT', $this
      ->drupalGetHeader('X-Drupal-Cache'), t('Cache hit on first request with authenticated user'));
      ->assertEqual('public, max-age=3600', $this
      ->drupalGetHeader('Cache-Control'), t('Cache-Control header set appropriately'));

   * Verify that the key cache is set with the proper values.
  public function testKeyLoginLogout() {
    global $base_root;
    variable_set('authcache_key_lifetime', 0);

    // Login and retrieve authcache key.
    $key_cache_cid = $base_root . ':' . $this->session_id;
      ->drupalGet($this->fcURL . '?q=node', array(), $this
    $user_key = $this
      ->assertTrue($user_key, 'User key is not empty');
      ->assertNotEqual(authcache_backend_anonymous_key(), $user_key, 'User key is not same as the anonymous key');

    // Issue a normal page request and ensure that the key cache was populated.
    $now = time();
      ->drupalGet($this->fcURL . '?q=node', array(), $this
    $cache = cache_get($key_cache_cid, 'cache_authcache_key');
      ->assertEqual($user_key, $cache->data);
      ->assertEqual(CACHE_TEMPORARY, $cache->expire);

    // Logout and ensure that the key is gone from the cache.
      ->drupalGet($this->fcURL . '?q=user/logout', array(), $this
    $cache = cache_get($key_cache_cid, 'cache_authcache_key');

   * Verify that the key cache is set with the proper values.
  public function testKeyExpiry() {
    global $base_root;
    variable_set('authcache_key_lifetime', 3600);

    // Login and retrieve authcache key.
    $key_cache_cid = $base_root . ':' . $this->session_id;
    $user_key = $this
      ->assertTrue($user_key, 'User key is not empty');
      ->assertNotEqual(authcache_backend_anonymous_key(), $user_key, 'User key is not same as the anonymous key');

    // Issue a normal page request and ensure that the key cache was populated.
    $now = time();
      ->drupalGet($this->fcURL . '?q=node', array(), $this
    $cache = cache_get($key_cache_cid, 'cache_authcache_key');
      ->assertEqual($user_key, $cache->data);
      ->assertTrue($cache->expire >= $now - 3600 * 0.1);
      ->assertTrue($cache->expire <= $now + 3600 * 1.1);

    // Logout and ensure that the key cache is empty.
      ->drupalGet($this->fcURL . '?q=user/logout', array(), $this
    $cache = cache_get($key_cache_cid, 'cache_authcache_key');

    // Login again with member and set cache expiry date into the past.
    $key_cache_cid = $base_root . ':' . $this->session_id;
    cache_set($key_cache_cid, $user_key, 'cache_authcache_key', REQUEST_TIME - 3600);

    // Issue a normal page request and ensure that the cache has been renewed.
    $now = time();
      ->drupalGet($this->fcURL . '?q=node', array(), $this
    $cache = cache_get($key_cache_cid, 'cache_authcache_key');
      ->assertEqual($user_key, $cache->data);
      ->assertTrue($cache->expire >= $now - 3600 * 0.1);
      ->assertTrue($cache->expire <= $now + 3600 * 1.1);

    // Logout and ensure that the key cache is empty.
      ->drupalGet($this->fcURL . '?q=user/logout', array(), $this
    $cache = cache_get($key_cache_cid, 'cache_authcache_key');

    // Login again with member and set a wrong authcache key but with proper
    // expiry date.
    $key_cache_cid = $base_root . ':' . $this->session_id;
    cache_set($key_cache_cid, $this
      ->randomName(4), 'cache_authcache_key', REQUEST_TIME + 3600);

    // Issue a normal page request and ensure that the cache has been renewed.
    $now = time();
      ->drupalGet($this->fcURL . '?q=node', array(), $this
    $cache = cache_get($key_cache_cid, 'cache_authcache_key');
      ->assertEqual($user_key, $cache->data);
      ->assertTrue($cache->expire >= $now - 3600 * 0.1);
      ->assertTrue($cache->expire <= $now + 3600 * 1.1);

    // Logout and ensure that the key cache is empty.
      ->drupalGet($this->fcURL . '?q=user/logout', array(), $this
    $cache = cache_get($key_cache_cid, 'cache_authcache_key');



Namesort descending Description
AuthcacheBuiltinTestCacheBackend Tests update functionality unrelated to the database.