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function authcache_key_lifetime in Authenticated User Page Caching (Authcache) 7.2

Return the lifetime of authcache keys in seconds.

Defaults to the session.cookie_lifetime INI value. When this function returns zero, client code needs to choose an appropriate method such that the authcache key is stored temporary. For example only as long as a browser is open, or by specifying CACHE_TEMPORARY when the key is stored in a cache bin.

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AuthcacheBuiltinTestCacheBackend::testKeyLoginLogout in modules/authcache_builtin/tests/authcache_builtin.cache-backend.test
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./authcache.module, line 674
Authenticated User Page Caching (and anonymous users, too!)


function authcache_key_lifetime() {
  $lifetime = (int) variable_get('authcache_key_lifetime', ini_get('session.cookie_lifetime'));
  return $lifetime > 0 ? $lifetime : 0;