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12 calls to assets_get_types() in Asset 7

AssetFeedsProcessor::configDefaults in modules/asset_feeds/
Override parent::configDefaults().
assets_get_type in ./asset.module
Returns the asset type of the passed asset or asset type string.
assets_pre_render_text_format in ./asset.module
This function adds a settings required by assets
asset_ckeditor_plugin in ./asset.module
Implements hook_ckeditor_plugin().
asset_field_extra_fields in ./asset.module
Implements hook_field_extra_fields().
asset_menu in ./asset.module
Implements hook_menu().
asset_permission in ./asset.module
Implements hook_permission().
asset_type_get_names in ./asset.module
Returns a list of available asset type names.
asset_type_load in ./asset.module
Menu argument loader; Load an asset type by string.
asset_widget_get_assets_types in modules/asset_widget/asset_widget.module
Provide static storage for enabled asset types.
asset_widget_get_tabs_info in modules/asset_widget/asset_widget.module
Return all possible widget tabs to render.
_assets_form_page_title in ./asset.module
Title callback function.