apdqc_admin_additional_times |
./apdqc.admin.inc |
Return an array of times. |
2 |
apdqc_admin_change_table_collation |
./apdqc.admin.inc |
Convert cache tables collation to utf8_bin/ascii_bin. |
4 |
apdqc_admin_change_table_collation_queries |
./apdqc.admin.inc |
Convert the table to the specified collation. |
4 |
apdqc_admin_change_table_engine |
./apdqc.admin.inc |
Convert cache tables engine to InnoDB. |
3 |
apdqc_admin_convert_innodb_tables_to_files |
./apdqc.admin.inc |
Convert innodb tables to be stored per file. |
1 |
apdqc_admin_convert_semaphore_table_to_innodb |
./apdqc.admin.inc |
Convert semaphore table to InnoDB. |
2 |
1 |
apdqc_admin_convert_tables_indexes |
./apdqc.admin.inc |
Convert table indexes to expire, created. |
1 |
1 |
apdqc_admin_convert_table_collations_to |
./apdqc.admin.inc |
Convert cache table collations. |
3 |
apdqc_admin_convert_table_collations_to_ascii_bin |
./apdqc.admin.inc |
Convert cache table collations to ascii. |
1 |
apdqc_admin_convert_table_collations_to_utf8_bin |
./apdqc.admin.inc |
Convert cache table collations to utf8. |
1 |
apdqc_admin_convert_table_engine_to_innodb |
./apdqc.admin.inc |
Convert table engine to InnoDB. |
1 |
apdqc_admin_convert_table_to_memory |
./apdqc.admin.inc |
Convert semaphore table to MEMORY. |
1 |
1 |
apdqc_admin_devel_admin_settings_form |
./apdqc.admin.inc |
Add the apdqc_verbose_devel_output setting to the devel_admin_settings form. |
1 |
apdqc_admin_get_settings |
./apdqc.admin.inc |
Return the admin settings form for apdqc. |
3 |
apdqc_admin_operations_form |
./apdqc.admin.inc |
Form builder; perform apdqc operations. |
1 |
1 |
apdqc_admin_semaphore_table_need_update |
./apdqc.admin.inc |
See if the semaphore table needs to be updated. |
1 |
apdqc_admin_semaphore_table_update_schema |
./apdqc.admin.inc |
Update the semaphore table schema. |
2 |
1 |
apdqc_admin_sessions_table_duplicates |
./apdqc.admin.inc |
See if the sessions table needs to be updated. |
3 |
apdqc_admin_sessions_table_need_update |
./apdqc.admin.inc |
See if the sessions table needs to be updated. |
1 |
apdqc_admin_sessions_table_update_schema |
./apdqc.admin.inc |
Update the sessions table schema. |
2 |
1 |
apdqc_admin_settings_form |
./apdqc.admin.inc |
Form builder; Configure apdqc settings. |
1 |
apdqc_admin_set_message_if_needed |
./apdqc.admin.inc |
Warn if apdqc.cache.inc is not included in the cache_backends array. |
4 |
apdqc_admin_system_performance_settings_form |
./apdqc.admin.inc |
Add various apdqc settings to the system_performance_settings form. |
1 |
apdqc_after_entity_info_alter |
./apdqc.module |
Implements hook_entity_info_alter(). |
apdqc_apdqc_install_check_boot_exit_hooks_alter |
./apdqc.module |
Implements hook_apdqc_install_check_boot_exit_hooks_alter(). |
apdqc_async_data |
./apdqc.mysql.inc |
Used to get & parse async cached data. |
3 |
3 |
apdqc_before_entity_info_alter |
./apdqc.module |
Implements hook_entity_info_alter(). |
apdqc_boot |
./apdqc.module |
Implements hook_boot(). |
apdqc_convert_cache_index |
./apdqc.admin.inc |
Converts a database index from one form to another. |
3 |
apdqc_create_key_sql |
./apdqc.mysql.inc |
Given a list of database fields; outputs a string for use in db queries. |
1 |
apdqc_cron |
./apdqc.module |
Implements hook_cron(). |
apdqc_ctools_plugin_pre_alter |
./apdqc.module |
Implements hook_ctools_plugin_pre_alter(). |
apdqc_disable |
./apdqc.install |
Implements hook_disable(). |
apdqc_disable_form |
./apdqc.admin.inc |
Disable all form elements. |
1 |
apdqc_drush_command |
./apdqc.drush.inc |
Implements hook_drush_command(). |
apdqc_drush_help |
./apdqc.drush.inc |
Implements hook_drush_help(). |
apdqc_enable |
./apdqc.install |
Implements hook_enable(). |
apdqc_entity_load |
./apdqc.module |
Implements hook_entity_load(). |
apdqc_entity_urls |
./apdqc.module |
Returns an array of entity URL prefixes. |
2 |
apdqc_escape_string |
./apdqc.mysql.inc |
Prepare input for use in a database query, preventing SQL injection attacks. |
24 |
16 |
apdqc_fast_escape_table |
./apdqc.cache.inc |
Restrict a dynamic table, column or constraint name to safe characters. |
4 |
apdqc_fast_get_db_type |
./apdqc.cache.inc |
Returns current database type. mysql is the only usable one currently. |
6 |
apdqc_fast_prefix_tables |
./apdqc.cache.inc |
Append a database prefix to all tables in a query. |
4 |
apdqc_form_devel_admin_settings_alter |
./apdqc.module |
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter(). |
apdqc_form_system_performance_settings_alter |
./apdqc.module |
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter(). |
apdqc_get_bin_class_name |
./apdqc.cache.inc |
Gets the cache class name for a cache bin. |
17 |
apdqc_get_cache_tables |
./apdqc.admin.inc |
Returns a list of all cache tables used. |
6 |
apdqc_get_cache_table_indexes |
./apdqc.admin.inc |
Get all database indexes for the cache tables. |
3 |
apdqc_get_db_object |
./apdqc.mysql.inc |
Return a mysqli object that is ready to be used. |
8 |
6 |
apdqc_get_full_schema |
./apdqc.admin.inc |
Gets the schema definition of the whole database schema. |
5 |