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function apdqc_fast_get_db_type in Asynchronous Prefetch Database Query Cache 7

Returns current database type. mysql is the only usable one currently.

6 calls to apdqc_fast_get_db_type() in ./
A database-mediated implementation of a locking mechanism.
APDQCache::__construct in ./
Constructs a DrupalDatabaseCache object.
apdqc_boot in ./apdqc.module
Implements hook_boot().
apdqc_init in ./apdqc.module
Implements hook_init().
apdqc_requirements in ./apdqc.install
Implements hook_requirements().

... See full list


./, line 187
Extends Drupal's default database cache so async queries happen.


function apdqc_fast_get_db_type() {
  return $GLOBALS['databases']['default']['default']['driver'];