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function apdqc_reap_async_query in Asynchronous Prefetch Database Query Cache 7

Create a new MySQLi connection.


array $db_info: Static var from 'apdqc_get_db_object'.

mysqli $mysqli: mysqlnd connection object. Passed by reference.

array $new_cids: An array of cache IDs.

array $new_tables: An array of table names.

1 call to apdqc_reap_async_query()
apdqc_get_db_object in ./
Return a mysqli object that is ready to be used.


./, line 486
APDQC Database interface code for MySQL database servers.


function apdqc_reap_async_query(array $db_info, mysqli &$mysqli, array $new_cids = array(), array $new_tables = array()) {

  // Get database query logger.
  if (variable_get('devel_query_display', 0) && variable_get('apdqc_verbose_devel_output', APDQC_VERBOSE_DEVEL_OUTPUT)) {
    $logger = Database::getConnection()

    // Start timer if DB logger is enabled.
    if (!empty($logger)) {
      $query_start = microtime(TRUE);

  // Wait for the query to finish.
  $old_tables = $db_info['pool'][$mysqli->thread_id][1];
  $old_cids = $db_info['pool'][$mysqli->thread_id][2];
  $query_result = @$mysqli
  if (!empty($query_result)) {
    apdqc_async_data($query_result, $old_tables, $old_cids);

  // Stop timer & write to the log if DB logger is enabled.
  if (!empty($logger) && is_object($logger)) {
    $logit = FALSE;
    $query_end = microtime(TRUE);
    $data = 'Waiting for ASYNC READ to finish. ';
    if (isset($old_cids['*'])) {
      $old_cids = $old_cids['*'];
    $intersect = array_intersect($old_tables, $new_tables);
    $extra_data = '';
    if (!empty($intersect)) {
      $extra_data .= ' TABLE INTERSECTION on the ' . implode(', ', $intersect) . ' table(s).';
      $extra_data .= ' OLD TABLES ' . implode(', ', $old_tables) . '.';
      $logit = TRUE;
    $intersect = array_intersect($old_cids, $new_cids);
    if (!empty($intersect)) {
      $extra_data .= ' CID INTERSECTION on these cids: ' . implode(', ', $intersect) . '.';
      $extra_data .= ' OLD CID ' . implode(', ', $old_cids) . '.';
      $logit = TRUE;
    $extra_data .= ' Next query lists what closed this query out; a prefetch hit is good.';
    $data .= $extra_data;
    $data = trim($data);
    $extra_data = 'thread_id:' . $mysqli->thread_id . ' ';
    if ($logit) {
      require_once '';
      $statement = new ApdqcFakeDatabaseStatement($data, $extra_data);
        ->log($statement, array(), $query_end - $query_start);