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function _apdqc_apc_get_lock_key in Asynchronous Prefetch Database Query Cache 7

Helper function for getting a cache key for apc.


string $name: The name of the lock.

Return value

string The name of the key.

5 calls to _apdqc_apc_get_lock_key()
_apdqc_lock_acquire in ./
Acquire (or renew) a lock, but do not block if it fails.
_apdqc_lock_may_be_available in ./
Check if lock acquired by a different process may be available.
_apdqc_lock_release in ./
Release a lock previously acquired by lock_acquire().
_apdqc_lock_release_all in ./
Release all locks acquired by this request.
_apdqc_lock_wait in ./
Wait for a lock to be available.


./, line 180
An APC based implementation of a locking mechanism.


function _apdqc_apc_get_lock_key($name) {
  return "apc_lock:{$name}";