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Classes, traits, and interfaces in Apache Solr Search 6.3

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AbstractDrupalSolrOnlineWebTestCase abstract class tests/solr_index_and_search.test 1
ApacheSolrDocument class ./Apache_Solr_Document.php Holds Key / Value pairs that represent a Solr Document along with any associated boost values. Field values can be accessed by direct dereferencing such as: <code> ... $document->title = 'Something'; echo…
ApacheSolrFacetapiAdapter class plugins/facetapi/ Facet API adapter for the Apache Solr Search Integration module.
ApacheSolrFacetapiDate class plugins/facetapi/ Plugin for "date" query types.
ApacheSolrFacetapiGeo class plugins/facetapi/ Plugin for "apachesolr_geo" query types.
ApacheSolrFacetapiNumericRange class plugins/facetapi/ Plugin for "numeric_range" query types.
ApacheSolrFacetapiTerm class plugins/facetapi/ Plugin for "term" query types.
DrupalApacheSolrNodeAccess class apachesolr_access/tests/apachesolr_access.test @file Unit tests for the access control functionalities that are added by apachesolr_access.
DrupalApacheSolrService class ./Drupal_Apache_Solr_Service.php Starting point for the Solr API. Represents a Solr server resource and has methods for pinging, adding, deleting, committing, optimizing and searching.
DrupalApacheSolrServiceInterface interface ./ The interface for all 'Service' objects. 2
DrupalSolrDocumentTest class tests/solr_document.test @file Unit tests for document object methods.
DrupalSolrFilterSubQueryTests class tests/solr_base_subquery.test @file Unit tests for subquery object methods.
DrupalSolrMatchTestCase class tests/solr_index_and_search.test
DrupalSolrNodeTestCase class tests/apachesolr_base.test
DrupalSolrOfflineEnvironmentWebTestCase class tests/apachesolr_base.test @file Unit test class that provides tests for base functionality of the Apachesolr Module without having the need of a Solr Server
DrupalSolrOfflineSearchPagesWebTestCase class tests/apachesolr_base.test @file Unit test class that provides tests for base functionality of the Apachesolr Module without having the need of a Solr Server
DrupalSolrOfflineUnitTestCase class tests/apachesolr_base.test
DrupalSolrOfflineWebTestCase abstract class tests/apachesolr_base.test 2
DrupalSolrOnlineWebTestCase class tests/solr_index_and_search.test 1
DrupalSolrQueryInterface interface ./ The interface for all 'query' objects. 1
DummySolr class tests/Dummy_Solr.php @file Dummy object to simulate a Solr Service
SolrBaseQuery class ./Solr_Base_Query.php
SolrBaseQueryTests class tests/solr_base_query.test Unit tests for query object methods.
SolrFilterSubQuery class ./Solr_Base_Query.php This class allows you to make operations on a query that will be sent to Apache Solr. methods such as adding and removing sorts, remove and replace parameters, adding and removing filters, getters and setters for various parameters and… 1

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