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Classes, traits, and interfaces in Apache Solr Search 6

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Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
DrupalApacheSolrNodeAccess class contrib/apachesolr_nodeaccess/tests/apachesolr_nodeaccess.test @file Tests for the apachsolr_nodeaccess module.
DrupalSolrMatchTestCase class tests/solr_index_and_search.test @file Tests for the apachsolr module: index and search.
DrupalSolrQueryTests class tests/solr_base_query.test JacobSingh: Warning! This test is totally broken because of the addition of the "hash" in apachesolr_search.module. Needs to be moved out.
DrupalSolrSubQueryTests class tests/solr_base_subquery.test @file Tests for the apachsolr module: base subquery.
Drupal_Apache_Solr_Service class ./Drupal_Apache_Solr_Service.php
Drupal_Solr_Query_Interface interface ./apachesolr.module The interface for all 'query' objects. 1
Solr_Base_Query class ./Solr_Base_Query.php

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