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8 calls to apachesolr_entity_get_callback() in Apache Solr Search 6.3

apachesolr_convert_entity_to_documents in ./
The given entity is converted to an array via the callback specified in the entity type's info array. The array that the entity is converted to is the model of the document sent to the Apache Solr server for indexing. This function allows…
apachesolr_entity_update in ./apachesolr.module
Helper function for the hook_nodeapi().
apachesolr_index_config_form_submit in ./
Submit handler for the bundle configuration form.
apachesolr_index_delete_index in ./
Delete the whole index for an environment.
apachesolr_index_get_entities_to_index in ./
Returns an array of rows from a query based on an indexing environment. @todo Remove the read only because it is not environment specific
apachesolr_index_mark_for_reindex in ./
apachesolr_node_type in ./apachesolr.module
Implements hook_node_type().
apachesolr_search_process_response in ./apachesolr_search.module
@todo Make sure the paging works for Drupal 6