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Functions related to Apache Solr indexing operations.

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 * @file
 * Functions related to Apache Solr indexing operations.

 * Processes all index queues associated with the passed environment.
 * An environment usually indexes one or more entity types. Each entity type
 * stores its queue in a database table that is defined in the entity type's
 * info array. This function processes N number of items in each queue table,
 * where N is the limit passed as the second argument.
 * The indexing routine allows developers to selectively bypass indexing on a
 * per-entity basis by implementing the following hooks:
 * - hook_apachesolr_exclude()
 * - hook_apachesolr_ENTITY_TYPE_exclude()
 * @param string $env_id
 *   The machine name of the environment.
 * @param int $limit
 *   The number of items to process per queue table. For example, if there are
 *   two entities that are being indexed in this environment and they each have
 *   their own queue table, setting a limit of 50 will send a maximum number of
 *   100 documents to the Apache Solr server.
 * @return int
 *   The total numer of documents sent to the Apache Solr server for indexing.
 * @see apachesolr_index_get_entities_to_index()
 * @see apachesolr_index_entity_to_documents()
 * @see apachesolr_index_send_to_solr()
function apachesolr_index_entities($env_id, $limit) {
  $documents_submitted = 0;
  $entity_type = 'node';

  // With each pass through the callback, retrieve the next group of nids.
  $rows = apachesolr_index_get_entities_to_index($env_id, $entity_type, $limit);

  // If there are none for this entity type - ignore it.
  if (count($rows)) {
    $documents = array();
    foreach ($rows as $row) {
      $row_documents = apachesolr_index_entities_document($row, $entity_type, $env_id);

      // TODO argument #1 is not an array
      $documents = array_merge($documents, $row_documents);
    $indexed = apachesolr_index_send_to_solr($env_id, $documents);
    if ($indexed !== FALSE) {
      $documents_submitted += count($documents);

      // Check who's the last in line
      $last_row = end($rows);

      // set our last position to the entity id and changed value so we can
      // keep track where we left off
      if (!empty($last_row->changed) && !empty($last_row->entity_id)) {
        apachesolr_set_last_index_position($env_id, $entity_type, $last_row->changed, $last_row->entity_id);
      else {
        $message = 'Failure recording indexing progress. Last entity id processed: %entity_id with timestamp %last_changed';
        $variables = array(
          '%entity_id' => $last_row->entity_id,
          '%last_changed' => $last_row->changed,

        // Add it to watchdog
        watchdog('Apache Solr', $message, $variables, WATCHDOG_ERROR);
      apachesolr_set_last_index_updated($env_id, APACHESOLR_REQUEST_TIME);
  return $documents_submitted;
function apachesolr_index_entities_document($row, $entity_type, $env_id) {
  $documents = array();
  if (!empty($row->status)) {

    // Let any module exclude this entity from the index.
    $build_document = TRUE;
    foreach (module_implements('apachesolr_exclude') as $module) {
      $exclude = module_invoke($module, 'apachesolr_exclude', $row->entity_id, $entity_type, $row, $env_id);

      // If the hook returns TRUE we should exclude the entity
      if (!empty($exclude)) {
        $build_document = FALSE;
    foreach (module_implements('apachesolr_' . $entity_type . '_exclude') as $module) {
      $exclude = module_invoke($module, 'apachesolr_' . $entity_type . '_exclude', $row->entity_id, $row, $env_id);

      // If the hook returns TRUE we should exclude the entity
      if (!empty($exclude)) {
        $build_document = FALSE;
    if ($build_document) {

      // TODO argument #2 is not an array
      $documents = array_merge($documents, apachesolr_index_entity_to_documents($row, $env_id));
  else {

    // Delete the entity from our index if the status callback returned 0
    apachesolr_remove_entity($env_id, $row->entity_type, $row->entity_id);
  return $documents;

 * Returns the total number of documents that are able to be indexed and the
 * number of documents left to be indexed.
 * This is a helper function for modules that implement hook_search_status().
 * @param string $env_id
 *   The machine name of the environment.
 * @return array
 *   An associative array with the key-value pairs:
 *   - remaining: The number of items left to index.
 *   - total: The total number of items to index.
 * @see hook_search_status()
function apachesolr_index_status($env_id) {
  $remaining = 0;
  $total = 0;
  $entity_type = 'node';
  $bundles = apachesolr_get_index_bundles($env_id, $entity_type);
  if (!empty($bundles)) {
    $table = apachesolr_get_indexer_table($entity_type);
    $query = "SELECT count(*)\n      FROM {{$table}} asn\n      WHERE (asn.status = 1) AND (asn.bundle IN (" . db_placeholders($bundles, 'varchar') . "))";
    $total += db_result(db_query($query, $bundles));
    $query = _apachesolr_index_get_next_set_query($env_id, $entity_type, TRUE);
    $remaining += db_result(db_query($query['query'], $query['args']));
  return array(
    'remaining' => $remaining,
    'total' => $total,

 * Worker callback for apachesolr_index_entities().
 * Loads and proccesses the entity queued for indexing and converts into one or
 * more documents that are sent to the Apache Solr server for indexing.
 * The entity is loaded as the user specified in the "apachesolr_index_user"
 * system variable in order to prevent sentive data from being indexed and
 * displayed to underprivileged users in search results. The index user defaults
 * to a user ID of "0", which is the anonymous user.
 * After the entity is loaded, it will be handed over to
 * apachesolr_convert_entity_to_documents() to be converted to an array via
 * the callback specified in the entity type's info array. The array that the
 * entity is converted to is the model of the document sent to the Apache Solr
 * server for indexing. This function allows developers to modify the document
 * by implementing the following hooks:
 * - apachesolr_index_document_build()
 * - apachesolr_index_document_build_ENTITY_TYPE()
 * - apachesolr_index_documents_alter()
 * @param stdClass $item
 *   The data returned by the queue table containing:
 *   - entity_id: An integer containing the unique identifier of the entity, for
 *     example a node ID or comment ID.
 *   - entity_type: The unique identifier for the entity, i.e. "node", "file".
 *   - bundle: The machine-readable name of the bundle the passed entity is
 *     associated with.
 *   - status: The "published" status of the entity. The status will also be set
 *     to "0" when entity is deleted but the Apache Solr server is unavailable.
 *   - changed: A timestamp flagging when the entity was last modified.
 * @param string $env_id
 *   The machine name of the environment.
 * @return array
 *   An associative array of documents that are sent to the Apache Solr server
 *   for indexing.
 * @see apachesolr_index_nodes() for the old-skool version.
function apachesolr_index_entity_to_documents($item, $env_id) {

  // Always build the content for the index as an anonynmous user to avoid
  // exposing restricted fields and such.
  // @todo Uncomment these lines when we're done debugging, since they break dpm().
  global $user;
  $saved_user = $user;

  // Should indexing take place using anon ( default )
  // or as another user
  $uid = variable_get('apachesolr_index_user', 0);
  if ($uid == 0) {
    $user = drupal_anonymous_user();
  else {
    $user = user_load($uid);

  // Pull out all of our pertinent data.
  $entity_type = $item->entity_type;
  $id = $item->entity_id;
  $bundle = $item->bundle;

  // TRUE on reset to bypass static caching and not blow out our memory limit.
  $entity = node_load($item->entity_id, NULL, TRUE);
  if (empty($entity)) {

    // If the object failed to load, just stop.
    return FALSE;
  $documents = apachesolr_convert_entity_to_documents($entity, $entity_type, $env_id);

  // Restore the user.
  $user = $saved_user;
  return $documents;

 * The given entity is converted to an array via the callback
 * specified in the entity type's info array. The array that the entity is
 * converted to is the model of the document sent to the Apache Solr server for
 * indexing. This function allows developers to modify the document by
 * implementing the following hooks:
 * - apachesolr_index_document_build()
 * - apachesolr_index_document_build_ENTITY_TYPE()
 * - apachesolr_index_documents_alter()
 * This function's code has been isolated from
 * apachesolr_index_entity_to_documents() to a separate function to be re-used
 * by apachesolr_multilingual_apachesolr_index_documents_alter().
 * @param object $entity
 *   The entity for which we want a document.
 * @param string $entity_type
 *   The type of entity we're processing.
 * @param string $env_id
 *   The machine name of the environment.
 * @return array
 *   An associative array of documents that are sent to the Apache Solr server
 *   for indexing.
function apachesolr_convert_entity_to_documents($entity, $entity_type, $env_id) {

  // See _apachesolr_index_process_entity_get_document().
  $bundle = $entity->type;

  // Create a new document, and do the bare minimum on it.
  $document = _apachesolr_index_process_entity_get_document($entity, $entity_type);

  //Get the callback array to add stuff to the document
  $callbacks = apachesolr_entity_get_callback($entity_type, 'document callback', $bundle);
  $documents = array();
  foreach ($callbacks as $callback) {

    // Call a type-specific callback to add stuff to the document.
    $documents = array_merge($documents, $callback($document, $entity, $entity_type, $env_id));

  //do this for all possible documents that were returned by the callbacks
  foreach ($documents as $document) {

    // Call an all-entity hook to add stuff to the document.
    module_invoke_all('apachesolr_index_document_build', $document, $entity, $entity_type, $env_id);

    // Call a type-specific hook to add stuff to the document.
    module_invoke_all('apachesolr_index_document_build_' . $entity_type, $document, $entity, $env_id);

    // Final processing to ensure that the document is properly structured.
    // All records must have a label field, which is used for user-friendly labeling.
    if (empty($document->label)) {
      $document->label = '';

    // All records must have a "content" field, which is used for fulltext indexing.
    // If we don't have one, enter an empty value.  This does mean that the entity
    // will not be fulltext searchable.
    if (empty($document->content)) {
      $document->content = '';

    // All records must have a "teaser" field, which is used for abbreviated
    // displays when no highlighted text is available.
    if (empty($document->teaser)) {
      $document->teaser = truncate_utf8($document->content, 300, TRUE);

  // Now allow modules to alter each other's additions for maximum flexibility.
  // Hook to allow modifications of the retrieved results
  foreach (module_implements('apachesolr_index_documents_alter') as $module) {
    $function = $module . '_apachesolr_index_documents_alter';
    $function($documents, $entity, $entity_type, $env_id);
  return $documents;

 * Index an array of documents to solr.
 * @return number indexed, or FALSE on failure.
function apachesolr_index_send_to_solr($env_id, $documents) {
  try {

    // Get the $solr object
    $solr = apachesolr_get_solr($env_id);

    // If there is no server available, don't continue.
    if (!$solr
      ->ping(variable_get('apachesolr_ping_timeout', 4))) {
      throw new Exception(t('No Solr instance available during indexing.'));
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    watchdog('Apache Solr', nl2br(check_plain($e
      ->getMessage())), NULL, WATCHDOG_ERROR);
    return FALSE;

  // Do not index when we do not have any documents to send
  // Send TRUE because this is not an error
  if (empty($documents)) {
    return TRUE;

  // Send the document off to Solr.
  watchdog('Apache Solr', 'Adding @count documents.', array(
    '@count' => count($documents),
  try {
    $docs_chunk = array_chunk($documents, 20);
    foreach ($docs_chunk as $docs) {
    watchdog('Apache Solr', 'Indexing succeeded on @count documents', array(
      '@count' => count($documents),
    return count($documents);
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    if (!empty($docs)) {
      foreach ($docs as $doc) {
        $eids[] = $doc->entity_type . '/' . $doc->entity_id;
    watchdog('Apache Solr', 'Indexing failed on one of the following entity ids: @eids <br /> !message', array(
      '@eids' => implode(', ', $eids),
      '!message' => nl2br(strip_tags($e
    return FALSE;
function _apachesolr_tags_to_index() {
  $tags_to_index = variable_get('apachesolr_tags_to_index', array(
    'h1' => 'tags_h1',
    'h2' => 'tags_h2_h3',
    'h3' => 'tags_h2_h3',
    'h4' => 'tags_h4_h5_h6',
    'h5' => 'tags_h4_h5_h6',
    'h6' => 'tags_h4_h5_h6',
    'u' => 'tags_inline',
    'b' => 'tags_inline',
    'i' => 'tags_inline',
    'strong' => 'tags_inline',
    'em' => 'tags_inline',
    'a' => 'tags_a',
  return $tags_to_index;

 * Extract HTML tag contents from $text and add to boost fields.
 * @param ApacheSolrDocument $document
 * @param string $text
 *   must be stripped of control characters before hand.
function apachesolr_index_add_tags_to_document(ApacheSolrDocument $document, $text) {
  $tags_to_index = _apachesolr_tags_to_index();

  // Strip off all ignored tags.
  $allowed_tags = '<' . implode('><', array_keys($tags_to_index)) . '>';
  $text = strip_tags($text, $allowed_tags);
  preg_match_all('@<(' . implode('|', array_keys($tags_to_index)) . ')[^>]*>(.*)</\\1>@Ui', $text, $matches);
  foreach ($matches[1] as $key => $tag) {
    $tag = drupal_strtolower($tag);

    // We don't want to index links auto-generated by the url filter.
    if ($tag != 'a' || !preg_match('@(?:http://|https://|ftp://|mailto:|smb://|afp://|file://|gopher://|news://|ssl://|sslv2://|sslv3://|tls://|tcp://|udp://|www\\.)[a-zA-Z0-9]+@', $matches[2][$key])) {
      if (!isset($document->{$tags_to_index[$tag]})) {
        $document->{$tags_to_index[$tag]} = '';
      $document->{$tags_to_index[$tag]} .= ' ' . apachesolr_clean_text($matches[2][$key]);

 * Returns a generic Solr document object for this entity.
 * This function will do the basic processing for the document that is common
 * to all entities, but virtually all entities will need their own additional
 * processing.
 * @param stdClass $entity
 *   The entity for which we want a document.
 * @param string $entity_type
 *   The type of entity we're processing.
 * @return ApacheSolrDocument
function _apachesolr_index_process_entity_get_document($entity, $entity_type) {
  module_load_include('php', 'apachesolr', 'Apache_Solr_Document');
  $entity_id = $entity->nid;
  $bundle = $entity->type;
  $document = new ApacheSolrDocument();

  // Define our url options in advance. This differs depending on the
  // language
  $languages = language_list();
  $url_options = array(
    'absolute' => TRUE,
  if (isset($entity->language) && isset($languages[$entity->language])) {
    $url_options['language'] = $languages[$entity->language];
  $document->id = apachesolr_document_id($entity_id, $entity_type);
  $document->site = url(NULL, $url_options);
  $document->hash = apachesolr_site_hash();
  $document->entity_id = $entity_id;
  $document->entity_type = $entity_type;
  $document->bundle = $bundle;
  $document->bundle_name = entity_bundle_label($entity_type, $bundle);
  if (empty($entity->language)) {

    // 'und' is the language-neutral code in Drupal 7.
    $document->ss_language = 'und';
    $path_language = NULL;
  else {
    $document->ss_language = $entity->language;
    $path_language = $entity->language;

  // Hardcoded drupal 6 node path
  $path = 'node/' . $entity->nid;

  // A path is not a requirement of an entity
  if (!empty($path)) {
    $document->path = $path;
    $document->url = url($path, $url_options);

    // Path aliases can have important information about the content.
    // Add them to the index as well.
    if (function_exists('drupal_get_path_alias')) {

      // Add any path alias to the index, looking first for language specific
      // aliases but using language neutral aliases otherwise.
      $output = drupal_get_path_alias($document->path, $path_language);
      if ($output && $output != $document->path) {
        $document->path_alias = $output;
  return $document;

 * Returns an array of rows from a query based on an indexing environment.
 * @todo Remove the read only because it is not environment specific
function apachesolr_index_get_entities_to_index($env_id, $entity_type, $limit) {
  $rows = array();
  if (apachesolr_environment_variable_get($env_id, 'apachesolr_read_only', APACHESOLR_READ_WRITE) == APACHESOLR_READ_ONLY) {
    return $rows;
  $bundles = apachesolr_get_index_bundles($env_id, $entity_type);
  if (empty($bundles)) {
    return $rows;

  // Drupal 6 specifically only supports nodes
  $type = 'node';
  if ($type != $entity_type) {
    return $rows;

  // Get next batch of entities to index
  $query = _apachesolr_index_get_next_set_query($env_id, $entity_type);
  $result = db_query_range($query['query'], $query['args'], 0, $limit);
  $status_callbacks = apachesolr_entity_get_callback($entity_type, 'status callback');
  while ($record = db_fetch_object($result)) {

    // Check status and status callbacks before sending to the index
    if (is_array($status_callbacks)) {
      foreach ($status_callbacks as $status_callback) {
        if (is_callable($status_callback)) {

          // by placing $status in front we prevent calling any other callback
          // after one status callback returned false
          $record->status = $record->status && $status_callback($record->entity_id, $record->entity_type);
    $rows[] = $record;
  return $rows;

 * Delete the whole index for an environment.
 * @param string $env_id
 *   The solr environment indentifier.
 * @param string $entity_type
 *   (optional) specify to remove just this entity_type from the index.
 * @param string $bundle
 *   (optional) also specify a bundle to remove just the bundle from
 *   the index.
function apachesolr_index_delete_index($env_id, $entity_type = NULL, $bundle = NULL) {

  // Instantiate a new Solr object.
  try {
    $solr = apachesolr_get_solr($env_id);
    $query = '*:*';
    if (!empty($entity_type) && !empty($bundle)) {
      $query = "(bundle:{$bundle} AND entity_type:{$entity_type}) OR sm_parent_entity_bundle:{$entity_type}-{$bundle}";
    elseif (!empty($bundle)) {
      $query = "(bundle:{$bundle})";

    // Allow other modules to modify the delete query.
    // For example, use the site hash so that you only delete this site's
    // content:  $query = 'hash:' . apachesolr_site_hash()
    drupal_alter('apachesolr_delete_by_query', $query);

    // Log the query used for deletion.
    watchdog('Apache Solr', 'Deleted documents from index with query @query', array(
      '@query' => $query,
    if (!empty($entity_type)) {
      $rebuild_callback = apachesolr_entity_get_callback($entity_type, 'reindex callback');
      if (is_callable($rebuild_callback)) {
        $rebuild_callback($env_id, $bundle);
    else {
    apachesolr_set_last_index_updated($env_id, APACHESOLR_REQUEST_TIME);
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    watchdog('Apache Solr', nl2br(check_plain($e
      ->getMessage())), NULL, WATCHDOG_ERROR);

 * Internal function that identifies entities that are still due to be indexed.
 * @param string $env_id Environment ID
 * @param string $entity_type
 * @return SelectQuery
function _apachesolr_index_get_next_set_query($env_id, $entity_type, $count = NULL) {
  $table = apachesolr_get_indexer_table($entity_type);
  $last_index_position = apachesolr_get_last_index_position($env_id, $entity_type);
  $bundles = apachesolr_get_index_bundles($env_id, $entity_type);

  // Get $last_entity_id and $last_changed.
  $last_entity_id = $last_index_position['last_entity_id'];
  $last_changed = $last_index_position['last_changed'];

  // Build array of arguments for this query.
  $next_set['args'] = array_merge(array(
  ), $bundles);

  // Find the next batch of entities to index for this entity type.  Note that
  // for ordering we're grabbing the oldest first and then ordering by ID so
  // that we get a definitive order.
  // Also note that we fetch ALL fields from the indexer table
  $query = 'SELECT ';
  $query .= $count ? 'COUNT(*)' : '*';
  $query .= " FROM {{$table}} aie\n      WHERE aie.status = 1 AND ((aie.changed > %d) OR ((aie.changed = %d) AND (aie.entity_id > %d)))\n      AND (aie.bundle IN (" . db_placeholders($bundles, 'varchar') . "))";
  if ($table == 'apachesolr_index_entities') {

    // Other, entity-specific tables don't need this condition.
    $query .= " AND aie.entity_type = '%s'";
    $next_set['args'] = array_merge($next_set['args'], $entity_type);

  // It is important that everything is indexed in order of changed date and then
  // on entity_id because otherwise the conditions above will not match correctly.
  $query .= ' ORDER BY aie.changed ASC, aie.entity_id ASC';
  $next_set['query'] = $query;
  return $next_set;

 * Delete from the index documents with the entity type and any of the excluded bundles.
 * Also deletes all documents that have the entity type and bundle as a parent.
 * @param string $env_id
 * @param string $entity_type
 * @param array $excluded_bundles
 * @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
function apachesolr_index_delete_bundles($env_id, $entity_type, array $excluded_bundles) {

  // Remove newly omitted bundles.
  try {
    $solr = apachesolr_get_solr($env_id);
    foreach ($excluded_bundles as $bundle) {
      $query = "(bundle:{$bundle} AND entity_type:{$entity_type}) OR sm_parent_entity_bundle:{$entity_type}-{$bundle}";

      // Allow other modules to modify the delete query.
      // For example, use the site hash so that you only delete this site's
      // content:  $query = 'hash:' . apachesolr_site_hash()
      drupal_alter('apachesolr_delete_by_query', $query);

      // Log the query used for deletion.
      watchdog('Apache Solr', 'Deleted documents from index with query @query', array(
        '@query' => $query,
      ), WATCHDOG_INFO);
    if ($excluded_bundles) {
    return TRUE;
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    watchdog('Apache Solr', nl2br(check_plain($e
      ->getMessage())), NULL, WATCHDOG_ERROR);
    return FALSE;

 * Delete an entity from the index.
 * Also deletes all documents that have the deleted document as a parent.
 * @param string $env_id
 * @param string $entity_type
 * @param string $entity_id
 * @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
function apachesolr_index_delete_entity_from_index($env_id, $entity_type, $entity_id) {
  static $failed = FALSE;
  if ($failed) {
    return FALSE;
  if (apachesolr_environment_variable_get($env_id, 'apachesolr_read_only', APACHESOLR_READ_WRITE) == APACHESOLR_READ_ONLY) {
    return FALSE;
  try {
    $solr = apachesolr_get_solr($env_id);
    $document_id = apachesolr_document_id($entity_id, $entity_type);
    $query = "id:{$document_id} OR sm_parent_document_id:{$document_id}";
    apachesolr_set_last_index_updated($env_id, APACHESOLR_REQUEST_TIME);

    // Log the query used for deletion.
    watchdog('Apache Solr', 'Deleted documents from index with query @query', array(
      '@query' => $query,
    return TRUE;
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    watchdog('Apache Solr', nl2br(check_plain($e
      ->getMessage())), NULL, WATCHDOG_ERROR);

    // Don't keep trying queries if they are failing.
    $failed = TRUE;
    return FALSE;

 * @param $entity_type
 * @throws Exception
function apachesolr_index_mark_for_reindex($env_id, $entity_type = 'node') {
  foreach (content_types() as $bundle => $entity_info) {
    if (!empty($entity_info['extra']['apachesolr']['index'])) {
      $reindex_callback = apachesolr_entity_get_callback($entity_type, 'reindex callback');
    if (!empty($reindex_callback)) {
      call_user_func($reindex_callback, $env_id, $bundle);
  apachesolr_clear_last_index_position($env_id, $entity_type);
  cache_clear_all('*', 'cache_apachesolr', TRUE);

 * Sets what bundles on the specified entity type should be indexed.
 * @param string $env_id
 *   The Solr core for which to index entities.
 * @param string $entity_type
 *   The entity type to index.
 * @param array $bundles
 *   The machine names of the bundles to index.
 * @throws Exception
function apachesolr_index_set_bundles($env_id, $entity_type, array $bundles) {

  // @todo - need a lock?
  $query = "DELETE FROM {apachesolr_index_bundles} WHERE env_id = '%s' AND entity_type = '%s'";
  db_query($query, array(
  if ($bundles) {
    foreach ($bundles as $bundle) {
      $query = "INSERT INTO {apachesolr_index_bundles} (env_id, entity_type, bundle) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s')";
      db_query($query, array(

// This really should be in core, but it isn't yet.  When it gets added to core,
// we can remove this version.
// @see
if (!function_exists('entity_bundle_label')) {

   * Returns the label of a bundle.
   * @param $entity_type
   *   The entity type; e.g. 'node' or 'user'.
   * @param $entity
   *   The entity for which we want the human-readable label of its bundle.
   * @return
   *   A string with the human-readable name of the bundle, or FALSE if not specified.
  function entity_bundle_label($entity_type, $bundle_name) {
    static $labels = array();
    if (empty($labels)) {
      foreach (content_types() as $bundle => $bundle_info) {
        $labels['node'][$bundle] = !empty($bundle_info['name']) ? $bundle_info['name'] : FALSE;

    // Backport only supports node
    return $labels['node'][$bundle_name];

 * The NODE entity indexing part

 * Builds the node-specific information for a Solr document.
 * @param ApacheSolrDocument $document
 *   The Solr document we are building up.
 * @param stdClass $entity
 *   The entity we are indexing.
 * @param string $entity_type
 *   The type of entity we're dealing with.
function apachesolr_index_node_solr_document(ApacheSolrDocument $document, $node, $entity_type, $env_id) {

  // None of these get added unless they are explicitly in our schema.xml
  $document->label = apachesolr_clean_text($node->title);

  // The call to node_build_content() below will modify the
  // node object. Therefor we need to clone the node object first.
  $build = drupal_clone($node);
  $build->build_mode = NODE_BUILD_SEARCH_INDEX;
  $build = node_build_content($build, FALSE, FALSE);

  // Render it into html
  $text = drupal_render($build->content);
  $document->content = apachesolr_clean_text($text);

  // Adding the teaser
  if (isset($build->teaser)) {
    $document->teaser = apachesolr_clean_text($build->teaser);
  else {
    $document->teaser = truncate_utf8($document->content, 300, TRUE);

  // Author information
  if ($node->uid == 0 || strlen($node->name) == 0) {

    // @see user_validate_name(). !'0' === TRUE.
    $document->ss_name = '0';
  else {
    $document->ss_name = $node->name;

    // We want the name to be searchable for keywords.
    $document->tos_name = $node->name;

  // Index formatted username so it can be searched and sorted on.
  $account = (object) array(
    'uid' => $node->uid,
    'name' => $node->name,
  $username = check_plain($account->name);
  $document->ss_name_formatted = $username;
  $document->tos_name_formatted = $username;
  $document->is_uid = $node->uid;
  $document->bs_status = $node->status;
  $document->bs_sticky = $node->sticky;
  $document->bs_promote = $node->promote;
  $document->is_tnid = $node->tnid;
  $document->bs_translate = $node->translate;

  // Timestamp of the node
  $document->ds_created = apachesolr_date_iso($node->created);
  $document->ds_changed = apachesolr_date_iso($node->changed);

  // Comment counts + time
  if (isset($node->last_comment_timestamp) && !empty($node->comment_count)) {
    $document->ds_last_comment_timestamp = apachesolr_date_iso($node->last_comment_timestamp);
    $document->ds_last_comment_or_change = apachesolr_date_iso(max($node->last_comment_timestamp, $node->changed));
    $document->is_comment_count = $node->comment_count;
  else {
    $document->ds_last_comment_or_change = apachesolr_date_iso($node->changed);

  // Fetch extra data normally not visible, including comments.
  // We do this manually (with module_implements instead of node_invoke_nodeapi)
  // because we want a keyed array to come back. Only in this way can we decide
  // whether to index comments or not.
  $extra = array();
  $excludes = variable_get('apachesolr_exclude_nodeapi_types', array());
  $exclude_nodeapi = isset($excludes[$node->type]) ? $excludes[$node->type] : array();
  foreach (module_implements('nodeapi') as $module) {

    // Invoke nodeapi if this module has not been excluded, for example,
    // exclude 'comment' for a type to skip indexing its comments.
    if (empty($exclude_nodeapi[$module])) {
      $function = $module . '_nodeapi';
      if ($output = $function($node, 'update index', NULL, NULL)) {
        $extra[$module] = $output;

  // Adding the text of the comments
  if (isset($extra['comment'])) {
    $comments = $extra['comment'];

    // Remove comments from the extra fields
    $document->ts_comments = apachesolr_clean_text($comments);

    // @todo: do we want to reproduce apachesolr_add_tags_to_document() for comments?

  // If there are other extra fields, add them to the document
  if (!empty($extra)) {

    // Use an omit-norms text field since this is generally going to be short; not
    // really a full-text field.
    $document->tos_content_extra = apachesolr_clean_text(implode(' ', $extra));

  // Add additional indexing based on the body of each record.
  apachesolr_index_add_tags_to_document($document, $text);

  //  Generic usecase for future reference. Callbacks can
  //  allow you to send back multiple documents
  $documents = array();
  $documents[] = $document;
  return $documents;
function apachesolr_index_node_bundles_changed($env_id, $existing_bundles, $new_bundles) {

  // Nothing to do for now.

 * Reindexing callback for ApacheSolr, for nodes.
 * @param string $env_id
 *   The solr environment
 * @param string|null $bundle
 *   (optional) The bundle type to reindex. If not used
 *   all bundles will be reindexed.
 * @throws Exception
function apachesolr_index_node_solr_reindex($env_id, $bundle = NULL) {
  $indexer_table = apachesolr_get_indexer_table('node');
  try {
    $indexable_bundles = apachesolr_get_index_bundles($env_id, 'node');
    if ($bundle && !empty($indexable_bundles) && !in_array($bundle, $indexable_bundles)) {

      // The bundle specified is not in the indexable bundles list.
      return NULL;

    // in the 6.x-3.x version we are not very respective to what bundles we
    // keep or remove in contrary to the 7.x-1.x version. db layer makes our
    // life complicated
    if ($bundle) {

      // Leave status 0 rows - those need to be
      // removed from the index later.
      db_query("DELETE FROM {{$indexer_table}} WHERE entity_type = 'node' AND bundle = '%s' AND status = 1", $bundle);

      // Mark all nodes of the specified content type for reindexing.
      $query = "INSERT INTO {{$indexer_table}} (entity_id, bundle, status, entity_type, changed) (\n        SELECT n.nid AS entity_id, n.type AS bundle, n.status AS status, 'node' AS entity_type, %d AS changed\n        FROM {node} n WHERE n.type = '%s' AND status = 1)";
      db_query($query, APACHESOLR_REQUEST_TIME, $bundle);
    else {

      // Leave status 0 rows - those need to be
      // removed from the index later.
      db_query("DELETE FROM {{$indexer_table}} WHERE entity_type = 'node' AND status = 1");
      $query = "INSERT INTO {{$indexer_table}} (entity_id, bundle, status, entity_type, changed) (\n        SELECT n.nid AS entity_id, n.type AS bundle, n.status AS status, 'node' AS entity_type, %d AS changed\n        FROM {node} n WHERE status = 1)";
      db_query($query, APACHESOLR_REQUEST_TIME);
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    throw $e;

 * Status callback for ApacheSolr, for nodes.
function apachesolr_index_node_status_callback($entity_id, $entity_type) {

  // Make sure we have a boolean value.
  // Anything different from 1 becomes zero
  $node_status = db_result(db_query("SELECT n.status FROM {node} n WHERE nid = %d", array(
  $status = $node_status == 1 ? 1 : 0;
  return $status;

 * Callback that converts term field into an array
function apachesolr_term_indexing_callback($node, $field_name, $index_key, $field_info) {

  // Keep ancestors cached
  static $ancestors = array();
  $fields = array();
  $vocab_names = array();
  $field_terms = array();
  $vid = $field_info['field']['vid'];
  foreach ($node->taxonomy as $tid => $term) {
    if ($term->vid == $vid) {
      $field_terms[$tid] = $term;
  if (!empty($field_terms) && function_exists('taxonomy_get_parents_all')) {
    foreach ($field_terms as $term) {

      // Triple indexing of tids lets us do effecient searches (on tid)
      // and do accurate per field or per-vocabulary faceting.
      // By including the ancestors to a term in the index we make
      // sure that searches for general categories match specific
      // categories, e.g. Fruit -> apple, a search for fruit will find
      // content categorized with apple.
      if (!isset($ancestors[$term->tid])) {
        $ancestors[$term->tid] = taxonomy_get_parents_all($term->tid);
      foreach ($ancestors[$term->tid] as $ancestor) {

        // Index parent term against the field. Note that this happens
        // regardless of whether the facet is set to show as a hierarchy or not.
        // We would need a separate field if we were to index terms without any
        // hierarchy at all.
        $fields[] = array(
          'key' => $index_key,
          'value' => $ancestor->tid,
        $fields[] = array(
          'key' => 'tid',
          'value' => $ancestor->tid,
        $fields[] = array(
          'key' => 'im_vid_' . $ancestor->vid,
          'value' => $ancestor->tid,
        $name = apachesolr_clean_text($ancestor->name);
        $vocab_names[$ancestor->vid][] = $name;

        // We index each name as a string for cross-site faceting
        // using the vocab name rather than vid in field construction .
        $fields[] = array(
          'key' => 'sm_vid_' . apachesolr_vocab_name($ancestor->vid),
          'value' => $name,

    // Index the term names into a text field for MLT queries and keyword searching.
    foreach ($vocab_names as $vid => $names) {
      $fields[] = array(
        'key' => 'tm_vid_' . $vid . '_names',
        'value' => implode(' ', $names),
  return $fields;

 * Helper function - return a safe (PHP identifier) vocabulary name.
function apachesolr_vocab_name($vid) {
  static $names = array();
  if (!isset($names[$vid])) {
    $vocab_name = db_result(db_query("SELECT FROM {vocabulary} v WHERE v.vid = '%s'", array(
    $names[$vid] = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\\x7f-\\xff]/', '_', $vocab_name);

    // Fallback for names ending up all as '_'.
    $check = rtrim($names[$vid], '_');
    if (!$check) {
      $names[$vid] = '_' . $vid . '_';
  return $names[$vid];

 * Callback that converts list module field into an array
 * For every multivalued value we also add a single value to be able to
 * use the stats
function apachesolr_fields_default_indexing_callback($entity, $field_name, $index_key, $field_info) {
  $fields = array();
  $numeric = TRUE;
  if (!empty($entity->{$field_name})) {
    $field = $entity->{$field_name};
    list($lang, $values) = each($field);
    switch ($field_info['index_type']) {
      case 'integer':
      case 'half-int':
      case 'sint':
      case 'tint':
      case 'thalf-int':
      case 'boolean':
        $function = 'intval';
      case 'float':
      case 'double':
      case 'sfloat':
      case 'sdouble':
      case 'tfloat':
      case 'tdouble':
        $function = 'apachesolr_floatval';
        $numeric = FALSE;
        $function = 'apachesolr_clean_text';
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($values); $i++) {
      $fields[] = array(
        'key' => $index_key,
        'value' => $function($values[$i]['value']),

    // Also store the first value of the field in a singular index for multi value fields
    if ($field_info['multiple'] && $numeric && !empty($values[0])) {
      $singular_field_info = $field_info;
      $singular_field_info['multiple'] = FALSE;
      $single_key = apachesolr_index_key($singular_field_info);
      $fields[] = array(
        'key' => $single_key,
        'value' => $function($values[0]['value']),
  return $fields;
function apachesolr_index_content_text_indexing_callback($entity, $field_name, $index_key, $field_info) {
  $fields = array();
  if (isset($entity->{$field_name})) {
    $index_key = apachesolr_index_key($field_info);
    foreach ($entity->{$field_name} as $field) {
      if ($index_value = isset($field['safe']) && strlen($field['safe']) ? apachesolr_clean_text($field['safe']) : FALSE) {
        $fields[] = array(
          'key' => $index_key,
          'value' => $index_value,
  return $fields;
function apachesolr_index_content_numeric_indexing_callback($entity, $field_name, $index_key, $field_info) {
  $fields = array();
  if (isset($entity->{$field_name})) {
    $index_key = apachesolr_index_key($field_info);
    foreach ($entity->{$field_name} as $field) {
      if ($index_value = isset($field['value']) ? (int) $field['value'] : FALSE) {
        $fields[] = array(
          'key' => $index_key,
          'value' => $index_value,
  return $fields;

 * This function is used during indexing to normalize the DATE and DATETIME
 * fields into the appropriate format for Apache Solr.
function apachesolr_date_default_indexing_callback($entity, $field_name, $index_key, $field_info) {
  $fields = array();
  if (!empty($entity->{$field_name})) {
    $field = $entity->{$field_name};
    foreach ($field as $value) {

      // Construct a Solr-ready date string in UTC time zone based on the field's date string and time zone.
      $tz = new DateTimeZone(isset($value['timezone']) ? $value['timezone'] : 'UTC');

      // $fields may end up having two values; one for the start date
      // and one for the end date.
      if ($date = date_create($value['value'], $tz)) {
        $index_value = apachesolr_date_iso($date
        $fields[] = array(
          'key' => $index_key,
          'value' => $index_value,
        if (isset($value['value2'])) {
          if ($date = date_create($value['value2'], $tz)) {
            $index_value = apachesolr_date_iso($date
            $fields[] = array(
              // The value2 element is the end date. Therefore it gets indexed
              // into its own Solr field.
              'key' => $index_key . '_end',
              'value' => $index_value,
  return $fields;

 * This function is used during indexing to normalize the DATESTAMP fields
 * into the appropriate format for Apache Solr.
function apachesolr_datestamp_default_indexing_callback($entity, $field_name, $index_key, $field_info) {
  $fields = array();
  if (!empty($entity->{$field_name})) {

    // $fields may end up having two values; one for the start date
    // and one for the end date.
    $field = $entity->{$field_name};
    list($lang, $values) = each($field);
    foreach ($values as $value) {
      if (isset($value['value']) && $value['value'] != 0) {
        $index_value = apachesolr_date_iso($value['value']);
        $fields[] = array(
          'key' => $index_key,
          'value' => $index_value,
      if (isset($value['value2']) && $value['value'] != 0) {
        $index_value = apachesolr_date_iso($value['value2']);
        $fields[] = array(
          // The value2 element is the end date. Therefore it gets indexed
          // into its own Solr field.
          'key' => $index_key . '_end',
          'value' => $index_value,
  return $fields;
function apachesolr_floatval($value) {
  return sprintf('%0.20f', $value);

 *  Indexing callback for the node_reference module
 *  by the references module
function apachesolr_nodereference_indexing_callback($entity, $field_name, $index_key, $field_info) {
  $fields = array();
  if (!empty($entity->{$field_name})) {
    $index_key = apachesolr_index_key($field_info);
    foreach ($entity->{$field_name} as $field_references) {
      foreach ($field_references as $reference) {

        // Validate that reference is an array
        // If not, skip this element
        if (!is_array($reference)) {
        if ($index_value = !empty($reference['nid']) ? $reference['nid'] : FALSE) {
          $fields[] = array(
            'key' => $index_key,
            'value' => $index_value,
  return $fields;

 *  Indexing callback for the user_reference module
 *  by the references module
function apachesolr_userreference_indexing_callback($entity, $field_name, $index_key, $field_info) {
  $fields = array();
  if (!empty($entity->{$field_name})) {
    $index_key = apachesolr_index_key($field_info);
    foreach ($entity->{$field_name} as $field_references) {
      foreach ($field_references as $reference) {

        // Validate that reference is an array
        // If not, skip this element
        if (!is_array($reference)) {
        if ($index_value = isset($reference['uid']) && strlen($reference['uid']) ? $reference['uid'] : FALSE) {
          $fields[] = array(
            'key' => $index_key,
            'value' => $index_value,
  return $fields;

 * Additional index utility functions

 * hook_cron() helper to try to make the index table consistent with their respective entity table.
function apachesolr_index_node_check_table() {

  // Check for unpublished content that wasn't deleted from the index.
  $table = apachesolr_get_indexer_table('node');

  // We do not check more nodes than double the cron limit per time
  // Update or delete at most this many in each Solr query.
  $limit = variable_get('apachesolr_cron_mass_limit', 500);
  $result = db_query("SELECT n.nid, n.status FROM {{$table}} aien INNER JOIN {node} n ON n.nid = aien.entity_id WHERE aien.status <> n.status LIMIT 0, %d", array(
    $limit * 2,
  $nodes = array();
  while ($record = db_fetch_array($result)) {
    $nodes[$record['nid']] = $record;
  $node_lists = array_chunk($nodes, $limit, TRUE);
  foreach ($node_lists as $nodes) {
    watchdog('Apache Solr', 'On cron running apachesolr_nodeapi_mass_update() on nids @nids', array(
      '@nids' => implode(',', array_keys($nodes)),
    if (!apachesolr_index_nodeapi_mass_update($nodes, $table)) {

      // Solr query failed - so stop trying.

  // Check for deleted content that wasn't deleted from the index.
  $result = db_query("SELECT aien.entity_id AS nid FROM {{$table}} aien LEFT JOIN {node} n ON n.nid = aien.entity_id WHERE n.nid = NULL LIMIT 0, %d", array(
    $limit * 2,
  $nodes = array();
  while ($record = db_fetch_array($result)) {
    $nodes[$record['nid']] = $record;
  $node_lists = array_chunk($nodes, $limit, TRUE);
  foreach ($node_lists as $nodes) {
    watchdog('Apache Solr', 'On cron running apachesolr_nodeapi_mass_delete() on nids @nids', array(
      '@nids' => implode(',', array_keys($nodes)),
    if (!apachesolr_index_nodeapi_mass_delete($nodes, $table)) {

      // Solr query failed - so stop trying.

 * Mass Update nodes from the solr indexer table
 * @param type $nodes
 * @param type $table
 * @return type
function apachesolr_index_nodeapi_mass_update($nodes, $table = NULL) {
  if (empty($nodes)) {
    return TRUE;
  if (empty($table)) {
    $table = apachesolr_get_indexer_table('node');
  if (apachesolr_environment_variable_get(apachesolr_default_environment(), 'apachesolr_read_only', APACHESOLR_READ_WRITE) == APACHESOLR_READ_ONLY) {
    return TRUE;
  $published_ids = array();
  $unpublished_ids = array();
  foreach ($nodes as $node) {
    if ($node->status) {
      $published_ids[$node->nid] = apachesolr_document_id($node->nid);
    else {
      $unpublished_ids[$node->nid] = apachesolr_document_id($node->nid);
  try {
    $env_id = apachesolr_default_environment();
    $solr = apachesolr_get_solr($env_id);
    apachesolr_set_last_index_updated($env_id, APACHESOLR_REQUEST_TIME);

    // There was no exception, so update the table.
    if (count($published_ids)) {
      $query = "UPDATE {{$table}} asn SET asn.changed = '%s' WHERE asn.entity_id IN (" . db_placeholders($published_ids) . ")";
      db_query($query, array_merge(array(
      ), $published_ids));
    if (count($unpublished_ids)) {
      $query = "UPDATE {{$table}} asn SET asn.changed = '%s', asn.status = 0 WHERE asn.entity_id IN (" . db_placeholders($unpublished_ids) . ")";
      db_query($query, array_merge(array(
      ), $unpublished_ids));
    return TRUE;
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    watchdog('Apache Solr', nl2br(check_plain($e
      ->getMessage())), NULL, WATCHDOG_ERROR);
    return FALSE;

 * Mass delete nodes form the solr indexer tables.
 * @param type $nodes
 * @param type $table
 * @return type
function apachesolr_index_nodeapi_mass_delete($nodes, $table = NULL) {
  if (empty($nodes)) {
    return TRUE;
  if (empty($table)) {
    $table = apachesolr_get_indexer_table('node');
  if (apachesolr_environment_variable_get(apachesolr_default_environment(), 'apachesolr_read_only', APACHESOLR_READ_WRITE) == APACHESOLR_READ_ONLY) {
    return TRUE;
  $ids = array();
  $nids = array();
  foreach ($nodes as $node) {
    $ids[] = apachesolr_document_id($node->nid);
    $nids[] = $node->nid;
  try {
    $env_id = apachesolr_default_environment();
    $solr = apachesolr_get_solr($env_id);
    apachesolr_set_last_index_updated($env_id, APACHESOLR_REQUEST_TIME);

    // There was no exception, so update the table.
    db_query("DELETE FROM {{$table}} WHERE entity_id IN " . db_placeholders($nids), $nids);
    return TRUE;
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    watchdog('Apache Solr', nl2br(check_plain($e
      ->getMessage())), NULL, WATCHDOG_ERROR);
    return FALSE;


Namesort descending Description
apachesolr_convert_entity_to_documents The given entity is converted to an array via the callback specified in the entity type's info array. The array that the entity is converted to is the model of the document sent to the Apache Solr server for indexing. This function allows…
apachesolr_datestamp_default_indexing_callback This function is used during indexing to normalize the DATESTAMP fields into the appropriate format for Apache Solr.
apachesolr_date_default_indexing_callback This function is used during indexing to normalize the DATE and DATETIME fields into the appropriate format for Apache Solr.
apachesolr_fields_default_indexing_callback Callback that converts list module field into an array For every multivalued value we also add a single value to be able to use the stats
apachesolr_index_add_tags_to_document Extract HTML tag contents from $text and add to boost fields.
apachesolr_index_delete_bundles Delete from the index documents with the entity type and any of the excluded bundles.
apachesolr_index_delete_entity_from_index Delete an entity from the index.
apachesolr_index_delete_index Delete the whole index for an environment.
apachesolr_index_entities Processes all index queues associated with the passed environment.
apachesolr_index_entity_to_documents Worker callback for apachesolr_index_entities().
apachesolr_index_get_entities_to_index Returns an array of rows from a query based on an indexing environment. @todo Remove the read only because it is not environment specific
apachesolr_index_nodeapi_mass_delete Mass delete nodes form the solr indexer tables.
apachesolr_index_nodeapi_mass_update Mass Update nodes from the solr indexer table
apachesolr_index_node_check_table hook_cron() helper to try to make the index table consistent with their respective entity table.
apachesolr_index_node_solr_document Builds the node-specific information for a Solr document.
apachesolr_index_node_solr_reindex Reindexing callback for ApacheSolr, for nodes.
apachesolr_index_node_status_callback Status callback for ApacheSolr, for nodes.
apachesolr_index_send_to_solr Index an array of documents to solr.
apachesolr_index_set_bundles Sets what bundles on the specified entity type should be indexed.
apachesolr_index_status Returns the total number of documents that are able to be indexed and the number of documents left to be indexed.
apachesolr_nodereference_indexing_callback Indexing callback for the node_reference module by the references module
apachesolr_term_indexing_callback Callback that converts term field into an array
apachesolr_userreference_indexing_callback Indexing callback for the user_reference module by the references module
apachesolr_vocab_name Helper function - return a safe (PHP identifier) vocabulary name.
_apachesolr_index_get_next_set_query Internal function that identifies entities that are still due to be indexed.
_apachesolr_index_process_entity_get_document Returns a generic Solr document object for this entity.