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function apachesolr_mark_entity in Apache Solr Search 6.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 apachesolr.module \apachesolr_mark_entity()
  2. 7 apachesolr.module \apachesolr_mark_entity()

Mark one entity as needing re-indexing.

3 calls to apachesolr_mark_entity()
apachesolr_access_node_access_records in apachesolr_access/apachesolr_access.module
Implements hook_node_access_records().
apachesolr_comment in ./apachesolr.module
Implements hook_comment().
apachesolr_mark_book_outline_node in ./apachesolr.module
Submit handler for the book outline form.


./apachesolr.module, line 643
Integration with the Apache Solr search application.


function apachesolr_mark_entity($entity_type, $entity_id) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'apachesolr', 'apachesolr.index');
  $table = apachesolr_get_indexer_table($entity_type);
  if (!empty($table)) {
    $query = "UPDATE {{$table}} asn SET asn.changed = '%s' WHERE asn.entity_id = '%s'";
    db_query($query, array(