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function answers_notifications_default_fields in Answers 7.4

Provide the structure for the fields required by answers_notifications.

2 calls to answers_notifications_default_fields()
answers_notifications_install in answers_notifications/answers_notifications.install
Implements hook_install().
answers_notifications_uninstall in answers_notifications/answers_notifications.install
Implements hook_uninstall().


answers_notifications/answers_notifications.install, line 51
Notifications support for Answers.


function answers_notifications_default_fields() {
  $fields = array();

  // Exported field:
  // 'message-new_answer-field_answers_notifications_message_answer'.
  $fields['message-new_answer-field_answers_notifications_message_answer'] = array(
    'field_config' => array(
      'active' => '1',
      'cardinality' => '1',
      'deleted' => '0',
      'entity_types' => array(),
      'field_name' => 'answers_notifications_answer',
      'foreign keys' => array(
        'node' => array(
          'columns' => array(
            'target_id' => 'nid',
          'table' => 'node',
      'indexes' => array(
        'target_id' => array(
          0 => 'target_id',
      'locked' => '0',
      'module' => 'entityreference',
      'settings' => array(
        'handler' => 'base',
        'handler_settings' => array(
          'behaviors' => array(
            'views-select-list' => array(
              'status' => 0,
          'sort' => array(
            'type' => 'none',
          'target_bundles' => array(
            'answers_answer' => 'answers_answer',
        'target_type' => 'node',
      'translatable' => '0',
      'type' => 'entityreference',
    'field_instance' => array(
      'bundle' => 'answers_notifications_new_answer',
      'default_value' => NULL,
      'deleted' => '0',
      'description' => '',
      'display' => array(
        'default' => array(
          'label' => 'hidden',
          'settings' => array(),
          'type' => 'hidden',
          'weight' => '0',
        'message_notify_email_body' => array(
          'label' => 'above',
          'settings' => array(),
          'type' => 'hidden',
          'weight' => 0,
        'message_notify_email_subject' => array(
          'label' => 'above',
          'settings' => array(),
          'type' => 'hidden',
          'weight' => 0,
      'entity_type' => 'message',
      'field_name' => 'answers_notifications_answer',
      'label' => 'message_answer',
      'required' => 1,
      'settings' => array(
        'user_register_form' => FALSE,
      'widget' => array(
        'active' => 1,
        'module' => 'options',
        'settings' => array(),
        'type' => 'options_select',
        'weight' => '1',

  // Exported field:
  // 'message-new_answer-field_answers_notifications_message_question'.
  $fields['message-new_answer-field_answers_notifications_message_question'] = array(
    'field_config' => array(
      'active' => '1',
      'cardinality' => '1',
      'deleted' => '0',
      'entity_types' => array(),
      'field_name' => 'answers_notifications_question',
      'foreign keys' => array(
        'node' => array(
          'columns' => array(
            'target_id' => 'nid',
          'table' => 'node',
      'indexes' => array(
        'target_id' => array(
          0 => 'target_id',
      'locked' => '0',
      'module' => 'entityreference',
      'settings' => array(
        'handler' => 'base',
        'handler_settings' => array(
          'behaviors' => array(
            'views-select-list' => array(
              'status' => 0,
          'sort' => array(
            'type' => 'none',
          'target_bundles' => array(
            'answers_question' => 'answers_question',
        'target_type' => 'node',
      'translatable' => '0',
      'type' => 'entityreference',
    'field_instance' => array(
      'bundle' => 'answers_notifications_new_answer',
      'default_value' => NULL,
      'deleted' => '0',
      'description' => '',
      'display' => array(
        'default' => array(
          'label' => 'hidden',
          'settings' => array(),
          'type' => 'hidden',
          'weight' => '1',
        'message_notify_email_body' => array(
          'label' => 'above',
          'settings' => array(),
          'type' => 'hidden',
          'weight' => 0,
        'message_notify_email_subject' => array(
          'label' => 'above',
          'settings' => array(),
          'type' => 'hidden',
          'weight' => 0,
      'entity_type' => 'message',
      'field_name' => 'answers_notifications_question',
      'label' => 'message_question',
      'required' => 1,
      'settings' => array(
        'user_register_form' => FALSE,
      'widget' => array(
        'active' => 1,
        'module' => 'options',
        'settings' => array(),
        'type' => 'options_select',
        'weight' => '2',

  // Translatables
  // Included for use with string extractors like potx.
  return $fields;