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function answers_lock_example_settings_form_submit in Answers 7.4

Process answers_lock configuration settings.

When the configuration setting changes, reset all question locks. Some *other* module may still want a question locked. If *any* module wants a question locked, then it is locked. Otherwise, it is unlocked.

1 string reference to 'answers_lock_example_settings_form_submit'
answers_lock_example_form_alter in answers_lock_example/answers_lock_example.module
Implements hook_form_alter().


answers_lock_example/answers_lock_example.module, line 93
Example module of the question 'lock'.


function answers_lock_example_settings_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'answers', 'includes/answers.lock');
  $new = $form_state['values']['answers_lock_example_lock_questions_p'];
  $old = $form_state['values']['answers_lock_example_old_lock_questions_p'];
  if ($old != $new) {
    drupal_set_message($new ? 'Questions have been locked.' : 'Questions have been unlocked (unless they are locked for another reason)');