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function hook_anonymous_login_paths_alter in Anonymous login 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 anonymous_login.api.php \hook_anonymous_login_paths_alter()
  2. 8 anonymous_login.api.php \hook_anonymous_login_paths_alter()

Implements hook_anonymous_login_paths_alter().

Alter the list of included and excluded paths for redirection.

Included paths are those that will redirect the user to the login page.

Excluded paths are those that will not redirect the user.


&$paths: An array of paths, keyed with 'included' and 'excluded'.

1 invocation of hook_anonymous_login_paths_alter()
anonymous_login_paths in ./anonymous_login.module
Fetch the paths that should be used when determining when to force anonymous users to login.


./anonymous_login.api.php, line 15


function hook_anonymous_login_paths_alter(&$paths) {

  // Always include user test path.
  $paths['include'][] = 'test';

  // Never redirect on node paths.
  $paths['exclude'][] = 'node/*';