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anonymous_login.api.php in Anonymous login 7

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 8.2 anonymous_login.api.php
  2. 8 anonymous_login.api.php


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 * Implements hook_anonymous_login_paths_alter().
 * Alter the list of included and excluded paths for redirection.
 * Included paths are those that will redirect the user to the login page.
 * Excluded paths are those that will not redirect the user.
 * @param &$paths
 *   An array of paths, keyed with 'included' and 'excluded'.
function hook_anonymous_login_paths_alter(&$paths) {

  // Always include user test path.
  $paths['include'][] = 'test';

  // Never redirect on node paths.
  $paths['exclude'][] = 'node/*';