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function amazon_get_response_groups in Amazon Product Advertisement API 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 amazon.module \amazon_get_response_groups()
  2. 7.2 amazon.module \amazon_get_response_groups()

Allow other modules to alter the list of response groups used when sending an http request. Invoke using the alter hook modulename_amazon_response_groups_alter.

Return value

string Imploded array of response groups, delimetered by commas.

1 call to amazon_get_response_groups()
_amazon_item_batch_lookup_from_web in ./amazon.module
Get 10 or less items from the AWS web service. AWS allows ONLY 10 items, See


./amazon.module, line 921


function amazon_get_response_groups() {
  $response_groups = array(

  // Fire hook_amazon_response_groups_alter().
  drupal_alter('amazon_response_groups', $response_groups);
  return implode(',', $response_groups);