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Files in Amazon Product Advertisement API 7

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description
amazon-detail.tpl.php templates/amazon-detail.tpl.php
amazon-item--book--details.tpl.php amazon_media/amazon-item--book--details.tpl.php Theme the 'amazon-item' 'book' 'details' style. Many, many available variables. See template_preprocess_amazon_item(). Everything that gets put into $variables there is available.
amazon-item--details.tpl.php templates/amazon-item--details.tpl.php Theme the 'amazon-item' 'details' style. Many, many available variables. See template_preprocess_amazon_item(). Everything that gets put into $variables there is available.
amazon-item--dvd--details.tpl.php amazon_media/amazon-item--dvd--details.tpl.php Theme the 'amazon-item' 'dvd' 'details' style. Many, many available variables. See template_preprocess_amazon_item(). Everything that gets put into $variables there is available.
amazon-item--games--details.tpl.php amazon_media/amazon-item--games--details.tpl.php Theme the 'amazon-item' 'games' 'details' style. Many, many available variables. See template_preprocess_amazon_item(). Everything that gets put into $variables there is available.
amazon-item--inline.tpl.php templates/amazon-item--inline.tpl.php Theme the 'amazon_inline_item' type. Available variables:
amazon-item--large.tpl.php templates/amazon-item--large.tpl.php Theme the 'amazon-item' 'large' image style. Many, many available variables. See template_preprocess_amazon_item(). Everything that gets put into $variables there is available.
amazon-item--medium.tpl.php templates/amazon-item--medium.tpl.php Theme the 'amazon-item' 'medium' image style. Many, many available variables. See template_preprocess_amazon_item(). Everything that gets put into $variables there is available.
amazon-item--software--details.tpl.php amazon_media/amazon-item--software--details.tpl.php Theme the 'amazon-item' 'software' 'details' style. Many, many available variables. See template_preprocess_amazon_item(). Everything that gets put into $variables there is available.
amazon-item--thumbnail.tpl.php templates/amazon-item--thumbnail.tpl.php Theme the 'amazon-item' 'thumbnail' image style. Many, many available variables. See template_preprocess_amazon_item(). Everything that gets put into $variables there is available.
amazon-item.tpl.php templates/amazon-item.tpl.php Theme the 'amazon-item' style. Many, many available variables. See template_preprocess_amazon_item(). Everything that gets put into $variables there is available.
amazon-views-view-row-item.tpl.php templates/amazon-views-view-row-item.tpl.php amazon-views-view-row-item.tpl.php Default simple view template to display a single Amazon item. Amazon Admin pages.
amazon.css amazon.css div.field-type-asin { display: block; clear: both; border-top: 2px solid #DDD; padding-top: 3px; } { clear: both; } img { float: left; padding-left: 3px; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-right:… name = Amazon API description = Provides integration with the Amazon Product Advertising API. package = Amazon core = 7.x php = 5.2 configure = admin/config/services/amazon ; views handler files[] =…
amazon.install amazon.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the amazon module. includes/
amazon.module amazon.module includes/ Provide views data and handlers for amazon.module amazon_examples/ amazon_examples/ amazon_examples/ core = "7.x" dependencies[] = "asin" dependencies[] = "features" dependencies[] = "strongarm" dependencies[] = "views" description = "Provides Amazon module CCK type and view as a…
amazon_examples.module amazon_examples/amazon_examples.module amazon_examples/ amazon_examples/ amazon_filter/ name = Amazon Filter description = Lets writers use the [amazon] tag to embed Amazon product information in text. package = Amazon dependencies[] = amazon core = 7.x php = 5.2 configure = admin/config/content/formats
amazon_filter.module amazon_filter/amazon_filter.module amazon_media/ name = Amazon media description = Stores extended Amazon product information for books, music, DVDs, and software. package = Amazon dependencies[] = amazon core = 7.x php = 5.2
amazon_media.install amazon_media/amazon_media.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the amazon_media module.
amazon_media.module amazon_media/amazon_media.module Provides additional behaviors and data type for amazon items which are DVDs, software, video games, music, etc. amazon_media/ Provide views data and handlers for amazon.module amazon_search/ name = Amazon search description = Provides an API for searching Amazon product information, and integration with the Drupal search system. package = Amazon dependencies[] = amazon dependencies[] = search core = 7.x php = 5.2 configure =…
amazon_search.module amazon_search/amazon_search.module Sets up hook_search for Amazon items. amazon_similar/ name = Amazon Similar description = Stores similar product information for amazon products. package = Amazon dependencies[] = amazon core = 7.x php = 5.2
amazon_similar.install amazon_similar/amazon_similar.install amazon_similar.install Install, update and uninstall functions for Amazon Similar module.
amazon_similar.module amazon_similar/amazon_similar.module amazon_similar.module Retrieves and stores a list of similar ASIN numbers for each product. amazon_versions/ name = Amazon Versions description = Stores alternate version information for amazon products. package = Amazon dependencies[] = amazon core = 7.x php = 5.2
amazon_versions.install amazon_versions/amazon_versions.install amazon_versions.install Install, update and uninstall functions for Amazon Versions module.
amazon_versions.module amazon_versions/amazon_versions.module amazon_versions.module Retrieves and stores a list of alternate ASIN numbers for each product. includes/ Provide views handlers for amazon.module
asin.css asin/asin.css p.asin-edit-title { font-size: 90%; font-style: italic; padding-bottom: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px; } asin/ name = Amazon field description = Provides a field for Amazon products. package = Amazon dependencies[] = amazon core = 7.x php = 5.2 configure = admin/structure/types
asin.install asin/asin.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the asin module.
asin.module asin/asin.module Defines a field type for referencing an Amazon product.
CHANGELOG.txt CHANGELOG.txt 7.x-1.1 ======= [#1468204] by willvincent: Move settings to 'Web Services' category in admin. [#1259716] by willvincent: Remove thumbnail image when displaying amazon field with the 'Link to Product' field formatter. [#1724082] by…
README.txt README.txt Amazon.module API Documentation =============================== Please read the handbook documentation at The Amazon package gives Drupal based web sites access to the core features of the Amazon Product Marketing…
THEMING.txt THEMING.txt There is a vast array of theming possibility with Amazon and the Amazon Media module. Most of the theming is done with .tpl.php files. You can copy these .tpl.php files into your theme and modify them: amazon-inline-item.tpl.php a… includes/ includes/ Provide views handler so that Amazon Image can be displayed in the various ways that are available.


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