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Functions in Ajax Blocks 6

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
ajaxblocks_ajax_handler ./ajaxblocks.module Handles AJAX request and returns the content of the appropriate blocks. 1
ajaxblocks_form_block_admin_configure_alter ./ajaxblocks.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter(). Adds AJAX settings to the block configure page.
ajaxblocks_help ./ajaxblocks.module Implements hook_help().
ajaxblocks_install ./ajaxblocks.install Implements hook_install().
ajaxblocks_in_ajax_handler ./ajaxblocks.module Returns TRUE if current operation is block loading via AJAX. May be used by other modules in hook_block() implementations to decide what version of block to return. 1
ajaxblocks_is_ajax ./ajaxblocks.module Returns TRUE if the block is configured to be loaded via AJAX. Block specific settings are also returned. 3
ajaxblocks_json ./ajaxblocks.module Clone of drupal_json() utilizing fast json_encode() function if availible. 1
ajaxblocks_menu ./ajaxblocks.module Implements hook_menu().
ajaxblocks_page_ajax_list ./ajaxblocks.module Stores AJAX block IDs temporarily to pass them from ajaxblocks_preprocess_block() to ajaxblocks_preprocess_page(). 2
ajaxblocks_page_cacheable ./ajaxblocks.module Returns TRUE if current page will be cached (for anonymous or for authenticated users) by Drupal core or by contrib modules (boost and authcache are supported). 1
ajaxblocks_preprocess_block ./ajaxblocks.module Implements hook_preprocess_block().
ajaxblocks_preprocess_page ./ajaxblocks.module Implements hook_preprocess_page().
ajaxblocks_save_settings ./ajaxblocks.module Additional submit handler for block settings form. Saves AJAX settings for the block. 1
ajaxblocks_schema ./ajaxblocks.install Implements hook_schema().
ajaxblocks_uninstall ./ajaxblocks.install Implements hook_uninstall().
ajaxblocks_update_6100 ./ajaxblocks.install Add loader_picture field.
ajaxblocks_update_6101 ./ajaxblocks.install Rename table ajaxblock -> ajaxblocks.
ajaxblocks_update_6102 ./ajaxblocks.install Add fields.
ajaxblocks_update_cache ./ajaxblocks.module Stores AJAX settings for the blocks in the system cache table. 2
_ajaxblocks_drupal_array_diff_assoc_recursive ./ajaxblocks.module Copy of drupal_array_diff_assoc_recursive() from Drupal 7. 1
_ajaxblocks_fix_request_uri ./ajaxblocks.module Internal function which makes request_uri() return correct value when handling AJAX request. 1
_ajaxblocks_in_ajax_handler_impl ./ajaxblocks.module Internal function which sets and returns the flag indicating whether current operation is block loading via AJAX. 2

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