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Files in Ajax Blocks 6

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description
ajaxblocks.css ajaxblocks.css .ajaxblocks-wrapper-1 { background: url(images/loader-1.gif) center center no-repeat; min-height: 16px; } .ajaxblocks-wrapper-2 { background: url(images/loader-2.gif) center center no-repeat; min-height: 16px; } .ajaxblocks-wrapper-3 { … name = Ajax Blocks description = Loads dynamic blocks on cached page for anonymous users by performing AJAX request. package = Cache core = "6.x"
ajaxblocks.install ajaxblocks.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the ajaxblocks module.
ajaxblocks.module ajaxblocks.module Loads dynamic blocks on cached page for anonymous users by performing AJAX request.
README.txt README.txt Ajax Blocks module DESCRIPTION This module gives site administrator the ability to choose which blocks are to be loaded by additional AJAX request after loading the whole cached page itself. The module is suitable for sites which are mostly…

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