function theme_ahah_response_settings_js in AHAH Response 6
Theme function for converting a PHP structure into javascript code embedded in script tags.
1 theme call to theme_ahah_response_settings_js()
- template_preprocess_ahah_response in ./
ahah_response.module - Preprocess variables for an AHAH response
- ./
ahah_response.module, line 57 - Provides a themehook to allow for greater control of the response object sent by modules implementing an AHAH callback.
function theme_ahah_response_settings_js($aSettings) {
// Must jQuery.extend() with the deep parameter; otherwise can clobber
// important settings.
return is_array($aSettings) && !empty($aSettings) ? '<script type="text/javascript">jQuery.extend(true, Drupal.settings, ' . drupal_to_js($aSettings) . ');</script>' : '';