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function template_preprocess_ahah_response in AHAH Response 6

Preprocess variables for an AHAH response


./ahah_response.module, line 34
Provides a themehook to allow for greater control of the response object sent by modules implementing an AHAH callback.


function template_preprocess_ahah_response(&$aVars) {

  // If explicit messages and settings weren't passed in, get them.
  if (!isset($aVars['messages'])) {
    $aVars['messages'] = theme('status_messages');
  if (!isset($aVars['settings'])) {
    $aJavaScript = drupal_add_js(NULL, NULL);
    $aVars['settings'] = isset($aJavaScript['setting']) ? call_user_func_array('array_merge_recursive', $aJavaScript['setting']) : array();

  // Create a default response object. However, modules can implement
  // preprocess functions to alter it, which is one reason we want
  // to retain content, messages, and settings as independant variables.
  $aVars['response'] = array(
    'status' => $aVars['status'],
    'data' => $aVars['messages'] . $aVars['content'] . theme('ahah_response_settings_js', $aVars['settings']),