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advf-forum-post.tpl.php in Advanced Forum 5

Theme implementation: Template for each forum post whether node or comment.

All variables available in node.tpl.php and comment.tpl.php for your theme are available here. In addition, Advanced Forum makes available the following variables:

  • $top_post: TRUE if we are formatting the main post (ie, not a comment)
  • $reply_link: Text link / button to reply to topic.
  • %total_posts: Number of posts in topic (not counting first post).
  • $new_posts: Number of new posts in topic, and link to first new.
  • $links_array: Unformatted array of links.
  • $account: User object of the post author.
  • $name: User name of post author.
  • $author_pane: Entire contents of advf-author-pane.tpl.php.


View source

 * @file
 * Theme implementation: Template for each forum post whether node or comment.
 * All variables available in node.tpl.php and comment.tpl.php for your theme
 * are available here. In addition, Advanced Forum makes available the following
 * variables:
 * - $top_post: TRUE if we are formatting the main post (ie, not a comment)
 * - $reply_link: Text link / button to reply to topic.
 * - %total_posts: Number of posts in topic (not counting first post).
 * - $new_posts: Number of new posts in topic, and link to first new.
 * - $links_array: Unformatted array of links.
 * - $account: User object of the post author.
 * - $name: User name of post author.
 * - $author_pane: Entire contents of advf-author-pane.tpl.php.


if ($top_post) {


  print $topic_header;


  $classes .= $node_classes;
  <div id="node-<?php

  print $node->nid;
  ?>" class="top-post forum-post <?php

  print $classes;
  ?> clear-block">


else {

  $classes .= $comment_classes;
  <div id="comment-<?php

  print $comment->cid;
  ?>" class="forum-post <?php

  print $classes;
  ?> clear-block">


  <div class="post-info clear-block">
    <div class="posted-on">

print $date;


if (!$top_post && !empty($comment->new)) {
        <a id="new"><span class="new">(<?php

  print $new;



if (!$top_post) {
      <span class="post-num"><?php

  print $comment_link . ' ' . $page_link;


  <div class="forum-post-wrapper">

    <div class="forum-post-panel-sub">

print $author_pane;

    <div class="forum-post-panel-main clear-block">

if ($title && !$top_post) {
        <div class="post-title">

  print $title;


      <div class="content">

print $content;


if ($signature) {
        <div class="author-signature">

  print $signature;


  <div class="forum-post-footer clear-block">
    <div class="forum-jump-links">
      <a href="#top" title="Jump to top of page"><?php

print t("Top");


if (!empty($links)) {
      <div class="forum-post-links">

  print $links;
