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23 calls to advanced_forum_add_template_suggestions() in Advanced Forum 6.2

advanced_forum_preprocess_advanced_forum_active_poster in includes/
Preprocesses template variables for the active poster template.
advanced_forum_preprocess_advanced_forum_forum_legend in includes/
Preprocesses template variables for the forum legend template.
advanced_forum_preprocess_advanced_forum_search_forum in includes/
Preprocesses template variables for the forum search form template.
advanced_forum_preprocess_advanced_forum_search_topic in includes/
advanced_forum_preprocess_advanced_forum_statistics in includes/
Preprocesses template variables for the forum statistics template.
advanced_forum_preprocess_advanced_forum_topic_header in includes/
Preprocesses template variables for the topic header template.
advanced_forum_preprocess_advanced_forum_topic_legend in includes/
Preprocesses template variables for the topic legend template.
advanced_forum_preprocess_author_pane in includes/
Preprocesses template variables for the author pane.
advanced_forum_preprocess_comment_wrapper in includes/
advanced_forum_preprocess_forum_icon in includes/
Preprocesses template variables for the forum icon template.
advanced_forum_preprocess_forum_submitted in includes/
Preprocesses template variables for the submitted by/in template.
advanced_forum_preprocess_forum_topic_list in includes/
Preprocesses template variables for the topic list template.
advanced_forum_preprocess_forum_topic_navigation in includes/
advanced_forum_preprocess_views_view_fields__advanced_forum_search in includes/
Preprocesses template variables for the search results template.
advanced_forum_preprocess_views_view_fields__advanced_forum_search_topic in includes/
advanced_forum_preprocess_views_view_forum_topic_list__advanced_forum_topic_list in includes/
advanced_forum_preprocess_views_view__advanced_forum_group_topic_list in includes/
advanced_forum_preprocess_views_view__advanced_forum_topic_list in includes/
_advanced_forum_preprocess_comment in includes/
@file Holds the contents of a preprocess function moved into its own file to ease memory requirements and having too much code in one file.
_advanced_forum_preprocess_forums in includes/
@file Holds the contents of a preprocess function moved into its own file to ease memory requirements and having too much code in one file.
_advanced_forum_preprocess_forum_list in includes/
@file Holds the contents of a preprocess function moved into its own file to ease memory requirements and having too much code in one file.
_advanced_forum_preprocess_node in includes/
@file Holds the contents of a preprocess function moved into its own file to ease memory requirements and having too much code in one file.
_template_preprocess_advanced_forum_topic_list_view in includes/
@file Holds the contents of a preprocess function moved into its own file to ease memory requirements and having too much code in one file.