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Functions in Admin 6

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
admin_enable ./admin.install Implementation of hook_enable().
admin_flush_caches ./admin.module Implementation of hook_flush_caches().
admin_form_menu_edit_item_alter ./ Implementation of hook_form_alter() for menu_edit_item.
admin_form_menu_overview_form_alter ./ Implementation of hook_form_alter() for menu_overview_form.
admin_form_node_admin_content_alter ./ Implementation of hook_form_alter() for node_filter_form.
admin_form_system_admin_theme_settings_alter ./ Implementation of hook_form_alter() for system_admin_theme_settings.
admin_form_user_admin_account_alter ./ Implementation of hook_form_alter() for admin_account_form.
admin_get_links ./admin.module Retrieve the admin links for a given object. 3
admin_get_menu_tree ./admin.module Helper for returning a selectively flattened version of the admin menu. 3
admin_help ./admin.module Implementation of hook_help().
admin_init ./admin.module Implementation of hook_init().
admin_install ./admin.install Implementation of hook_install().
admin_in_active_trail ./admin.module Checks whether an item is in the active trail. Useful when using a menu generated by menu_tree_all_data() which does not set the 'in_active_trail' flag on items. 3
admin_is_enabled ./admin.module Wrapper to check whether various admin features are accessible to the current user and compatible with the current theme. 2
admin_landing_page_access ./admin.module Menu access callback for admin landing pages. 1
admin_menu_alter ./admin.module Implementation of hook_menu_alter().
admin_menu_clone_items ./admin.module Helper to clone portions of the menu tree to a duplicate location. 1
admin_menu_navigation_links ./admin.module Generate a links array from a menu tree array. 3
admin_menu_overview_form_submit ./ Submit handler for the admin menu overview form. 1
admin_menu_tree ./admin.module Retrieve a hierarchy of links representing select portions of the 'admin' branch of the navigation menu. 1
admin_menu_tree_links ./admin.module Build a hierarchy of $links arrays suitable for theme_links() from a menu tree. 1
admin_navigation_primary ./admin.module Generate the 1st level of navigation links under 'admin'. 1
admin_navigation_secondary ./admin.module Generate the 2nd level of navigation links under 'admin/*'. 1
admin_page_alter ./admin.module Page preprocessor that runs before any others (including template_preprocess_page()). Check the theme rebuild flag and do so if necessary. 1
admin_perm ./admin.module Implementation of hook_perm().
admin_preprocess_admin_links toolbar/ Theme function for contextual popups.
admin_preprocess_admin_toolbar toolbar/ Preprocessor for theme('admin_toolbar').
admin_preprocess_block ./admin.module Implementation of hook_preprocess_block().
admin_preprocess_node ./admin.module Implementation of hook_preprocess_node().
admin_preprocess_page ./admin.module Implementation of hook_preprocess_page().
admin_preprocess_views_view ./admin.module Implementation of hook_preprocess_views_view().
admin_system_info_alter ./admin.module Implementation of hook_system_info_alter(). Throw a flag that tells us we need to reinstantiate the admin theme.
admin_theme ./admin.module Implementation of hook_theme(). 2
admin_theme_registry_alter ./admin.module Implementation of hook_theme_registry_alter().
admin_update_6001 ./admin.install Update 6001: Create admin menu.
admin_update_6002 ./admin.install Update 6002: Update theme namespace to 'slate' & clears out any customizations to key admin menu items.
admin_update_6003 ./admin.install Update 6003: Weight admin module.
block_admin_link ./admin.module Implementation of hook_admin_link() on behalf of the block module.
node_admin_link ./admin.module Implementation of hook_admin_link() on behalf of the node module.
slate_admin_block_content theme/template.php Override of theme_admin_block_content().
slate_admin_manage_options theme/template.php Theme function for manage options on admin/content/node, admin/user/user.
slate_fieldset theme/template.php Override of theme_fieldset().
slate_node_add_list theme/template.php Display the list of available node types for node creation.
slate_node_form theme/template.php Override of theme_node_form().
slate_system_settings_form theme/template.php Override of theme_system_settings_form(). Group buttons together @ the bottom.
theme_admin_menu_overview_form ./ Theme the menu overview form into a table.
views_admin_link ./admin.module Implementation of hook_admin_link() on behalf of the views module.
_admin_init_theme ./admin.module Initialize the admin "theme". 1
_admin_theme_rebuild ./admin.module Rebuild the admin theme entry in the database. 4

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