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Files in Admin 6

Primary tabs

File namesort descending Location Namespace Description
admin-links.tpl.php toolbar/admin-links.tpl.php
admin-toolbar.tpl.php toolbar/admin-toolbar.tpl.php name = "Admin" description = "UI helpers for Drupal admins and managers. Includes a special admin theme, custom admin header with JS support, and contextual admin links." package = "Administration" core = 6.x
admin.install admin.install
admin.module admin.module
admin_toolbar-rtl.css toolbar/admin_toolbar-rtl.css /** * Toolbar */ div#admin-toolbar ul.links li, div#admin-toolbar ul.links li a, div#admin-toolbar div.depth-1 ul.links, div#admin-toolbar div.depth-0 #admin-toolbar-admin { float:right; } div#admin-toolbar div.depth-0 #admin-toolbar-user {…
admin_toolbar.css toolbar/admin_toolbar.css /** * Aggressive resets so we can achieve a consistent look in * hostile CSS environments. */ div.admin-links, div#admin-toolbar, div#admin-toolbar * { margin:0px; padding:0px; border:0px; outline:0px; font-size:100%; …
ie6.css theme/ie6.css li, li a, ul.links li, ul.links li a, #page { height:1%; } /* Fieldsets... a nest of headaches */ html.js body.admin fieldset.collapsible, html.js body.admin fieldset { height:1%; } html.js body.admin fieldset.collapsible legend a {…
page.tpl.php theme/page.tpl.php
README.txt README.txt DESCRIPTION =========== The admin module provides UI improvements to the standard Drupal admin interface. It implements some of the ideas being explored for usability improvements in Drupal 7. INSTALLATION ============ 1. Install & enable the…
reset-rtl.css theme/reset-rtl.css /** * Reset RTL * Based on */ html, body, /* Structures */ div, span, applet, object, iframe, /* Text…
reset.css theme/reset.css /** * Reset ============================================================== * Based on */ html, body, /* Structures */ div, span, applet, object, iframe, /* Text… theme/ name = "Slate" description = "Slate theme. Provided/managed by the admin module." version = "0.1" core = "6.x" engine = "phptemplate" stylesheets[screen][] = "reset.css" stylesheets[print][]…
style-rtl.css theme/style-rtl.css body.admin { background:#eee url(page.png) 100% 0px repeat-y; } .limiter { padding:0px 180px 0px 20px; } /** * Generic ============================================================ */ #content ul li, #content dl dd, #content dl dl { …
style.css theme/style.css body.admin { color:#333; background:#eee url(page.png) 0px 0px repeat-y; font:normal 13px/20px "Lucida Grande",Verdana,sans-serif; } a { color:#05a; text-decoration:none; } .reverse { color:#ccc; } .reverse a { color:#fff;…
template.php theme/template.php toolbar/

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