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Functions in Advertisement 7.3

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
ad_bootstrap_full ./ad.module Eventually perform a full Drupal bootstrap. 2
ad_click ./ad.module Callback during a click event. 1
ad_cron_queue_info ./ad.module
ad_delayed_track_impression ./ad.module Worker callback to track the impression from the queue. 1
ad_eck_bundle_info ./ Implements hook_eck_bundle_info().
ad_eck_entity_type_info ./ Implements hook_eck_entity_type_info().
ad_eck_entity_type_insert ./ad.module Implements hook_eck_entity_type_insert().
ad_field_formatter_info ./ Implements hook_field_formatter_info().
ad_field_formatter_view ./ Implements hook_field_formatter_view().
ad_filter_default_formats ./ Implements hook_filter_default_formats().
ad_get_ads ./ad.module Callback for the Ajax request to get ads. 1 1
ad_get_advertisement ./ad.module Load an Ad node from the cache. 1
ad_get_cache ./ad.module Return the eventually cached results of a callback 5
ad_get_cached_view ./ad.module Return a view, eventually from the cache. 1
ad_get_destination ./ad.module Return the destination URL of an ad. 2
ad_get_info ./ad.module Return the info about the node type(s) that implement ads. 3
ad_get_rendered_node ./ad.module Return a node rendered in a certain view mode, possibly from the cache. 1
ad_get_view_view_mode ./ad.module Get the node view mode used in the ad view. 1
ad_increase_denormalized_counter ./ad.module Increase one of the denormalized counters of an ad by one. 2
ad_is_node_ad ./ad.module Return whether a node is used for ads. 2
ad_is_view_ad_enabled ./ad.module Check whether a view is specifically set for ads. 1
ad_load_tracked_event_by_unique_id ./ad.module Load a tracked event by its unique id. 1
ad_menu ./ad.module Implements hook_menu().
ad_menu_local_tasks_alter ./ad.module Implements hook_menu_local_tasks_alter().
ad_modules_enabled ./ad.install Implements hook_modules_enabled().
ad_module_implements_alter ./ad.module Implements hook_module_implements_alter().
ad_node_load ./ad.module Implements hook_node_load().
ad_object_to_array ./ad.module Turn an object into an array, eventually also turning any embedded object. 3
ad_page_alter ./ad.module Implements hook_page_alter().
ad_preprocess_node ./ad.module Implements hook_preprocess_node().
ad_schema ./ad.install Implements hook_schema().
ad_schema_alter ./ad.module Implements hook_schema_alter().
ad_session_get ./ 2
ad_session_get_cookie_name ./ 2
ad_session_start ./ @file Code for the ad cookie tracking. 1
ad_track_event ./ad.module Track an event, like a click or an impression. 2
ad_ui_ad_info modules/ad_ui/ad_ui.module Implements hook_ad_info().
ad_ui_block_info modules/ad_ui/ad_ui.module Implements hook_block_info().
ad_ui_block_view modules/ad_ui/ad_ui.module Implements hook_block_view().
ad_ui_ctools_plugin_api modules/ad_ui/ Implements hook_ctools_plugin_api().
ad_ui_drush_command modules/ad_ui/ Implements hook_drush_command().
ad_ui_drush_help modules/ad_ui/ Implements hook_drush_help().
ad_ui_ds_custom_fields_info modules/ad_ui/ Implements hook_ds_custom_fields_info().
ad_ui_ds_field_settings_info modules/ad_ui/ Implements hook_ds_field_settings_info().
ad_ui_ds_layout_settings_info modules/ad_ui/ Implements hook_ds_layout_settings_info().
ad_ui_ds_view_modes_info modules/ad_ui/ Implements hook_ds_view_modes_info().
ad_ui_field_default_field_bases modules/ad_ui/ Implements hook_field_default_field_bases().
ad_ui_field_default_field_instances modules/ad_ui/ Implements hook_field_default_field_instances().
ad_ui_node_info modules/ad_ui/ Implements hook_node_info().
ad_ui_strongarm modules/ad_ui/ Implements hook_strongarm().


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