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function ad_object_to_array in Advertisement 7.3

Turn an object into an array, eventually also turning any embedded object.

This is done because when a object is retrieved from the cache, and a full bootstrap was not performed, class autoloading fails, and the resulting object is incomplete.


$object: The object to be turned into the array.

Return value

array The resulting array.

3 calls to ad_object_to_array()
ad_get_cache in ./ad.module
Return the eventually cached results of a callback
ad_get_destination in ./ad.module
Return the destination URL of an ad.
_ad_flatten in ./ad.module
Flatten a structure into an array suitable to be the base of a cache id.


./ad.module, line 671
Core code for the ad module.


function ad_object_to_array($object) {
  static $known_objects;
  if (is_object($object)) {

    // Don't consider objects which can't be serialized, like Queries.
    if ($object instanceof Query) {
    elseif (!empty($known_objects) && array_search(serialize($object), $known_objects)) {
    else {

      // Avoid recursion.
      $known_objects[] = serialize($object);
      $object = (array) clone $object;
  if (is_array($object)) {
    $array = array();
    foreach ($object as $key => $val) {
      $array[$key] = ad_object_to_array($val);
  else {
    $array = $object;
  return $array;