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Functions in Advertisement 6.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
ad_owners_default_permissions owners/ad_owners.module Return array default permissions. 3
ad_owners_form_alter owners/ad_owners.module Implementation of hook_form_alter().
ad_owners_install owners/ad_owners.install ad_external module installation.
ad_owners_menu owners/ad_owners.module Implementation of hook_menu().
ad_owners_nodeapi owners/ad_owners.module Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
ad_owners_overview owners/ad_owners.module TODO: Make this themeable. TODO: Group permissions by module. TODO: Allow modules to define default value for permission. 1
ad_owners_perm owners/ad_owners.module Implementation of hook_perm().
ad_owners_permission owners/ad_owners.module Determine whether the user has a given privilege. 1 1
ad_owners_schema owners/ad_owners.install Implementation of hook_schema().
ad_owners_settings_submit owners/ad_owners.module Submit handler for global settings of all ad types. 1
ad_owners_theme owners/ad_owners.module Implementation of hook_theme().
ad_owners_uninstall owners/ad_owners.install Allow complete uninstallation of the ad_external module. Implementation of hook_uninstall
ad_owner_permissions_form owners/ad_owners.module Display a form with all available permissions and their status for the selected ad and ad owner. 1
ad_owner_permissions_form_submit owners/ad_owners.module Store the ad owner's updated permissions in the ad_permissions table.
ad_owner_remove_form owners/ad_owners.module Removes ad owner from an ad. 1
ad_owner_remove_form_submit owners/ad_owners.module Remove the ad owner, and all associated permissions.
ad_owner_remove_form_validate owners/ad_owners.module Don't allow the removal of the primary owner of the advertisement.
ad_perm ./ad.module Implementation of hook_perm().
ad_permission ./ad.module Determine whether the user has a given privilege. 10 2
ad_rebuild_cache ./ad.module Force the cache to be flushed. 2
ad_redirect ./ad.module Update click counter then redirect host to ad's target URL. 1
ad_remote_form remote/ad_remote.module A simple page providing source snippets for displaying ads on remote websites. When form is being submitted, it rebuilds with needed code snippet. 1
ad_remote_form_submit remote/ad_remote.module Tell the form to rebuild.
ad_remote_form_validate remote/ad_remote.module Form validator.
ad_remote_menu remote/ad_remote.module Implementation of hook_menu().
ad_remote_perm remote/ad_remote.module Implementation of hook_perm().
ad_report_adapi report/ad_report.module Ad module hook_adapi.
ad_report_admin report/ad_report.module 2
ad_report_admin_ad_table report/ad_report.module Generate a table reporting on the selected advertisements. Returns an array of ad NIDs in $ads. 1 1
ad_report_admin_display report/ad_report.module Display the administrative report. 1
ad_report_admin_submit report/ad_report.module Redirect to a path to generate the requested report.
ad_report_admin_validate report/ad_report.module Sanity check the date range.
ad_report_bargraph report/ad_report.module Page to display ad with bargraph. 1
ad_report_bargraph_access report/ad_report.module Menu system callback, determine if current user can generate reports. 1
ad_report_bargraph_handler report/ad_report.module 1
ad_report_generate_bargraph report/ad_report.module Page that utilizes the Google chart api to generate a bargraph. 2
ad_report_menu report/ad_report.module Implementation of hook_menu().
ad_report_perm report/ad_report.module Drupal hook_perm implementation.
ad_report_range_form report/ad_report.module Return a form for selecting a date range for generating a report. 1
ad_report_range_form_submit report/ad_report.module Redirect to URL for displaying report.
ad_report_range_form_validate report/ad_report.module Validate the form range.
ad_report_update_6001 report/ad_report.install Rebuild the menu to support new paths.
ad_schema ./ad.install Ad module database schema.
ad_select_adtype ./ad.module Ad type switch submit handler. 1
ad_statistics ./ Calculate statistics for the given advertisements. TODO: Introduce caching to make this more efficient. 2 3
ad_statistics_increment ./ad.module Increment action counter. 6
ad_status_array ./ad.module Return an array with all status values user has permission to set. A user with 'administer advertisements' permission can update any status. 2
ad_text_access text/ad_text.module Implementation of hook_access().
ad_text_adapi text/ad_text.module Implementation of hook_adapi().
ad_text_display_ad text/ad_text.module Function used to display the selected ad. 2


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