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Functions in Advertisement 6.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
ad_html_access html/ad_html.module Implementation of hook_access().
ad_html_adapi html/ad_html.module Implementation of the ad module's _adapi hook.
ad_html_display_ad html/ad_html.module Function used to display the selected ad. 2
ad_html_help html/ad_html.module Implementation of hook_help().
ad_html_install html/ad_html.install ad_html module installation.
ad_html_node_form html/ad_html.module Adapi helper function for displaying a node form. 1
ad_html_node_view html/ad_html.module Helper function, display the html ad as a node. 1
ad_html_schema html/ad_html.install Implementation of hook_schema().
ad_html_theme html/ad_html.module Implementation of hook_theme().
ad_html_uninstall html/ad_html.install Allow complete uninstallation of the ad_html module.
ad_image_access image/ad_image.module Implementation of hook_access().
ad_image_active_file image/ad_image.module Determine the currently active ad. 1
ad_image_adapi image/ad_image.module Implementation of hook_adapi(). 1
ad_image_display_ad image/ad_image.module Function used to display the selected ad. 1
ad_image_format_load image/ad_image.module Loads image format object from DB. 1
ad_image_global_settings image/ad_image.module Image ad settings form.
ad_image_global_settings_submit image/ad_image.module Save min and max image width and height values for ad groups. 1
ad_image_help image/ad_image.module Implementation of hook_help().
ad_image_install image/ad_image.install ad_image module installation.
ad_image_load_image image/ad_image.module Returns image object from given ad node. 1
ad_image_node_form image/ad_image.module Adapi helper function for displaying a node form. 1
ad_image_node_view image/ad_image.module Adapi helper function for displaying ad itself. 1
ad_image_schema image/ad_image.install Implementation of hook_schema().
ad_image_theme image/ad_image.module Implementation of hook_theme().
ad_image_uninstall image/ad_image.install Allow complete uninstallation of the ad_image module.
ad_image_update_6001 image/ad_image.install Introduce remote_image field for remotely hosted images.
ad_image_update_6002 image/ad_image.install Introduce remote_image field for remotely hosted images.
ad_image_validate_size image/ad_image.module Validate that the size of the uploaded image is within the defined limits. 2
ad_init ./ad.module Implementation of hook_init.
ad_install ./ad.install Ad module installation.
ad_link_attributes ./ad.module Ad API Helper Function: Append all necessary attributes to <a> tags. 2
ad_link_nofollow ./ad.module Ad API Helper Function: Append rel="nofollow" if globally enabled. 1 2
ad_link_target ./ad.module Ad API Helper Function: Provide XHTML-strict-compatible target window onclick-handlers based on global configuration. 1 3
ad_menu ./ad.module Implementation of hook_menu().
ad_menu_add_global_settings ./ad.module Load settings for all ad modules. Those modules, who don't have their settings form, will get a standard one. 1
ad_multiple_delete_confirm ./ Display a form to confirm whether to really delete the selected ads. 1
ad_multiple_delete_confirm_submit ./ Perform the actual ad deletions.
ad_nodeapi ./ad.module Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
ad_node_info ./ad.module Implementation of hook_node_info().
ad_noindex_meta ./ad.module Add the noindex meta tag. 1
ad_no_global_settings ./ Empty page for ad_type modules that don't define a global settings page. This way admins can still set default permissions for this ad type. 2
ad_operations_callback ./ Callback function for admin mass approving ads. TODO: Update activated and expired when appropriate. TODO: Publish/unpublish nodes when appropriate. 1
ad_owners_access owners/ad_owners.module Menu item access callback. 1
ad_owners_adaccess owners/ad_owners.module Determine whether the ad owner has a given privilege.
ad_owners_adapi owners/ad_owners.module Implementation of hook_adapi().
ad_owners_add owners/ad_owners.module Add an owner to an ad. 3
ad_owners_add_form owners/ad_owners.module A simple form for adding new users as owners of ads. 1
ad_owners_add_form_submit owners/ad_owners.module
ad_owners_add_form_validate owners/ad_owners.module
ad_owners_create_hostid owners/ad_owners.module Create a unique host id for each ad owner, used when displaying ads remotely. 2


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