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Functions in Advertisement 5.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
ad_memcache_get cache/memcache/ Get a value from memcache. 7
ad_memcache_increment cache/memcache/ Increment a numerical value in memcache. 1
ad_memcache_increment_map cache/memcache/ Update mapping which allows us to quickly find stats in memcache when feeding them into the database. 1
ad_memcache_init cache/memcache/ Decrement a numerical value in memcache. TODO: Use the same configuration style as Drupal's memcache module, supporting multiple memcache servers, etc. 7
ad_memcache_lock cache/memcache/ Get a lock in memcache. 2
ad_memcache_set cache/memcache/ Store a value in memcache. 3
ad_memcache_unlock cache/memcache/ Release a lock in memcache. 2
ad_menu ./ad.module Implementation of hook_menu().
ad_multiple_delete_confirm ./ad.module Display a form to confirm whether to really delete the selected ads. 1
ad_multiple_delete_confirm_submit ./ad.module Perform the actual ad deletions.
ad_nodeapi ./ad.module Drupal _nodeapi hook.
ad_node_info ./ad.module
ad_notify_adapi notify/ad_notify.module Adapi _hook implementation.
ad_notify_adnotifyapi notify/ad_notify.module
ad_notify_adowners notify/ad_notify.module Adowners _hook().
ad_notify_confirm_delete notify/ad_notify.module Confirm deletion of a specified notification from the database. 1
ad_notify_confirm_delete_page notify/ad_notify.module Display confirm form. 1
ad_notify_confirm_delete_submit notify/ad_notify.module Delete a specified notification from the database.
ad_notify_confirm_delete_validate notify/ad_notify.module Validate that the selected notification can be deleted.
ad_notify_cron notify/ad_notify.module Drupal _cron() hook. For performance reasons, all notifications are actually sent via this cron hook.
ad_notify_help notify/ad_notify.module Implementation of hook_help().
ad_notify_install notify/ad_notify.install Ad_notify module database schema. Copyright (c) 2007 Jeremy Andrews <> All rights reserved.
ad_notify_load_notification notify/ad_notify.module Load a specified notification from the database, return as an object. 2
ad_notify_menu notify/ad_notify.module Implementation of hook_menu().
ad_notify_overview notify/ad_notify.module Function stub. 1
ad_notify_overview_submit notify/ad_notify.module
ad_notify_overview_validate notify/ad_notify.module Validate ad notifications before saving to database.
ad_notify_send_mail notify/ad_notify.module Send email notifications using PHP mail() function. 1
ad_notify_uninstall notify/ad_notify.install Allow complete uninstallation of the ad_notify module.
ad_notify_update_1 notify/ad_notify.install
ad_notify_update_2 notify/ad_notify.install Convert to utf8 character set for all tables to allow for proper internationalization.
ad_no_global_settings ./ad.module Empty page for ad_type modules that don't define a global settings page. This way admins can still set default permissions for this ad type. 2
ad_operations_callback ./ad.module Callback function for admin mass approving ads. TODO: Update activated and expired when appropriate. TODO: Publish/unpublish nodes when appropriate. 1
ad_perm ./ad.module Drupal _perm hook. Establishes permissions used by this module.
ad_permission ./ad.module Stub for ad_permission module, used to determine whether the user has a given privilege. If the ad_permission module is not enabled, all permissions are granted. 13 1
ad_permission_check permission/ad_permission.module Determine whether the user has a given privilege. 1 1
ad_permission_create_hostid permission/ad_permission.module Create a unique host id for each ad owner, used when displaying ads remotely. 3
ad_permission_defaults_submit permission/ad_permission.module Submit handler for global settings of all ad types.
ad_permission_form_alter permission/ad_permission.module Drupal _form_alter() hook.
ad_permission_install permission/ad_permission.install Ad module permissions system database schema. Copyright (c) 2008 Jeremy Andrews <>.
ad_permission_is_owner permission/ad_permission.module 1
ad_permission_menu permission/ad_permission.module @file Provide granular permissions for advertisements.
ad_permission_nodeapi permission/ad_permission.module Drupal _nodeapi hook.
ad_permission_owner permission/ad_permission.module Display a form with all available permissions and their status for the selected ad and ad owner. 1
ad_permission_owners_add permission/ad_permission.module Add an owner to an ad. 4
ad_permission_owners_overview permission/ad_permission.module TODO: Make this themeable. TODO: Group permissions by module. TODO: Allow modules to define default value for permission. 1
ad_permission_owner_add_form permission/ad_permission.module A simple form for adding new users as owners of ads. 1
ad_permission_owner_add_form_submit permission/ad_permission.module
ad_permission_owner_add_form_validate permission/ad_permission.module
ad_permission_owner_remove permission/ad_permission.module 1


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